Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 32

United States of America, 27th January 2009

It was a Tuesday and until then, David had stayed shut up in his great-grandfather’s house in New York. he was getting ready for a formal presentation to the whole world; and he had decided that the best way to do this would be through interviews on television channels and other media outlets. David had invitations from all over the world, but he wanted his first interview to be on the oprah Winfrey Show, as she was a woman he admired and he felt had positive energy. Added to which her program had one of the highest audience ratings on the planet. David knew too that many of the invitations were intended to test him or even to make fun of what he had done, but this wasn’t the case with oprah.

David arrived at the TV studio in good time, accompanied by his grandfather Thomas. There was a big crowd waiting at the entrance.

People from all over wanted to see David. They were eagerly trying to get close to him. As soon as Thomas and his grandson entered the building they were welcomed by the producers and taken to a comfortable dressing-room. A few minutes later one of the 273


producers called David on to the platform. His grandfather was to sit in the front row of the audience.

Oprah was saying:

‘Videos of him have had more than two billion hits the world over. The video of him healing a tetraplegic girl has deeply moved people throughout the planet. We found out recently that this boy, who is only sixteen, is the great-grandson of New York’s Governor George Griffin. Come on up, David Griffin!’

David crossed the floor with his head down, shy and retiring as ever. On the big screen behind the presenter they were showing the video of him healing the girl Amy.

The audience rose to applaud David as he entered. The producers tried to quieten the audience down, but they couldn’t stop the clapping, which went on for more than two minutes. There were many people crying.

‘Hello, David. Welcome, and thank you for accepting my invitation.’ oprah gave David a tight hug.

‘Thank you, Ms Winfrey, I’m the one to thank you for inviting me.’

‘Please call me Oprah.’

‘oK, thanks, oprah.’ David gave a big smile, and the ice was broken.

‘David, tell me, the whole world wants to know how you healed that little girl, and if it was really you who did it. People are in two minds, and even the Catholic Church has had its say. It says it investigated the case and found no evidence of a miracle.’

‘If I may, oprah, I’d like to take advantage of being here to reveal some stuff. What i reveal may shock people and many of them won’t believe what i’m going to say.’



‘Please, David, the stage is yours. Reveal away.’

‘Well, as some of you know, my grandfather, sitting there in the front row, is a great scientist. He isn’t famous only because when my mother died he made up his mind to give up research. But in 1993 he decided to create a clone. i am that clone.’

‘A clone? My God! How come, David? Tell us more… You’re a clone of who?’

‘Who before me healed people the way I did?’

‘Well, as far as I know, before you, only Jesus Christ.’

‘exactly so. i am a clone of Jesus Christ.’

The audience was puzzled. They began to mutter to each other and oprah’s expression was one of incredulity, wondering if she was dealing with a madman.

‘David, you can’t be serious. Let’s say you’re telling the truth.

Where could your grandfather have found the genetic material to clone you?’

‘Let me explain. My grandfather’s whole family is descended from Mary Magdalene, who was Jesus’ wife and had a daughter with him.

When Jesus was crucified, Mary was three months pregnant with a baby girl who was to be called sarah. At that time an angel appeared to Joseph of Arimathaea and gave him a cylinder. he said he should fill it with the blood of Jesus and that our Lord would be reborn from that blood. he also said that the cylinder should stay with the family of Jesus, and that Christ would be reborn from the womb of one of his descendants. Joseph of Arimathaea hid the cylinder in the chalice that Jesus used at the last supper. People know this chalice as the Holy Grail. Sixteen years ago the cylinder was opened and my grandfather used the blood in it to create the clone of Jesus. The 275


embryo was brought to term in his daughter sarah’s womb. sarah was my mother and she died in the 9/11 attacks. In short, the Holy Grail was the chalice that concealed the blood and the lineage of Jesus. his clone could only be born from the womb of a member of the family, and in this way Christ’s line has been preserved till now.’

