Life with an Amazing God!! by Timothy Gopagani - HTML preview

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 Professional Life

As I already mentioned my life started as a worker at a road side fast food center. I was working very honestly and happily there according to the preaching of Jesus. Later on after completion of my graduation, Jesus gave me a chance to work with one of the Financial Company. My father spoke to one of the manager if that company’s local branch seeking their help to join the job. When I first went there to branch seeking opportunity as said by my father, the sr. manager rejected me on my face without any basic check or interview saying that I do not look worthy enough to work with them. I have gone there only after praying Jesus. Immediately on them said to that manager to do a basic check at least to reject him if then found unworthy. Then Sr. Manager said ok and took an interview of me and said to meet me next day.

Meanwhile one of my friend was looking for job who was in desperately need of it and I suggested him to see the manager of the same branch. He went and met the same manager and surprisingly his job was confirmed immediately as office assistance (stetting job). I was very surprised to see that because before sending him to manager, I prayed for him for a miracle and Jesus instantly did it.

Next day, when I went to office, I too was offered a job as sales executive. My first month salary was 1900/- and then for the next month, they increased it to 3000/- (after they found me worthy!!). I worked there for 15 months and gained enough faith of my managers. Everyone in my office was happy at my performance in sales. I got a promotion as sr.sales executive with a salary of 4500/- INR. Jesus blessed me with abundant money to meet all my household expenses. I was supporting my home, church to my level best and Jesus blessed me to grow to support them well even with that little money.

With this unbounded happiness as I was enjoying in all aspects of life in Christ. But all of sudden, in my office, my manager formed a special team to target hi-profile customers in which I was expecting a place but was left off without any reason. I was surprised to see it. I was so depressed that I couldn’t even concentrate in sales which tampered my performance. Every day I had to hear that management is not happy with me and planning to terminate me from my job. This all could be very small things for other but remember I was just from a very lower family to which every penny is valuable. I was praying at his every day to set everything right and even to correct if there is any mistake in me hidden.

One day, a friend of my named TulsiRam and said that there is some interview going on in nearby hotel. I immediately started for it with a very small prayer and went to hotel and stood outside. I was allowing everyone to go before me so that I can have time to prayer silently within me. Then I heard voice asking me to rush inside the room or else all vacancies will be filled-up and I may have to return empty handed. I immediately took a chance to peek inside and stood before the manager. He asked me about my performance in present company and I replied that I am one of the top performer there. They asked me my current package and I answered honestly that is 4500/Hearing this, they said that they are offering job with 6500/- hallelujah, Jesus did a miracle again!!

 Again the times of Joy and happiness started. Again new job, better package and new challenges and opportunities ahead..!! Here also Jesus started blessing me and used me as a mighty vessel in all terms for HIS glory. I was top performer here and I had financial independency as all my financial troubles and obligations were cleared. Jesus gave a new bike as I was using only cycle till that time. It was during this period Jesus gave me a beautiful, kind and wise women as my wife to worship HIM along as a family. Miracles after miracles, glory after glory and blessings after blessings rolled into my life. I was filled with joy and excitement all the day.

I used to do sales in my first hours of the day and then used to go with my pastor or someone other to share my testimony to others. I used to share HIS word everywhere I go including office, friends and other places I visited praying, sharing my experiences with Jesus all the day.

 My life was filled with eternal joy and happiness I was lacking nothing.  Whenever some troubles came to me, people including own, used to make fun of me but Jesus told me: John 12:27, 28. Meanwhile, due to bad friendships again, I lost into worldly ways in 2005 and failed to follow Jesus whole heartedly. After seeing these many of miracles and companionship with Jesus, I failed to hold on strong in HIS ways because of ignorance and lack of faithful prayers. During this time, I lost many good blessings in my life.

 But our Jesus is a good God and he never holds HIS anger.  One a very good day, I heard the good news again..!! On that day, I was in one of our local church where to which a man of God named Peter Perera came for to deliver Jesus’s message. While he was speaking the word of God, he took the parable of women caught in adultery and our beloved God, Jesus Christ was silent there for few moments. Though those moments were tough for that women, Jesus was sure that she will be fine and will leave that place peacefully. Those words touched me and filled me with eternal joy that I shouted a big hallelujah in the church. Entire church was silently listening to the word of God and everyone turned to look at me to see who it was shouting so loudly. They do not know my hard times… right?

That’s all, my faith in Jesus arouse again in me in double measure and I started begging for HIS mercy and forgiveness. Lord soon accepted me and washed away my sins with HIS blood. I was back home smiling.

 My friends, brothers and everyone asked me: hey, you look quite refreshed these days? Whatzup? … I used to smile at them and said, hallelujah…I started praying Jesus fervently to deliver me from every bondage as promised through the man of God and Jesus without any delay removed every clutch and bondage from my shoulders.

 After some months, I got a chance to attend Jesus Calls Prophetical Conference in Hyderabad in which I learnt many things which no pastor or preacher taught me ever. On the final day of that conference, Jesus spoke to me through prayers of bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and gave me a vision to opt IT sector as my next career and even HIS plans for me in coming future times. I was immensely filled with happiness and eternal joy that day. 

I meditated HIS vision in my prayers and when Jesus gave a clear picture. I immediately resigned my job in the month of Feb and after serving official notice period of 90 days, I left that job and without any delay, I jumped to Bangalore, learnt a technical course from my own brother, Rajesh and stayed there for 110 days (for both learning and job trails). During my stay at my brothers home, I never missed a chance to glorify my Jesus and spent most of the time either in learning and praying. Jesus spoke in the 2nd week of that month through a vision that he will bless me with an excellent job offer.

 Proverbs 22:29 : Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. 

Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

As promised by Jesus, I received an awesome job offer with one of the top MNCs of Indian IT sector in financial capital of India, Mumbai with an outstanding package. Few months later, I had a chance to speak to my earlier manager and when I told him my package, he was shocked and said, ‘Do you have one more job offer for me there..?’

Every one of my colleagues and friends in Bangalore was shocked to see me get offer in such a short time. We seriously have some people there who are spending years together to get one right job!!

I shared my personal testimony along with the good news of job opportunity in TPM church of Frazer Town where I used to attend my Sunday service and then next day, left to join at my new job location.

Jesus has been with me as long as I was in Mumbai on this job and I was enjoying the pleasant life-style of Mumbai along with Jesus’s presence in my life. After few years, today, I am in my hometown in same IT sector with better position. My spouse left her job to care of my home and my kids are school going now.

My parents now believe in Jesus and slowly turning to HIS way. Both my brothers are now well planted in Jesus Christ and got married to two sisters and are blessed with kids as well. They too are well settled in their professions. 

I still today do not believe that how such great things happened in my life whenever I remember my early days of poverty, sickness, extremely miserable life and try to scale up them with today’s stature.

 All I can say is: Jesus Christ is the God who did these unbelievable miracles..!! 

One after the other, as required by time and situation. It is Jesus Christ who brought this poor man to sit with best men and lead a prosperous life..!!

Today, we are working with different people in various ways of preaching to get HIS mission accomplished through us as per our measured share and get gospel of Jesus Christ to reach others who are in need of HIS light to shine on them