Mandingo Warrior Course by Mr. Mandingo - HTML preview

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Module 2: Girth


1. Bes Girth Exercise Technique


To begin this exercise you need to start out with a semi-erection that’s about 70 – 80 percent of your fully erect state. This ensures that there is enough blood in the penis to perform the exercise effectively. It also keeps the penis flexible enough to move the blood around easily within the chambers of the penis.

You should not attempt to perform this technique with a full erection, it makes the technique difficult to perform and could cause injury.

Also make sure you have proper lubrication with baby oil, vaseline, or similar lubricant, as the exercise relies on sliding your hands firmly up and down your penile shaft.

Make sure you’ve have a partial 80% erection and applied lubrication, now grasp around the base of your penis with your thumb and forefinger (the OK grip) make sure you have a firm grasp as if you are cutting off the blood flow into your dick.

This will help to keep the blood trapped within the penile shaft and helps push the pressurized blood throughout the chambers of your penis. The more you force this blood into your corpus cavernosa, you continue to expand these chambers, thus widening and fattening your dick. This hand will stay here the entire exercise.

With your other hand, grasp behind the head of your penis and maintain a firm grip. When you do this you are trapping oxygenated blood firmly within the shaft of your penis between both of your firm gripping hands. This is how you will start the exercise.

To start slide your hand that you have behind your glans down the shaft of your penis towards the base. When you do this, make sure that you are gripping tight enough to push the blood down the chambers, towards your first hand. Once your other hand has reached the pressure hand at the base of your penis, you will reverse the movement and slide your second hand smoothly back to its original position just behind the glans. When you do this you are forcing the blood back up your penile shaft.

Once you make it back to your starting position behind the glans, its counted as one rep, this should take around 3 – 5 seconds to complete. The way to make this exercise the most effective is to keep your pressure hand firm without ever removing it your from your penis.

You will keep a tight grip with both hands to trap the rich oxygenated and herbal nutrient rich blood between the two chambers of the corpus cavernosa until you are done with the exercise. Make sure you stay lubricated so you won't irritate your skin as you will be applying a tight grip with friction from the movement. You don't have to apply too much pressure as you don't want to injure yourself but it should be a nice firm grip.

Cross Sectional View of Penis


2. The Horizontal Heru Movement


The Horizontal Heru Movement is a powerful technique that really help set the foundations for your future gains later on when you are hung like a stud.

When you are doing the Horizontal Heru Movement you will feel the blood being forced throughout your penis, stretching your erectile tissue expanding the Tunica albuginea helping you gain more girth over time when you stick to the Mandingo Warrior Course.

Step 1: You are going to get yourself to a 70 – 80 % erection so that your penis is engorged but not hard. This is to make sure your penis is flexible enough to perform the exercise.

Now apply lubricant such as baby oil or you can try this with African shea butter.

Use your thumb and forefinger of one of your hands, wrap them around the base of your penis firmly, so that the rich oxygenated blood is trapped within your penis. This hand is the pressure hand, it will remain tightly gripped throughout the entire exercise.

Using your right hand, grasp just in front the hand wrapped around the base of your penis. You should now have both hands grasping close to the base your penis, one on top of the other, at the base, with the blood in your penis trapped in front of the two.

Maintaining firm pressure, slide the hand positioned down the shaft of your penis until you are behind your penis head. As you do so, you should feel the blood being forced down the penile shaft and your glans should swell. Stay there with your mushroomed glans for 5 – 10 seconds.

Now do a 50 pump.

With the same hand slide it back to meet your pressure hand at the base.

Now take your firmly sliding hand and slide it up your shaft to an angle closest to your thigh. Slide from this sideways angle close to your thigh and force blood up to just behind the head of your penis let it stay there for 5 – 10 seconds.

Now do a 50 pump.

You should feel a rush of new rich nutrient oxygenated blood being forced back up the penis shaft. You will know if you did this right because your head will mushroom like its about to explode.

Once you slide your hand from tip to base and back to the starting position you have completed one rep.

Now do this again, but this time angle your penile shaft towards your opposite thigh. You should be still semi-erect, if not do some more 50 pumps to push blood back into the chambers of your penis. Start with your pressure hand in front of your OK hand.

This works because the surrounding areas of your penis is the tunica that's made up basically of 2 layers. The tunica albuginea consists of  longitudinal expansion and the other one is for circular expansion. In order to gain girth, you have to increase the size of the circular tunica that encases the shaft of your penis.

Doing these exercises will help increase the pressure exerted on the tunica causing it to expand over time.

3. Geb Twist and Pull


This exercise is intense so don't push yourself too far. You can also injure yourself if not properly performed. These exercises are more powerful than the standard girth exercises like jelqing and its used to break down the tunica.

Make sure you are semi-erect around 70 – 80%. Grab the glans of your penis and proceed to twist your penis. The twist should be midshaft. Once you have this twist pull forward but not too hard that you are yanking. Just pull until you feel the tension. While you have this twist do a 50 pump to push more blood into your penis. Use toilet tissue if you need a better grip.

4. Nu Grip Bend


Create an OK grip at the base with an overhand OK or a standard OK grip. Make sure you are semi-erect 70 – 80%. Push down into an arced bend on your penis, but only push as much as comfortable.

Hold the bend for around 10 - 30 seconds. If you start to feel pain, you should discontinue or release the bend somewhat. To release the bend keep the base grip intact and ease up from the bend of the arc. If required loosen the grip somewhat and do a 50 pump to pump more blood into the penis.

You are going to repeat this process again, but bend the penis upwards this time. Hold for 10 - 30 seconds again.

Repeat with a bend to the left, then bend to the right again hold for 10 - 30 seconds for both.

After this massage your penis to get the circulation flowing all throughout. Make an OK grip and put it at the base and grip tight. Pump more blood into your penis with a 50 pump. Now slap your penis against your thigh. Do this a few times (5– 10) for each thigh.

This concludes this version of the Mandingo Warrior: The Ancient Africa Secrets To Male Enhancement.

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