Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 35

Some weeks later

All the press was gathered in front of the DNA Diagnostic Center in Manhattan. There were hundreds of journalists, photographers and cameramen trying to find a space in front of the building where the official result of David Griffin’s DNA test would be announced, comparing it with the DNA that the Vatican alleged was Jesus Christ’s. Apart from the journalists, the road was blocked by police, to prevent a surge of thousands of people who also wanted to know the result of the test at first hand, live. But only the press was allowed to be there. After a two-hour wait beyond the time scheduled for the Diagnostic Center’s announcement, Dr. Ellen House approached the stage that had been set up, full of microphones, to give the final result. She was wearing a white jacket and in her hand she carried a red envelope. The envelope was sealed, and she began to tear it open. The laboratory had employed a firm of auditors to witness the whole examination process and two men in suits and ties, employees of the auditing firm, followed Dr. House closely.

Many uS and foreign television channels were broadcasting the 301


proceedings live. Dr. House took a piece of paper out of the red envelope. She took a step forwards to be nearer to the microphones, put on her glasses and slowly began to read the result.

‘In accordance with samples of DNA furnished to our team by the Vatican, in the presence of two auditors, and compared with the blood collected from Mr. David Griffin, we are pleased to announce that the result of the test was 99.999% compatibility, in other words, the DNA samples belong to the same person or to identical twin siblings.’

The journalists went ballistic and all of them started putting questions at the same time. Meanwhile, the people who were watching the news and who believed in David felt relieved and very happy at the result. some unbelievers began to invent conspiracy theories and suchlike, yet others yielded to the truth and repented of the mistaken judgment they had made. Benjamin uggae was watching the BBC in his office, in Switzerland, and was extremely annoyed at the result. Weeks earlier, when he had learnt that the two cardinals had proposed the DNA test, he almost had them both killed, but nothing further could be done: the Pope had taken the decision and no intervention on his part would have been able to stop the test in time. It had never occurred to him that the Vatican might possess the DNA of Jesus, or he himself would have stolen it.

‘There’s nothing more to be done. The boy won this round,’ thought Benjamin, accepting the fact that he had failed in discrediting David before the population of the world. ‘Now i have to concentrate on getting my master back, that’s the only way that I shall have eternal life.’ Benjamin now would have to concern himself with the preparations for December of 2012, and with the particle accelerator that 302


would be used to open the gateway between the universe where enlil was in exile and this one. The experiments with the accelerator had not been conclusive up till now. Benjamin’s job was to convince the most powerful nations in the world to invest in the largest particle accelerator ever known and to pursue the project, so that the instrument should be ready to operate at maximum thrust in December of 2012.

‘Doctor, is there a chance that the test is not 100% effective?’

asked a journalist.

‘As I said, the test is 99.999% precise. In other words, yes, there is a discrepancy of 0.001% between the two DNAs. However, three tests were done, with three different samples from the two donors, and they all gave the same result.’

‘Doctor, how secure is the testing procedure? Who can guarantee they were not switched?’ asked another journalist.

‘We engaged a firm of auditors who were present at all stages of the test. in addition we stepped up our own security. The samples did not remain unattended for a single minute, so I can confidently say that it’s impossible for any type of fraud to have been committed. Later on the firm that carried out the audit will make a copy of its report available to the press. Nor can we forget that the whole process was filmed and the films have been kept, and can be made available if there is any suspicion of fraud. Next question.’

‘Doctor, can you confirm that the DNA analyzed is not human DNA?’

‘This I cannot reveal, as we were contracted only to give an opinion as to whether the samples were or were not compatible.




‘Doctor, based on this result can you confirm that David Griffin is a clone of Jesus?’

‘All we did was analyze the DNA; it’s not for us to say who is a clone of whom. If I replied in the affirmative I would be saying that the DNA collected in the Vatican is in fact from Jesus Christ, but that is something I cannot confirm, as I have no way of saying whose DNA that is. All I can say is that the DNA in the possession of the Vatican is identical to Mr. David Griffin’s DNA.’

‘Do you think it’s really possible that David may be a clone?’

‘Cloning is perfectly possibly these days. Even at the time Mr.

Griffin was born it was already possible. All I can say is that, if he is not a clone of the person whose genetic material was deposited on the Vatican’s artifact, then either he is that person’s twin brother or the person himself.’

‘Doctor, what could happen to Dr. Thomas Griffin, who was responsible for David’s cloning?’

‘That’s a question I can’t answer. But my own opinion is this: if in fact he created a human clone, he should win the Nobel Prize. I don’t think any punishment will be meted out, as the united States does not have any sort of law prohibiting the cloning of a being.

Thank you all for your attention, my time is now up. Goodbye,’ said Dr. Ellen House, turning her back and heading towards the exit of the building.

A long time went by. David had created a sort of universal religion which accepted people from all over the world. he made no distinction between Jews, evangelicals, Catholics. The people could continue worshipping as their own religions taught and at 304


the same time become members of the Arammu order, whose name in Sumerian means “love”. Love was precisely what David was preaching throughout the world. Love of one’s neighbor, of animals, of nature. Human beings should love in order to become better people. This way mankind would be lifted on to a new level of greatness, and would finally evolve. Even though David accepted people of all religions, a good part of the members preferred to give up their old beliefs and instead follow only the teaching and principles proposed by Arammu. There were more than five hundred million faithful in the whole world. The Catholic Church had lost nearly forty percent of its followers. several other Christian religions also lost thousands.

Arammu attracted more and more people, preaching love and revealing the truth about the gods of old and the future of mankind.

Furthermore, within the order the people were instructed always to help one another, whatever situation they were in. This created a great sense of family and brotherhood. People helped one another and nobody deceived anybody. Those who entered the Order were really prepared to change their lives and their principles. if a brother from the order in China visited the united states and had nowhere to stay, he would be easily accommodated in the house of another brother. If a brother was unemployed, he could find a job in another brother’s company. If a brother’s tire blew out on the highway, he could find help straight away, from another brother who was driving past. The synergy between members was enormous; and their only purpose was to carry the word of love to other people and to bring others into the order, with the intention of helping to spread the knowledge and the philosophy it taught. unlike the 305


traditional churches, Arammu asked no one for money, but even so the members contributed because they knew that the order needed money to grow and to build temples where the brothers could meet. All the order’s books were open to the members via the internet. Every member had access to all the expenses, and none of the money was used improperly to enrich any particular person. in addition to the Christians who joined the order, thousands of Jews and Muslims, as well as people of other non-Christian religions, enrolled themselves in the philosophy of love. And the members joined together to perform charitable works. They took food to the hungry and medicines to places without access to them. The people identified themselves with the principles of the new order. If all the people on earth were to follow the principles of the members of Arammu, they would be ready to evolve.

At a time when David, through his order, was working to save people throughout the world, his enemies were working behind the scenes to bring Satan back. Time was short, but there was nothing else for David to do. The only thing that was in his power to do was to spread the knowledge to the people, so that when Satan appeared they would not believe in him. Time was passing and David knew that when the moment came the world would no longer be the same.

Famine, disease and war were coming. But this had been foretold from the earliest times.


“Dear Reader: After the next chapter, there are two more chapters to the end of this volume. If you want to read the last two chapters, buy the full version for only 0,99 in Kindle version or 15,00 in paperback.

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