‘My God, David, but that story’s quite surreal, it’s unbelievable!

And where are the chalice and the cylinder now?’

‘Here they are,’ answered David, taking the chalice with the broken handle and the gold and silver cylinder out of a small bag he was carrying, and handed them to the presenter. ‘This is the chalice and the cylinder.’

‘Good Lord, it really is very like the chalice of the Last Supper! I don’t know what to say. So, are you saying you’re Jesus and that you possess all his powers?’

‘No, I’m not Jesus, I’m David. Let’s say I’m Jesus’ twin brother, but born in another age. And Jesus still exists.’

‘But David, what’s the point of all this? Why did your grandfather clone Jesus and why did you heal that girl?’

‘oprah, I have a mission on earth and that mission is to prepare mankind for Jesus’ return. The healing serves only so that people can see i am speaking the truth and so that they will listen to what i say. if i turned up at the door of your studio claiming to be a clone of Jesus, you’d have me put away, wouldn’t you?’

‘We certainly would. in any other situation you wouldn’t have a hope of being believed.’

‘The same thing happened with Jesus. he needed people to believe in him, so he healed them. And he only healed those who really deserved it, like me.’



‘And how can you tell who deserves to be healed and who doesn’t?’

‘That’s easy. By the person’s energy. Everyone possesses energy.

in fact everything in the world and in the universe consists of energy, and I can feel people’s energy. If the person has done good things during his or her lifetime, if they were good, their energy is automatically good; if they were evil, they will have stored up negative energy.’

‘Nevertheless, millions of people need healing…’

‘Yes, but there’s no way I can heal them all. on the other hand, if they have really led good lives, they will be healed when Jesus returns. All i’m doing is anticipating a few cures.’

‘David, explain to us how the cure is done. Do you have special powers? Is it something you use?’

‘Remember that I said the whole universe consists of energy? Well, then. All I do is transfer my energy to the sick person. My energy is stronger, and it makes their body start producing chemical reactions that give them the ability to heal themselves. in fact any human being can cure himself; the problem is that most of them don’t realize they have that ability and they depend on medicines or herbs.’

‘David, could you heal someone here today?’

‘Of course. i see that you have invited three people who are paralyzed and four blind people.’

‘Actually we didn’t invite them. They signed up to take part in the program like everyone else, so it wasn’t arranged. Don’t think we’re trying to test you. Perform a cure only if you feel this is what you should do.’

‘Right, oprah. As I said, however, it depends on the person’s own energy. That’s how i know if someone deserves to be healed or 277


not. Among the sick people here only three deserve to get well. The others don’t, because they don’t have positive energy.’

‘Could you point out which of the three in wheelchairs can’t be healed, and why?’

‘The why i couldn’t tell you now. All i know is that i can’t heal two of them, the two on the left, the bald man and the woman. Look, I’m not saying you’re bad people, nothing of the sort. You could be good, normal people, but you just haven’t accumulated enough positive energy to merit a cure,’ said David, indicating the two in wheelchairs, a man and a woman who sat there with closed expressions, indignant at the boy’s accusations.

‘Well, let’s talk to them. Give them the microphone.’

‘What do you do, sir?’ asked David.

‘I’m retired and I had an accident. But I’m a good person, I’ve never hurt anyone or killed anyone.’

‘Do you have any vices?’

‘Yes, I’ve been a smoker for more than thirty years and I was once an alcoholic.’

‘Then it must be that. Look, cigarette and drink are bad things that attack our bodies. People who smoke or drink or use any type of drug are slowly killing themselves and this makes their energy negative. But there is a solution. If you give up your vices now, your energy will get stronger and when the time comes, you will be saved. There’s still time.’

‘Got it, David. And what about this lady, let’s see what she’s got to say.’

‘oprah, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I’ve always treated people well, I don’t understand why he says I don’t have positive energy,’

said the woman, who was angry about David’s accusation.



‘You work or used to work in your lifetime? Doing what?’ asked David, quietly and unassumingly.

