Life with an Amazing God!! by Timothy Gopagani - HTML preview

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 Anointing of Holy Spirit:

I was steadily growing in prayers and meditating Jesus’s word. It is not that I turned into a prayer warrior overnight. I was insisting on myself and asking Jesus to help me to increase in faith and prayer and Jesus has been helping me to increase in faith and Love. The more I grow in HIS faith, the more Love grows in me and even vice-versa. I strongly believe as said in bible, Love and Faith are closely related and grow unitedly as we seek HIS presence on daily basis.

 One day, I was going to Gospel of Luke chapter 11 verse 13, I found word of God saying: Our heavenly Father will surely give Holy Spirit to all those who asks HIM for it.

This verse touched my heart and I was so happy to see this promise in bible. Before to that, I used to think that power of Holy-Spirit is only for pastors and elders. Though my church pastor told me several times, I was just taking those parables as reference to power and ability of Jesus.

But as soon as I saw this verse, I started praying for Holy-Spirit. I used to spend hours and hours in prayer just asking for holy-spirit. With 2-4 days of fasting per week, 3-6 hours of daily prayer, I prayed for one complete year at the feet of Lord to bless me with HIS Holy-Spirit. I would cry all the day to forgive me in case any hidden mistake lies in me.

Every morning, I used to complete my work at fast food center and jumped into secret prayer room far away from my home. I should thank my friend here who allowed me to pray in his house for almost one year.

 If there was any issue to reach this prayer room, I used to go to railway tracks nearby and used to walk along by the tracks for few miles and pray there lonely.  To get best from Jesus, remember, we should have some peaceful place where we can talk to HIM and even HE can talk to us.  I prayed with tears everyday just for Holy-Spirit because Jesus had already promised me that he will take care of all my problems through the word (bible).

After one complete year of everyday prayers upholding HIS promise, on 2nd of May, 2001, I was praying in a church along with some pastors and elders when all of sudden I saw Jesus along with HIS angels who has put a crown on my head and blessed me. Hallelujah, Jesus blessed me with Holy Spirit according to HIS promise to us in Luke 11:13.

 Luke 11:13: Bible say’s: your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him.

I was filled with unbounded joy and happiness. I kept on praising my Lord for hours. What a great God we have. He always fulfills HIS every promise beyond our ability to receive them. I believe that this unique quality of loving humans beyond their inability is possible only for Jesus.

Even to this day, it is Holy-Spirit, who helps me at every juncture of my life with valuable guidance. He prays for me every day. He has been there at every minute of my life and takes care of even small things. He saves me, guides me, leads me and does much more for me. It is Holy-Spirit, who made me stand still in faith even after so much of challenges I face every day.

 What a God we have.. Hallelujah.. Millions of praises to HIM. 


After we got lifted up by the Jesus from poverty and gained financial independence, my father started searching for a life partner for me. I had completed by bachelor degree and was working as an officer in a multinational banking institution. I was spending my whole time in job and in lord’s ministry, I was assisting our church pastor most of the time of a day. All my life was going on happily and I was not aware my happiness is going to be doubled soon!

 One day my church pastor told me that it is time for me to get married. I laughed and said “let Jesus do his will”.  I had strongly decided not to marry a gentile since light has no business with darkness. Because I know that I will have to struggle again at home as I had to in my earlier Christian days if I marry a gentile. Even Jesus’s word said that ‘light has no relationship with darkness’.

You may ask me why we should not marry gentiles. Dear, we can show hospitality towards our beloved person for one or two day or say with regular visits (not frequent and long), sharing God’s word. But a permanent bondage with them will not trouble you or corrupt you one or the other day? If you are already married to a non-believer that is different case, abiding by the bond, you need to pray for your life partner and Jesus will change his/her heart.

So I have decided according to the preaching of Jesus Christ that I will marry only a born again Christian girl. One day as I was reading bible, I found Solomon 31:10 which say’s wife is as precious as a pearl! That is awesome word of God, how would it if I found one of those precious pearls? I started praying Jesus referring the same line. Actually it was the Holy-Spirit that gave me this lead!  Hallelujah.. Things started working in favor of me according to HIS promises.

 James 1:17 Bible say’s: Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. Jesus gave me good reputation in my home, relatives and among all known people around. This good name fetched lot of proposals for me but my heart was stuck to marry a born again girl. When I clarified this thing to my parents, they first opposed but later on, laid few conditions to accept a Christian girl into our family.

