Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 33

The Vatican, one hour later.

The broad corridors of the Apostolic Palace echoed a symphony of hurried steps which one by one went silent, as they entered a great hall at the end of a long corridor. As soon as there was silence, they heard the sound of a heavy wooden door slam shut and of a key turning. several cardinals were meeting in the hall after getting an extraordinary summons from the Pope. in no time the hall was full, and all the cardinals and important people connected to the Pontiff were there for the meeting behind closed doors. The men took their places and the murmuring ceased as the Pope came in, accompanied by his personal secretary and the Vatican spokesman.

‘Father Vitorio has just shown me an interview on the internet, given an hour ago on a television program in the united states. i think many of you must have seen this interview,’ said the Pope, getting the meeting underway.

Most of the cardinals raised their hands in assent. The internet video had spread like a virus all through Vatican City.



‘i never thought to see anything of the sort in my lifetime. i have heard of miracles, but nothing compared to this. This is why we are here at this extraordinary meeting, to decide what to do,’ said the Pope in a worried tone.

‘Holy Father, before this meeting some of us were discussing the case. some colleagues and i believe that we are dealing with a trickster. We think it’s no more than theater got up by this boy,’

said one of the cardinals, getting up.

‘Please sit down, Cardinal, don’t get excited. We have to think calmly about all this. how do you think that something shown on television could be a set-up? The program the boy was interviewed on is a serious one. i don’t think they would allow anything like that,’ retorted another cardinal who was seated beside the Pope.

‘And what if the people that boy said he had healed were his accomplices? How can we be sure?’ responded the first cardinal, and the muttering began again.

‘Gentlemen, gentlemen, calm down. I beg you, remain calm,’ said a third cardinal.

‘Brother, how can we explain the healing of that girl? We sent an investigator who confirmed that the child was really tetraplegic.

And what if the boy is really telling the truth and he is truly a clone of Jesus?’ wondered another who was seated further to the rear.

‘Brothers, there is nothing in our documents to suggest that there might have been any trace of DNA in the chalice used by Jesus. We know that Jesus’ blood was collected in the wooden chalice, but even if it had spilt through some crack, it would still have been impossible to conserve the DNA,’ said one of the priests who was there.



‘To tell the truth, brother, that is not absolutely so,’ replied the Pope. ‘This fact isn’t known to you, but we have in our possession the DNA of Jesus.’

everyone in the room was silent and frightened.

‘Could Your Holiness explain that?’

‘Do you remember that we managed to collect a fraction of the DNA of Jesus on one of the splinters of the cross, which has been in our possession for centuries?’ replied the Pope.

‘Yes, but the DNA extracted was partial. The chain was broken.’

‘That is so. But do you remember that we recovered the spear of destiny, that was in Hitler’s collection, after his death? It was left to us in a soldier’s will.’

‘We remember that, but no DNA was found on the spear.’

‘You are wrong, DNA was found. I too was unaware of this until i was ordained. it has been kept secret. luckily the spear was very well preserved by the people who had possession of it over the centuries. On its handles some designs are carved and in the carvings we collected samples of Jesus’ DNA. The DNA was also partial, but by uniting the chains we obtained a complete one,’ said the Pope, and the news made everyone in the hall very excited.

‘But, Your Holiness, how could this be kept from us? This is an outrage. We should have access to this information,’ said one of the cardinals in amazement.

‘Calm yourself, brother, this information is very dangerous. If what we learnt from the DNA was generally known, we should have a lot of explaining to do.’

‘And what was discovered in the DNA, Holiness?’



‘My brothers, we learnt that the DNA we found is not human, nor belonging to any race known on this planet,’ said the Pope, causing more uproar in the hall.

‘Then those documents that we keep so well concealed about the origin of Jesus are actually true? Jesus is a being from another world?’

‘True, brother. The interpretation given to the secret documents, which were nearly destroyed, was right. Jesus is not of this world.

And if that were to become public knowledge nowadays, they would say that Jesus is an alien or something of the sort. That would put the Holy Church at risk,’ explained the Pope; and then one of the cardinals began to speak.

‘Excuse me for interrupting, Your Holiness. Even if DNA was found inside the Holy Grail, it seems unlikely that at the time the boy was conceived anyone would have been able to clone a being with DNA which doesn’t even belong to this world. Man only succeeded in cloning a mammal in 1996.’

‘The brother is correct. And for this reason i believe that this boy is a fraud,’ concluded the Pope. ‘Now we have to find a way of discrediting him, or else the Church may suffer harm.’

‘Holy Father, our problem is solved. All we have to do it to tell the world that we have the DNA of Jesus in our possession and confront the boy with it. Make him undergo a test and this will prove he is a fake,’ one cardinal proposed.

‘And what if the boy agrees to take the test? The world will know that Jesus’ DNA isn’t human,’ retorted another.

‘i don’t think the boy will accept. he won’t want to run the risk of being discredited. He will invent some excuse, saying that he 288


doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone, as various fraudsters we know about have done over the centuries when they were put to the test,’ the cardinal who had proposed the test answered back.

‘It is a very good idea, brother. In any case, we can insist on confidentiality from the people that do the DNA test. We will include in the contract that the laboratory may divulge only whether the DNA is the same as the boy’s or not, nothing more,’ said the Pope.

‘But, Your Holiness, the press will say that the DNA in our possession isn’t that of Jesus.’

‘Before we hand over the sample of DNA for the test, we will announce how it came into our possession and we will let the scientific community, without analyzing it, certify what we have and how we came by it,’ answered another cardinal.

‘It’s settled, then. It’s been announced that tomorrow the boy will be back on television. Get in touch with the producers of the program and tell them that we want to appear live, by video-conference, to make the proposal to the boy. But don’t let anyone know in advance, or he’ll be able to prepare for it. Father Vitorio, you will be responsible for the matter and you will be the one to speak live on the program. Keep me informed of everything that happens and tomorrow, after the transmission, we will meet again here in this hall,’ decreed the Pope. After giving the instructions he got up and left. After he had gone, tumult reigned again in the great hall.

Cardinals Felix and Everaldo, the two members of the Illuminati, looked at each other and exchanged smiles. They had got the Pope to adopt their plan and they were sure the boy would be discredited, just as the grand master of the Illuminati desired. The latter still 289


had no idea of their plan, having merely ordered the men to do everything in their power, without specifying what this should be.