‘Before my accident I worked at a refrigeration plant.’

‘What did you do there?’

‘i helped slaughter the cattle and the chickens.’

‘That explains her case, too, oprah. She used to murder animals.

That’s a very serious thing. i was surprised when she said she was a good person, because her energy is very sluggish. A good person doesn’t kill animals. Anyone who makes a living from that and isn’t remorseful will build up a very negative charge of energy.’

‘But, David, she did that to feed people.’

‘Yes, I understand. But very few people, even those who don’t like animals, are capable of killing them. She could do it and she made it her job.’

‘Do you mean to say that people who eat meat have negative energy?’

‘Not altogether. Most people eat meat because they have been used to it since they were small. These people kill involuntarily and think of the meat they eat as an industrial food product and not as a dead animal. See here, oprah, what I mean is that people who mistreat animals, or kill animals, are bad people with negative energy, even if they treat other people well. I say again, mistreating animals, which are living beings like us, is as bad as mistreating a person, and what makes it worse is that they are defenseless against us. You can be sure that people who treat animals badly will never enter the kingdom of Jesus, they will not be saved and they will burn on earth together with satan. There are many ways of mistreating an animal, not just by hurting it or killing it. If you 279


buy a pet and then abandon it or give it away you are treating it badly. if you buy an animal and then leave it tied up in a tiny space or on a chain, that too is ill-treatment. People are mistreating animals when they make slaves of them or put them in cages for other people’s entertainment. People who wear fur coats or leather shoes are mistreating animals - only cows’ leather should be used, as the animal has already been slaughtered to serve as food. so people who do any of these things are building up negative energy in themselves, and they’ll never be saved.’

‘Fur coats, David? It’s just as well I don’t wear them!’

‘Yes, fur coats. I can’t credit that people wear fur coats to dress themselves up, at the expense of pure creatures’ suffering. It’s one thing to use animal skins to keep warm, like people did in the olden days; it’s quite another to use furs for ostentation or beautification.

it’s a total absurdity.’

‘Got it, David. Truly, people who mistreat animals are hateful – I always say so on my program.’

‘And oprah, we can’t forget people who have birds in a cage at home. Or even reptiles in aquariums. This is wrong. No one has the right to deprive an animal of its freedom, whatever type of animal it is, even an insect. And it’s wrong to use animals to test cosmetics, and to use them just anyhow as guinea-pigs. It’s one thing to test for diseases, and quite another to use animals in experiments that don’t bring any good to mankind.

‘There are many examples, but it all begins at home, with pets. If you want to have the chance to be saved, treat your pets very well, just like you would want to be treated, treat them as if they were people, humans. No human being is any better than an animal on 280


earth. Would you like it if a superior race started killing humans to eat? How would you feel about that? We have thousands of types of foodstuffs not made from animals, so why do you need to eat meat? Today there is meat made from soya, just as good as animal meat.’

‘Are you a vegetarian, David?’

‘Yes, definitely.’

‘But what about milk products and other animal derivatives?’

‘i see no harm in consuming them. These days dairy cows are very well treated. it’s all a question of buying things from a reputable source, of knowing where they come from – in the case of milk, you should know if it’s from a farm that mistreats its animals or if it’s from one of those where the cows listen to classical music and are given massages, for example. Everything’s relative. As long as what you consume isn’t produced through an animal’s suffering, then you can eat it.’

‘Not to mention that a meat-free diet is healthier.’

‘Indeed. Gandhi said once that the greatness of a nation is measured by the way it treats its animals. i would rephrase that and say that the goodness of a person is measured by the way that person treats animals.’

‘Right, then let’s get back to healing. The third one, the other man in a wheelchair, can you heal him?’

‘Yes, he’s already healed.’

‘Already healed?’ oprah’s eyes widened and she looked at the young man in the wheelchair.

‘From the moment i got here didn’t you feel pins and needles in your legs?’ David asked the paralytic.



