Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 36

New York, 20th December 2012

Maria was walking hurriedly, a cup of coffee in her hand, towards the building where she worked as a daily maid. That day, she was cleaning the apartment of the ex-governor of New York, George Griffin, in Manhattan. As George lived alone with his wife, and his faithful guardian, John, had died a year earlier, he had decided not to have any more servants. He had retired from politics, and a daily maid cleaned the house twice a week. That was enough, as the couple divided their time between the Manhattan top-floor apartment and their country house in Alaska. Maria hurried into the building, as she was late, and George, who was methodical as ever, didn’t like his staff arriving late. When the elevator stopped at the top floor and the door opened, giving a view of the inside of the living room, Maria could see there was a terrible mess. ‘My God, those damned kids spent the weekend here, look at the state of the 307


place.’ Maria was referring to George’s great-grandchildren, who used to visit him with their parents at the weekends. As she walked down the corridor she saw that the mess was worse than usual.

Everything was very quiet, which wasn’t usual, as George always had the television on to follow the news. As she slowly approached the living room she saw that some of the furniture was broken and that chairs were flung upside down. ‘My God, has there been a robbery?’ With every step she took, Maria got more worried. When she got to the middle of the living room, what she saw froze her to the spot. instinctively she gave a cry which the downstairs neighbor could hear. The ex-governor was lying on the floor with blood all over his body. He was wearing a bath-robe and a pair of Bermuda shorts. The ninety-year-old’s face was disfigured, as if he had been beaten. Maria plucked up her courage and approached George, who was not making a sound. she put her ear to his heart and could not feel it beating. she ran out and called the police.

‘Hallo? For the love of God, send an ambulance. Mr. George is all hurt.’

‘Take it easy, lady. We’ve identified your address and a police car and an ambulance are on their way. Please, calm down and tell me exactly what happened.’

‘It’s Mr. George… I got here and found the house turned upside down. i think he’s dead!’

‘You’re saying that Mr. George Griffin is dead?’ The policeman on the line had checked the name of the owner of the apartment on his computer.

‘But it wasn’t me, I swear! I got here and he was like that,’ said Maria, afraid of being accused of being an illegal immigrant.



‘Easy, lady. The police are on their way. If you want to leave the crime scene, wait outside the apartment till they arrive.’

‘oK I’ll wait.’

The police arrived in less than five minutes. An officer confirmed that George was indeed dead. Seconds later a team of paramedics arrived and started the procedure to try to revive George. The basic procedure was unsuccessful and so the paramedics decided to leave the body where it was, until the arrival of the scene of crime experts.

As they were dealing with an important person, the police informed the FBI, who arrived some minutes later and sealed off the area. The investigators started to collect evidence and items which might lead to clues.

As George had been beaten to death the chances of the attacker’s DNA being on his body were good. Charlotte Rowe was the FBI agent on the scene, and she reached down to take out an instrument which was inside a bag attached to her belt. The instrument was a DNA scanner, a novelty which only the FBI used. The scanner was capable of detecting types of DNA on a surface, and if there was more than one type, the percentage of difference between the two as well as whether the DNA was from blood, hair or skin. The apparatus was linked to the FBI central office via internet, and so the result as to who the DNA belonged to was shown instantly on a small liquid crystal screen. The agent scanned the ex-governor’s body carefully. When she finished, in a few seconds the apparatus gave the result:

Number of DNA samples = 2

DNA1 – George Griffin

DNA2 – David Griffin



When she saw David Griffin’s photo on the screen the agent was astonished.

‘My God, it’s not possible!’

Charlotte was a follower of David’s and she couldn’t believe that he could have battered his own great-grandfather to death. Just as she finished reading out the results on the scanner, the cell phone in her pocket rang.

‘Yes, boss.’

‘Is the scanning result correct?’ her superior asked, having seen the result in his office.

‘We’ve been testing the scanner for several months and it’s never gone wrong. I can do it again to confirm the result, if you like.’

