Life with an Amazing God!! by Timothy Gopagani - HTML preview

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In the same year of marriage, Jesus blessed me with a boy. Here I should share my wife’s testimony who was saved merely by the grace of merciful Jesus.

In the 3rdmonth after my marriage, I had a dream in which I was talking to my brother and was explaining him that Jesus is going to give me a son whom I name ‘Theodore’. When I woke up in the morning, I was surprised with the dream because, we never had this name in our family nor I ever heard this name before anywhere..!! It did not take much time for my dream come true. On one fine day, my wife told me that she is feeling not well and a nurse around checked her and confirmed that she is pregnant. Hallelujah..

In the 7thmonth, my father-in-law took my wife to their home. When it was time for my wife to have her baby, that night, amniotic fluid (This is the liquid inside womb in which baby lives) started flowing out of her body from evening hours and she was not aware that it is amniotic fluid and did not inform any one. This liquid is very important for baby survival inside her womb..!!

Almost in the mid-night, she told her mother who immediately got alarmed and informed my father-in-law. They started for hospital and even worst there, doctors who did primary aid but then took almost 7+ hours to treat her. I was much worried when I heard this and my cousins were soothing me that everything will be alright. I had my eyes on my Jesus who rescued me from every trouble and was praying for HIS presence in hospital.

Almost in the evening hours next day, Sr. Doctor attended her and did delivery operation. According to her, almost all amniotic fluid is drained out and baby was still alive and fine in my wife’s womb!! Amazing, it is splendid power of Jesus that preserved my son even though there was no way to live at all when all the amniotic fluid drained out!

 At 6:30 in the evening, Jesus blessed me with handsome SON whom I named as Theodore, now he is called as Samson Theodore. 

Psalm 127:3 Bible say’s : Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him 

IInd Son:

This time I was asking Jesus to give me a daughter and was praying fervently for it. However, I forgot the truth that we humans cannot change his will and plan by any means. My wife had a vision in which she saw a beautiful son who was specially designed in computer by God, was wearing well designed clothes, and someone told her that it is her son whom Jesus is going to give as blessing.

When I heard this, I almost fought with my wife that this time Jesus will surely give me a daughter and that vision she had was out of her flesh. She fell so badly but yet, she did not get into quarrel with me and was praying Jesus to fulfill his own will (this is how Godly women are different from worldly one!!)

 Days completed and she joined hospital and after few hours, a compounder came running to me and said that it is BOY again..!!

Hearing this, I cried a lot and bitterly filled with sorrow. My friend Babar sat beside me and consoled me a lot. Though he was a Muslim, Jesus has put excellent words in his mouth which gave enough peace in my heart. Especially when my mother and friend together said, that it is Jesus’s will which get fulfilled in man’s life to get this things conclude in good for righteous..!!

Now we are blessed with two sons. My elder son in Samson Theodore and younger is Joseph Theodore. Through HIS divine mercy and according to HIS blood which makes all of us stand-strong in HIM, has blessed us in all aspects of our life. We are now well settled with all blessings needed for this life, financial stability and especially with spiritual revival everyday along with the Almighty Jesus’ presence in my home..!!

All the Glory goes to our tremendous God, Jesus Christ and our heavenly father God Almighty. I am also very grateful to my master Holy-Spirit who lead in my tough times by providing excellent guidance and revelations, encouraging me every time I tend to fall off the way. It is HIM who speaks through me to others encouraging, comforting and guiding them into true life and way of our God, Jesus Christ. This is how many people are blessed and encouraged through my ministry around.

Psalm 128:1-3 : Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.