Lost Innocence by Simon Palmer - HTML preview

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STAN STIRRED from his sleep, stretched awkwardly and yawned. His breakfast tray was on the side table and a quick scan confirmed what he already knew, mango and sticky rice, again. It may have been de rigueur in these parts, but he would have killed for an English breakfast. His stomach rumbled and so transferring the tray to his lap, he began to munch through his breakfast.

Startled by some heavy footsteps, he glanced over at the door and saw a rough-looking lady with heavy hips and thick, fat lips. He wasn't sure where he'd seen her before, but it seemed that she knew him. She strode over, clanking her heels, then stopped, towering over him. "Hello, Daddy."

The tall figure was heavily made up with bright red lipstick plastered over rubbery lips. Horrified, Stan realized who she was and flashed back to that fateful night near Soi Cowboy. He almost choked on his mango. "What do you want?"

'She' pulled out a bar bill, handed it over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"How did you find me?"

"I send you here after you have accident."

Stan couldn't take his eyes off her huge lips that he'd kissed; the same lips that had been wrapped tightly around his member. Her hands were huge and her feet were bigger than his!

"So I pay you and you go away?"

"You pay bar and you owe me for upstairs."

"What's the total?"

"Six thousand enough."

Stan frowned, reached for his wallet and was leafing through some notes when two men strolled in without knocking. One was his father!

Nigel's gaze focussed on the strange looking lady sitting on the bed. Stan ignored 'her' and forced a smile for his father. "Hello Dad.'

"Stanley. Are we interrupting something?"

Stan glowered at the lady-boy. "Get out!"

Nigel looked on with sympathetic eyes as Pang frowned, Stan blushed and the lady-boy blinked.

"I come back when you not busy." 'She' rose from

the bed and stepped out. Stan ignored the noise of her clanking heels. "So dad, how are you?"

"One sec, Stan." Nigel followed 'her' out into the

hallway. "Excuse me. Does he owe you money?"

She turned and smiled. He slipped out his wallet, opened it and invited her to reach in. She took six thousand and tucked it into a hidden compartment in her bra. "You want some company?"

"Sorry but we're looking for someone right now."

"Who you look for?"

Nigel held up his phone and showed her the photo of Michael's sketch of Mia.

"I not know her but maybe I can find her. I know many people here. I know police captain who like lady-boys. Maybe he will help."

"That's something. See what you can find out."

"Fine. You have number I can call you on?"

Nigel handed her a card. "I'm Nigel Walker. I've written my Thai number on the back."

"Nice meet you Nigel. I am Sung."

"You want a copy of the picture?"

"Please," she replied. She took his phone and sent the picture to her Samsung.

"I see what I can do."

"Thank you Sung."

"If I help you, you pay me, okay?"

He nodded. She turned then sashayed down the corridor, her high-heels clanking on the hospital tiles. Nigel turned back to Stan's room and frowned.

Stan was lying in bed red-faced when Nigel walked in and stood over him. "Cheating on Lou is one thing, but with another man?"

"I only had a drink with 'her', 'him'."

"Anyway, she's helping us now."

"She's doing what?"

"She's helping us find Mia."

"Of all the people you have to deal with." Nigel changed the subject.

"I've seen Mike.”

"How is he?"

"He's okay, but refused to let us pay."

"Why did you give him a choice?"

"He's determined to see this through, says that once he's done twelve days, they have to let him go. They don't have hard evidence to charge him with anything."

"How many days has he done?"

"I didn't ask."

"So, what does this mean for us?"

"It means we're going to be here a while longer. If he doesn't get out, we need to find the girl, persuade her to come forward and withdraw her accusation. Who knows what'll happen if this does go to Court? I'll be meeting with a lawyer later."

"Okay, Dad. Good work. I'm sorry I can't be of more help," Stan pointed to his bad leg.

"That's all right, I'm better off without you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm on the case."

"Take a seat and fill me in.”