‘Do that. When we get the result, if it’s confirmed, we’ll get a warrant for the arrest of the boy.’

‘But, sir, don’t you think we should investigate more thoroughly?

There are other variables we can analyze.’

‘Agent Rowe, are you still in doubt about the result?’ replied the chief, while the agent was scanning George’s body once more.

‘Didn’t I tell you? Same result. How can you explain the boy’s blood on the victim’s body? I’m going to get a warrant and when I have it i’ll let you know. in the meantime try and collect more evidence.’

‘Yes, sir. I’ll await your call.’

An hour later, several armed police officers surrounded the building where David Griffin lived with his grandfather Thomas.

While the policemen closed the exits, FBI agents Rowe and Andersen went up the elevator together with two men in uniform. When 310


they reached the floor they knocked at the door of the apartment without giving their names. A few seconds later David opened the apartment door.

‘Mr. David Griffin?’ asked Agent Rowe.

‘Yes, that’s me. How can I help you?’

‘You’re under arrest for the murder of George Griffin. Here is the warrant.’ The agent took David’s arm to handcuff him.

‘What? Murder? of my great-grandfather? You’ve got to be joking,’ replied David, not understanding what was going on.

‘Your great-grandfather was found dead a little more than an hour ago, and guess whose DNA we found on his body?’

‘It’s impossible. I haven’t been out of the house today,’ answered David, starting to cry for the loss of his great-grandfather. ‘Please let me phone my grandfather.’

‘When we get to the FBI you’ll have the right to make a phone call. Now come with us. ‘

At the FBI headquarters in New York, agent Jeffrey Lee asked them to take the handcuffs off David, so that he could question him. David was miserable and downcast, not because of his imprisonment but because of his great-grandfather’s death. ‘Who would do a thing like that?’

‘Mr. Griffin, what have you got to tell me about George Griffin’s death?’

‘i don’t know anything. i haven’t left the house today. They didn’t even tell me how he was killed.’

‘Your great-grandfather was beaten to death and we found your blood on the victim’s body. When someone is attacked it’s usual for 311


the attacker to leave traces of blood or hair,’ said the agent, looking at David’s hands. ‘But wait, there are no marks on your hand. How’s that possible?’

‘I told you, I’ve got nothing to do with this death. They’ve set me up. You’ve got to believe me. Please let me see my grandfather.’

‘unfortunately i can’t.’

‘Agent lee. Come here please.’ A sharp voice came through the loudspeaker in the interrogation room.

‘Agent Lee, in case you don’t know, this boy heals people. Don’t you think he’d have the power to heal himself? That’s why there are no marks of aggression on his hands. The wounds must have healed themselves.’

‘You’re right. i’d forgotten that detail.’

‘Go back in there. Hasn’t he asked to use the telephone?’

‘He only asked for his grandfather to be called, but we haven’t been able to locate him yet.’

‘And his lawyer?’

‘he has given up his right to have a lawyer present.’

‘Given up his right? The boy’s crazy. He’s in trouble up to his neck and he still doesn’t want a lawyer?’

David was interrogated for more than an hour. As the FBI didn’t get a confession out of him, he was taken to a slightly more comfortable cell, for they were dealing with a celebrity who had no prior record. The FBI continued its investigations. They were surprised at David’s attitude, the fact that he didn’t want a lawyer and also that they could find no motive for him to have killed his own great-grandfather. The whole story was very odd. The press had found out that David was in prison and in a few hours there 312


were thousands of people outside the FBI building, with placards demanding David’s release. He knew this could only be the work of his enemies. ‘it’s too much of a coincidence for a set-up like this to be arranged just when the time is near for Satan to be released. Do they think I want to interfere in their plans?’ David lay down to rest a little and to think. ‘I hope they find Grandpa. I’ve got to get out of here and i’ve got to see great-grandpa.’