 My mom’s condition: Girl should be beautiful and well aware of home making.  My father’s condition: She should be well educated.  My brothers said that she should loving and caring person and very friendly one. Above all my wish was to marry a devotional, God fearing, born again and prayerful Christian girl. Now these conditions looked to be very hard for me! I had doubt on finding such a match but believed in Jesus that HE is capable of doing anything.

At first I started searching for a profile which matches all the above conditions but after few months, I lost my patience and determined to marry anyone who comes in the way. Then, Holy-Spirit said to me “Don’t rush! Jesus is doing good things for you and behold, they will come fulfilled accordingly”. After hearing this from HIS Holy-Spirit, I turned back from my plans and waited for his mercy. I denied every marriage proposal from my relatives because though the profiles were good, they were not in Christ. Romans 8:28 Bible say’s: we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

One day a brother known to me, asked me help finding a match for one of his relative. I was prompted in heart to give some money to him and also to spend some time with him. So according to Jesus’s love, I gave him some money and went with him, he met a pastor and later they both continued the search and I was helping here and there.

One day that brother called me over phone and told me to come to a place quickly. The place he told was around 25kms away from my office. However, I started because it was man of Jesus who asked me to come. As soon as I reached there, they showed me a photograph of a girl and asked me if she is ok to me for marriage.

I said that this girl should be good looking but photography is bad and asked if we can go to her residence. All the three pastors agreed and we started in no time in a vehicle. Because delay in accepting lords gift may lead to chances of losing them.

However it is a primary duty of a Christians to check with Jesus before coming to a conclusion. But don’t be late in accepting them. Just pray in his ‘presence’ and accept in your heart that Jesus is working on your side and will lead and guide you the way you should go!

We exchanged our salvation testimonies and I told my salary and family details. We liked in each other was the ‘fear of God’ within us. Elders and pastors prayed for God’s will and we departed to our ways.

We prayed at the feet of Jesus individually as well and as soon as we received confirmation from HIM, we informed our parents and requested them to verify our selection. My parents accepted her when they saw her another day and even her parents. Jesus was leading everything to end up well and as expected.  Unlike some bad uncles these days, my father-in-law is a very generous man who always thinks about others well-being. Even my Aunt is very generous. Hard working and kind hearted women. My cousins too hold good respect for me.

My loving Jesus has blessed me with such a good family. Many a times my wife said that it is Jesus who turned my family to your side!! Hallelujah, today many of our brothers are facing so many troubles from their father-in-law’s house. But Jesus has blessed both of us with good families who support us at every decision we make.

At the time of marriage, I ran out of money because I made a habit of giving major portion of my salary to church and other charity institutions and was rest was spending for my home.

Both my father and uncle (my wife’s father) helped me with some money and we were in need of some more money, I had to approach a bank for loan and it was already 25th of March and my marriage was fixed on 03rd of April. I was praying of the feet of Jesus to help me. I was much worried about money adjustment. If loan is not approved, marriage would be postponed which would have been very worst thing. But behold.. Jesus is on my side..!!

On 31st of March, I received a call from bank that my loan was approved and I will get my money into my account by 3rd of April. I was quite perplexed on how to get gold from gold shop and pay advances at function hall and others. I used to sit nail-biting after completing small works but through the word of God (bible), I used to get encouraged every day that my Lord will take care of everything and need not to bother.

My loan amount was credited into my bank account but due to withdrawal limits, I was not able to withdraw money from my account. So I went to gold shop and told him what all happened and handed over him my debit card. Surprisingly he gave me ornaments and I rushed home because it was already 09:30 AM and my marriage is at 11:00 AM. In presence of 10 renowned pastors, evangelists and ministers of Jesus, hundreds of well-wishers and relatives from all sides (not even single family missed my marriage from our close relatives), my marriage ceremony was just like a festival and everything went so smoothly. Everyone including my family members were quite happy with the way the ceremony completed by the grace and presence of Jesus, Almighty.

 My own brothers, parents, cousins (my spouse brothers), my church pastor, took everything on their shoulders and helped to get this event successfully.

My marriage life, though a little bit of tough hours here and there, is truly a bundle of happy, surprising moments which also taught me many things and even Jesus helped me to learn many things through my wife and kids

Just as promised in Proverbs 31:10, my wife is really a precious ornament to me. She is good advisor, gentle, loving and caring person. Being more educated than me, she is very helpful in making good and quick decisions. Praises to Jesus for giving me such a good life partner.

 Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.