Kabbalah 33 by Artur Rxxx - HTML preview

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4. Alpha and Omega


The symbolism of Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, is common in all forms of Christianity. It is a symbol of Lord’s eternal being, as he has existed on the beginning and will exist until the end of this world.

However, in context of the Lord himself, these two Greek letters represent another concept – the Father and the Son.

It’s because the Lord is protected by the New Covenant as long as he doesn’t have an heir. But as soon as the Son is born, this biblical power is transferred to him.

So what happens with the old Lord when a new one is born? For him, unlike for most fathers, it marks a beginning of dark times. How can he be happy from having a descendant if it means a quick end of his life?

It is a bitter truth of Lord’s existence. His wife is cutting off his power – like cutting Samson’s hair. But there is a light of hope for him. He doesn’t need to spend his whole life being alone. Different Semitic races have different effects in this matter, of which you will learn in the following chapters.

Moreover, in practice the Order usually gives the Father 20 years of life before his crucifixion. Commonly he is allowed to live until his Son gains full maturity.

As a rule the Order grows the Lord so that he doesn’t know all these things about the not so secret verse of the Bible that is protecting him. Therefore, he’s not aware about it and enters into romantic relations not knowing about consequences. But sometimes his enemies don’t want to lose time for such things. They have a much simpler way to make the Lord lose his power.

It is one of the dark sides of Kabbalah and sometimes it appears in the Scripture that is operated by the Order. The thing we’re talking about is rape, rape of the Lord.

These rapists think that if he would be raped and the offspring would be born, the Lord could be then easily killed. But it’s not the whole truth. For this purpose the verse in the Bible from the New Covenant has been constructed in such flexible manner. It says not only about murder of the Lord but also covers this dark aspect – rape.

Therefore, if these villains would ever perform such rape to force the Lord into conceiving a Son and transferring his power, it would be the rape of Jewry. After this act of violence all Jews will stop being Jews. Forever the nation would be dissolved.