Books / Audiobooks / e-Books

• Holy Bible - New Testament King James Version

• Holy Bible - old Testament

• Texts and Apocrypha

• Bloodline of the Holy Grail - Laurence Gardner

• Holy Blood, Holy Grail - Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent

• The True Story of the Bilderberg Group - Daniel Estulin

• Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock

• The Secret Doctrines of Jesus - H. Spencer Lewis

• The Hidden History of the Human Race - Michael A. Cremo and richard l. Thompson

• The Lost Book of Enki - Zecharia Sitchin

• 12th Planet - Zecharia Sitchin

• The Stairway to Heaven - Zecharia Sitchin

• War of Gods and Men - Zecharia Sitchin

• Genesis Revisited - Zecharia Sitchin 314

• The Lost Realms - Zecharia Sitchin

• The Beginning of Time - Zecharia Sitchin

• Divine Encounters - Zecharia Sitchin

• The Cosmic Code - Zecharia Sitchin

• The end of the day - Zecharia Sitchin

• The true story of humanity and its possibilities - Rosa DeSouza

• Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation into Civilization’s End -

lawrence e. Joseph

• Chariots of the Gods? - Erich von Däniken

• Gods from outer Space - Erich von Däniken

• The Gold of the Gods - Erich von Däniken

• In Search of Ancient Gods – Erich von Däniken

• Miracles of the Gods - Erich von Däniken

• According to the Evidence - Erich von Däniken

• Signs of the Gods? - Erich von Däniken

• Pathways to the Gods - Erich von Däniken

• The Gods and Their Grand Design - Erich von Däniken

• The Eyes of the Sphinx - Erich von Däniken

• The Return of the Gods - Erich von Däniken

• odyssey of the Gods – An Alien History of Ancient Greece - Erich von Däniken

• The Gods Were Astronauts - Erich von Däniken

• Jesus, Interrupted - Bart D. Ehrman

• Gods & Heroes of Ancient Sumer - Katie Kubesh & Kimm Belloto

• History Begins At Sumer - Samuel N. Kramer

• Sumer: Cities of Eden - Time Life

• Sumer and The Sumerians - Harriet Crawford

• The Family of Jesus disappeared - Tobias Churton 315

• Jesus: A Life Full - Juanribe Pagliarin

• Jesus lived in India - Holger Kersten

• From Sumer to Jerusalem - John Sasson

• The Sumerian - Samuel Noah Kramer

• Sumerian Mythology - Samuel Noah Kramer

• The Robots Rebellion - David Icke

• The Biggest Secret - David Icke

• Children of the Matrix - David Icke

• Human Race Get off your Kness - David Icke

• Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy - Jim Marrs

• Rule by Secrecy - Jim Marrs

• Alien Agenda - Jim Marrs

• The Terror Conspiracy - Jim Marrs

• The Rise of the Fourth Reich - Jim Marrs Documentaries / Videos

• unmasking the 9 / 11 Conspiracies - Jim Marrs

• 9 / 11 and the War on Terror - Jim Marrs

• uFos and the New World order - Jim Marrs

• Future Technology From the Past - Jim Marrs

• Probe - Jim Marrs

• Clash of the Gods - History Channel

• The Exodus Decoded - History Channel

• The Seven Wonders of Antiquity - History Channel

• How did our planet, History Channel

• God vs. Satan: The Final Battle - History Channel

• Beyond the Da Vinci Code - History Channel

• Aliens of the Past - History Channel 316

• Building an Empire: The Maya - History Channel

• 102 minutes that changed the world - History Channel

• Nostradamus: 2012 - History Channel

• The Crusades - History Channel

• The Seven Signs of the Apocalypse - History Channel

• 2012: The day of doom - History Channel

• Banned from the Bible: The Secret of the Apostles - History Channel

• Majestic 12: uFo Hiding - History Channel

• uFos in the Depths - History Channel

• The Pacific Bermuda Triangle - History Channel

• The Bible Code - History Channel

• The Machine of the World’s End - History Channel

• Al Qaeda - History Channel

• Eyewitness to Jesus - Discovery Channel

• Chariots of the Gods? - Erich von Daniken

• uFo Hunters - The History Channel

• uFo Files - History Channel


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