Mandingo Warrior Course by Mr. Mandingo - HTML preview

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Module 2: Lengthening


Step 1: To warm up rinse a washcloth in hot water and wring it out.

Wrap it around both your penis and your scrotum.

Hold it there for about 5 minutes.

Remove it and repeat this another 1 or 2 times when it gets cool.

1.  The Basic Stretch

Make sure your penis is fully flaccid (limp).

After you have used the washcloth now take your index finger and thumb create an ok sign.

Place your finger and thumb behind the glans. If you need extra grip you can wrap toilette tissue around the penis head.

Pull forward behind the glans to stretch penis out in front of you for 1 min.

Then pull to the right for 1 min.

Pull to the left 1 min.

Pull downward for 1 min.

Pull upward for 1 min.

Do this for 7 sets.

After completing 4 sets, relax for a minute or so. Message your penis head to restore full blood circulation.

Finish with the rest of your sets.

So each will be done 7 times.

2. Min V-Stretch

The Min V-stretch exerts stretching force on your penile ligaments and tunica albuginea (penis sheath) than you can exert by using basic stretching techniques alone.

To perform a Min V-Stretch pull your flaccid penis straight forward  with one hand and then apply increasing force to the top of your penis by pressing down on your penile shaft with the thumb of your other hand for 20-40 seconds. This will cause your penis to arch downward like the angle of Min's arm (below).

You should perform 5 sets with increasing pressure at the different areas of your penile shaft. The three centers is the top close to the glans, in the middle or mid shaft and closer to the base. This pressure forces the ligament located at the top of your penis thats attached to your pubic bone to stretch further over time.


Statue of Min

3. Inverted Min V Stretch

An inverted Min V-Stretch is the opposite of the standard V-Stretch.

You will use the forefinger and thumb of your free hand to pull up underneath the penile shaft and pull it upwards. (It looks just like the flail of Min above.)

Start your stretching at the midpoint of your penile shaft for 20 – 40 seconds

Use your other hand to grip behind the glans. Use tissue if you need 40 to get a better grip.

Use this hand behind the glans to pull downward.

With your other hand continue to pull up the under side midshaft of your penis.

Do the same at the base of your penis near your scrotum for 20 – 40 seconds.

Then move towards the tip of your penis, with your thumb and forefinger of the free hand for 20 – 40 seconds. This will be about an inch behind the OK grip you are using to pull down with the other hand.

Why Use the Inverted and Standard Min V-Stretch?

The Inverted Min V-Stretch and Min V Stretch targets different parts of the penile shaft to stretch the ligaments. With the Inverted Min V-Stretch a lot of the applied force is exerted on the tunica albuginea, which is the penis sheath that encases your penis. The more you break this sausage casing down, the more capacity you will have to expand, thats why this technique is good for length, as well as girth.

With the standard Min V-Stretch, most of the focus is on the top ligament that attaches to your pubic bone, the one preventing the rest of your penis to hang out. Thats why constant applied force creates a tension that elongates the penis over time.

Make sure that when you are doing this exercise that you use the OK grip to carefully pull your flaccid penis out in front of you. Now that you have stretched to your limit, release the tension just a little in order to offer some give way to the penile shaft.

With the thumb of your free hand, you are going to press down firmly on the top of your penile shaft, at the midway point of your penis. You are going to press down on this area with enough applied force to create tension and stretch the ligaments in your penis. When you are doing this exercise, you can feel the ligaments being stretched. Make sure not to exert too much force or you could injure yourself.

These exercises are utilized to help break down some of the tissue  that comprises the ligaments. Since these ligaments keep your penis attached to your body, they are tough, so constant stretching, helps with lengthening from the Extender.

Module 2 Lengthening Recap

1. Warm Up

Rinse a washcloth in hot water and wring it out.

Wrap it around both your penis and your scrotum.

Hold it there for about 5 minutes.

Remove it and repeat this another 1 or 2 times when it gets cool.

2.  The Basic Stretch

Make sure your penis is fully flaccid (limp).

After you have used the washcloth now take your index finger and thumb create an ok sign.

Place your finger and thumb behind the glans. If you need extra grip you can wrap toilette tissue around the penis head.

Pull forward behind the glans to stretch penis out in front of you for 1 min.

Then pull to the right for 1 min.

Pull to the left 1 min.

Pull downward for 1 min.

Pull upward for 1 min.

Do this for 7 sets.

After completing 4 sets, relax for a minute or so. Message your penis head to restore full blood circulation.

Finish with the rest of your sets.

So each will be done 7 times.

3. The Min V-Stretch

The V-stretch exerts stretching force on your penile ligaments and tunica albuginea (penis sheath) than you can exert by using basic stretching techniques alone.

To perform a V-Stretch pull your flaccid penis straight forward with one hand and then apply increasing force to the top of your penis by pressing down on your penile shaft with the thumb of your other hand for 20-40 seconds. This will cause your penis to arch downward like the angle of Min's arm.

You should perform 5 sets with increasing pressure at the different areas of your penile shaft. The three centers is the top close to the glans, in the middle or mid shaft and closer to the base. This pressure forces the ligament located at the top of your penis thats attached to your pubic bone stretch further over time.

4. Inverted Min V Stretch

An inverted Min V-Stretch is the opposite of the standard V-Stretch.

You will use the forefinger and thumb of your free hand to pull up underneath the penile shaft to pull it upwards. (It looks just like the flail of Min.)

Start your stretching at the midpoint of your penile shaft for 20 – 40 seconds

Use your other hand to grip behind the glans. Use tissue if you need to get a better grip.

Use this hand behind the glans to pull downward.

With your other hand continue to pull up midshaft of your penis.

Do the same at the base of your penis near your scrotum for 20 – 40 seconds.

Then move towards the tip of your penis, with your thumb and forefinger of the free hand for 20 – 40 seconds. This will be about an inch behind the OK grip you are using to pull down with the other hand.

Tip: To get the best results of length training, then you need to start wearing your Extender at least 8 hours a day, for up to 5 days a week (40 hours). The 2 days off are to give yourself time to heal.

You should put it on after you get through with your lengthening exercises. The next exercise is for girth.