Money Slave to Money Master by Andrew Lau - HTML preview

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Bonus Chapter

10 False Beliefs About Money

by Steve Martile, Coach (

The most common reason that people are broke is because of their false beliefs. These beliefs come from the sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious mind or the emotional mind works with the Law of Attraction. You attract based on the programming of your sub- conscious mind.

In fact, many people know how to make money; a lot of them do. They just don't know how to KEEP it! They don't know how to keep it because of their false beliefs.

Your programming may be putting the brakes on your efforts. These false beliefs are buried deep in the constructs of your mind. If you keep attracting debt, then you may have false beliefs about money.

Here are 10 common false beliefs about money:

• I am not smart enough

• I am not good enough

• You can't trust people with money

• You can't be rich and healthy

Money doesn't grow on trees

• You need money to make money

Money making is a lot of hard work

• Having money just creates problems

• Having money isn't everything

Money is dirty (Comes from, "He is filthy rich!")

You can't change these beliefs because YOU ARE them. You are your beliefs. You won't be able to change them until you separate yourself from your beliefs. You do this by increasing your awareness. Once you are aware, you can change it!


Having more money will not make you a more evil or a better person. It will only amplify who you are.

Remember! It is how you build your relationship with your money!



Life is like a piece of paper, whether the paper is interesting or dull, it depends on how you live your life. Many spent their entire life finding their purpose. "Life on A Piece of Paper" aims to shed some light on life by sharing different experiences and stories of fellow Malaysians.

Often we think of having very little as a hardship.

It's bad to be poor, right? It's not easy struggling with low wages, with debt, with scarcity.

And while all that is true, it's also not true.

There can be joy in getting rid of things, in living with less, in freeing yourself of debt and possessions. It's all in your mindset.

Recently named best blog of 2011 by Time magazine and most inspiring money blog by Money magazine - Get Rich Slowly is devoted to sensible personal finance.