‘Yes, I did. I feel it a little from time to time, but today it was stronger.’

‘oK then, as you’re wearing long trousers you won’t have noticed it, but your muscles started developing and now you can walk. Try moving your legs.’

All the studio cameras were on the young man in the wheelchair and the audience got to its feet to see if he could really move his legs.

The young man made an effort to move his legs and little by little they started to react. he started sobbing when he saw what his legs were doing. The audience was stunned at the sight and many of them start to cry.

‘What’s your name?’ David asked the young man, who was tall and thin, looking to be about thirty years old.

‘My name’s Richard,’ the other replied, weeping.

‘Richard, you are healed. GET uP and WALK towards me,’ said David in a forceful tone.

The young man supported himself on the arms of the wheelchair to try and get up, and when they saw he was having difficulty the producers went to help him. Then he stood up and started walking towards David. He could walk by himself, slowly. oprah was open-mouthed and crying at the sight. The audience was silent, not believing its eyes. The viewers reacted the same way – millions of people were silent, watching live what David had just done.

There was a commotion both in and outside the harpo studios. All the people were crying, shouting and hugging each other in their emotional state. David got up and the young man gave him a long, tight hug. Then the young man got down on his knees in front of 282


David and began to kiss his feet. David was embarrassed and leant down and pulled the young man up.

‘My God, David, you really are who you say you are,’ said oprah.

I’ve got no doubt about that now. I’m honored to be the first to welcome you. Our audience ratings are the highest in the program’s history. Thank you!’

‘oprah, to wrap this up, let me say that two of the four blind people can now see. All they have to do is open their eyes and take off their dark glasses.’

At once everyone turned towards the four blind people who were sitting side by side in the second row. A girl and a young man twisted their heads round and started touching the things in front of them; they could see again and they were crying. realizing that they could really see the audience erupted. They wept. Oprah wept. The tumult inside the studios redoubled. People at home couldn’t believe what they were seeing. The blind had had their sight restored.

‘I know your sight may still be a bit cloudy, rather foggy. That’s normal, your eyes have to get used to the light and everything.’

With the producers’ help, the two of them went up to David to thank him for what he had done, embracing him and kissing him.

‘But David, how did you do that without touching them? In the YouTube video you touch the girl Amy. she appeared on my program and explained what had happened.’

‘This time, oprah, the sickness wasn’t very serious, and the lesions weren’t bad, so I could direct my energy to them through my thoughts, during the course of the program. That was all it took to heal them. In Amy’s case the lesions were very serious, so it took a lot more energy to be able to heal her.’



‘God bless you, David. I’m sure no one has any more doubts about who you are and what your mission here is.’

‘That’s what I hope too, oprah: that people believe in me. I hope they will follow me and realize that truly all i say will come to pass. We have set up an internet site where people can find out what is going on, and what is going to happen. We are setting up an order. It’s as if it was a new religion, but it isn’t really a religion, as people of other religions can take part without changing their beliefs. All that’s needed is for them to be good people, that they are thirsty for the truth, that they treat other people and animals well, and that they are keen to help. It’s an order that will unite people from all over the world, people who believe in Jesus, in the real Jesus that I will reveal to you, and that want to be a part of it.

The order is called Arammu; and our website is All the people throughout the world who are accepted into the order of Arammu will be taking part in something very big. They will all be like brothers, and all the brothers will have as their mission to bring love to others and to humanity. love: that’s what Arammu means in our mother language, the Sumerian tongue, the first language that humans learnt to communicate in.’

‘i want to see your website. As soon as the program’s over i’ll access David, I’d like to know if you can come to the program again tomorrow, to continue our chat, as our time’s up now.’

‘Of course i can. it’ll be an honor for me. so tomorrow i’ll be back and finish telling people what they need to know.’

‘Thank you, David. Thanks for accepting our invitation. That’s all for today, but tomorrow we’ll be back with David Griffin. Don’t miss it.’