Kabbalah 33 by Artur Rxxx - HTML preview

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5. The Gospel of Christ


While the majority of civilized world accepts Jesus Christ as the Son of God, most Jews still deny it. What’s the reason behind it?

Of course, you might think that with acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, Jews are also expected to accept their responsibility for crucifixion? But then the question arises – how could they execute him having the New Covenant in mind? If he were the true Messiah, they would stop being Jews forever, won’t they?

The first thing brought up for discussion is the way Jesus Christ was born. In the New Testament it is told that his mother Mary was a virgin. It means that the Lord must have created him in an unnatural manner. If that was the case, then Christ wouldn’t be the real Messiah. He would be a relative of God but not an actual Son of Him.

Same story if the Lord’s offspring was made in vitro. Any of these cases is missing a key gene – gene of David of which we will talk in the following chapters.

But let’s say it has nothing to do with it and Christ was the true Messiah. Then how could the Jews send him to die on a cross at the risk of their nation being abolished? Here another mythical story comes to the rescue. The story about Maria Magdalena.

Some believe that Jesus had special relationship with her and she gave birth to his Son. If it’s true, we might have found an answer to the New Covenant question. Jesus had a Son thus was no longer protected by the Holy Bible and could be crucified by the hands of Romans without any risk.

We do not know which theory presented in this chapter is more true, the one about unnatural creation of Jesus or that he had a Son from Maria Magdalena. To make everything even more confusing, we must admit that there is an unconfirmed legend that first Christian Pope – Idzim – was Son of Jesus.

This complexity of legends and theories surrounding the figure of Jesus Christ doesn’t make it any easier for Jews but for Kabbalah it is of no importance. What’s important is that the Lord was, is and will be until the end of the world and maybe beyond.