My Girls by Rahul Sharma - HTML preview

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I had few classmates Avantika, Anurag, Vishal, Rahul they became my very good friend. We had a group in our class which was highlighted for great mischiefs. Avantika was newly admitted to our school. Anurag was also new but I knew him of old. Avantika was very mischief , whenever she found me alone she would ask me about reproduction purposely. I remember the day when we were sitting in our class and mathematics sir had just left. I was sitting behind her. She turned back calling me “Sushant…!”. “what?”, I asked. “what will you say to your family if your bed breaks into two halves on your first night”, she asked. I was still like a statue, it was a herculean task for me to answer her. “Wait let me ask Anurag and Rahul”, I told her. After listening the question they were shocked, when I told them that this question is fired by avantika then they thought of some mischievous answers. “Come lets answer her in her way”, Rahul told me.

We confronted her, “I will say that I was pounding her very badly”, I replied her. “I will say that I was ramming her ass and we were doing it on floor so earthquake occurred and the bed shattered down”, Rahul said. we all were laughing like hell after listening his answer. Though we spoke vulgar but we were very good friends and believed each other.

It was the first day when I went to Akriti’s home. “AKRITIIII…”, I shouted. “coming”, she screamed from inside. Her mother was watching me from her balcony, I felt wired. She took her bicycle and finally we headed towards our tuitions. She was wearing a top and frock, she looked  attention grasping. we conversed each other like intimate friends and we both were getting comfortable towards each other. She was in eighth grade but looked like a class 10 th chic.

I liked her very much. I loved to spend time with her. I loved her big black eyes, her curvy body and her voice. Infact I loved everything about her. Everyday before sleeping I was thinking about her. Slowly everything has changed very drastically. I started missing her every time. Eating, sleeping or doing any work has become very difficult for me. I had fallen in love and it was my true love, avantika told me when I made everything clear to her on the eve of teacher’s day.

Avantika stated me calling “Akriti” instead of “Sushant”. I had heard in movies about true love but now the scene was in front of me.

One day when we were returning from our tuitions, we tackled a jam. It was too long. We also had another route but it was lengthy. So we decided to wait. We sat in a rickshaw and were constantly chatting to each other. “What is your favorite actor?” , she asked me. “I don’t watch movies”, I marked. “ what about you?” , I asked her. “Shahid Kapoor”, she replied. “what is your favorite fruit ?”, I asked her. “you say first”, she marked. “same as you”, I replied her. I was flirting her with my lame phrases. “strawberry”, she replied. Till then she saw her uncle and started to call him, I also helped her. Her uncle took her home with the another route.

The next day was Sunday, my tuition was closed but she had extra class. I was going to tailor for delivery of a shirt, I thought to call her and take her with me but she told me that she had extra class. I didn’t wanted to miss the chance so I acted as if I also had extra class. I moved with her.

A boy named ‘Pawan’ liked akriti. He had a hardware shop. One day he confronted me and said “you are sticking towards her… Is everything fine?”. “who are you?”, I asked. “its none of your matter, be careful”, he replied. 

Next day, I told everything to akriti, “you don’t be in it”, she told me. I was silent. The next day akriti told me, “he is handled by my uncle”. “thankyou akriti”, I marked.

Some day, her slippers were missing when she came out after tuition. She made a very dull face and told me about what had happned. I didn’t had any ways but I told her to wait and I could get her some options. I suddenly ran to Neeraj and asked him for a footwear but her denied. Suraj offered her slippers but she denied him and told him that I am arranging something for her. “I didn’t got anything”, I replied. She became unhappy “good”, she replied. “sorry”, I murmured. Finally she wore suraj’s slippers and we left from there. Suraj was a clean minded boy so I didn’t had any complaints against him.

Our friendship was getting old but and we were understanding each other very well.

It was the eve of New year, I bought a card for her and chosen the best verse for wishing her new year. It was 8:00 a.m. I reached her home, “Akriti” I shouted. She was still sleeping, her mother was busy cooking so she called me up and asked me to go into her room and wake her up. I was shocked by this change in her mother. “corner one is akriti’s room” she said. I entered her room whispering her name. it was uneasy for me to enter into her room after all  she was a girl. It was partially dark into the room.

I saw her sleeping first time ever. She was sleeping in a foetus pose. I sat beside her, her immensely fair legs attracted my mind. Her one hand was on her thigh and another was lying on her waist. Her tangled hairs were strewn on her face. I slowly moved my fingers on her face and tried to remove her dispersed hairs. It was like heaven to watch her while she was sleeping.

It was very hard for me to resist myself from touching her. Suddenly she sucked up air and stretched her hands and legs. “Akriti” I whispered. My whisper didn’t affected her so I call her again but this time with louder voice. “Mmmmmmm….” She made a very seductive voice. “Akriti… Its me Sushant” I whispered softly. She woke up with a sudden force. “when did you come?” she questioned. “few minutes ago” I claimed.

“Happy New Year…Akriti” I wished her with great thrust of feelings. “Awwwwww…. Shame to you”, she replied. She was acting like a child. I asked her about the new year plan, “not much” she muttered. “ lets go to amusement park(park name)” I told her. “at what time?” she asked. “you say” I said. “ at 3:00 P.M” she whispered softly. “OK” I said. I didn’t had anything to say, so I told her bye and moved out of her room.

I made myself ready for the exciting period which was to be sent with my angel. “Mummy…Mummyyy…” I am going out with my friends. I screamed without bothering whether mom heard or no and left. “Akriti” I called her. It was a minute or a half, she came. “Wow..! what a beauty” I said in my mind. She was wearing a red top and a jacket on it with a blue shot.

The apparel suited her as if it was made only for her. I was drastically attacked by her elegance.

“let’s go” she muttered. “I thought you will take your bike” she said. “I don’t know how to ride bikes” I replied. She planned something in her mind and said “ wait” and she went inside her home. Her uncle had a Hero Honda. “Sushant” she called me. I ran towards her “can you handle it?” she asked. I was afraid because actually what she was referring, was her uncle’s bike.

“fast…fast” she said hurriedly. There was a sloppy path just beside her home. We took the bike from there. “do you know how to start it?” she asked. I didn’t replied her rather I started it.

“hmmm” she hummed. She told me all the procedures of riding and we continued. I sat on the bike and asked her to sit behind me. She stretched her legs and moved a leg to another side of seat and made herself comfortable. “hold me” I softly said. she kept her one hand on my shoulder and her another hand was on my thigh. I was about to shiver with emotion. Those feeling were very fascinating. At the first attempt I failed to move the bike, I tried second time. I knew cycling so I had a good balance on bike. Despite of riding problems, We first went to the amusement park there I parked the bike and we both went inside together. There was laser show organized by TATA STEEL that evening. I wanted to take her there, “I love laser show…Let’s go” I told her. “what about price, we don’t have enough money” she replied. “ I have money” I said. And I started walking, She followed me. We walked towards the ticket counter, the queue was long. “let me go” she told me. We both gathered money, she walked to the front and requested to a man, to let her buy ticket. She got the tickets and we moved inside the hall of the show. She was excited and very happy. “thankyou Sushant” she praised. I could feel her affection towards me. After the laser show we went to a soda shop. It was the first time she had soda, she loved it. “mummy would be worried” she uttered. I wanted her to ride the bike because this time I wanted to hold her. “will you be able to ride” I asked her. “no I haven’t done it before, only the thing is I know how to ride” she answered. Without wasting much time we returned home. I didn’t wanted to face the consequences for taking the bike. So we quietly pushed the bike to its previous place, “see you tomorrow, bye”, she wished and went inside her home. I returned home happily recalling those precious moments with her.

That night I was completely lost into her world. I loved thinking about her. She had some magic in her which would attract me whenever I see her.