My Girls by Rahul Sharma - HTML preview

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Fun in Life


Akriti had a brother who lived in Pune. He was elder than both of us. One day I went her home to meet her. “I cannot come now, we will meet after a week” she calmly told. Without further questions I went from there.

Her behavior was totally different towards me. I met her after a week, “are you fine” I asked her. “yes…why ?”, she said. “you told me to go” I uttered with a calm voice. “Ooo…my brother had come home” she replied. “ I want to go for a tour with you” I told her. “ I have my schools and you too have yours” she muttered. Suddenly an idea ran into her mind “ I have my sports day” she spoke excitedly. “you can come to stadium, I will be present there” she marked. “awesome” I exclaimed. “what is the date?” I asked. “don’t worry about date because its tomorrow” she replied in a funny way. I hardly took any time for accepting her plan. That morning, “Sushanttt…” mummy howled. Without she could proceed I replied “ we have sports meet today, I will go at 9”

This was the perfect excuse fitted for mom.  That day I took nearly one hour to dress up. I took my bicycle and cycled straight to the stadium. It was crowded outside the stadium however I managed to park my bicycle. I entered the main gate and took a seat under the shade where parents were sitting. I was searching her but suddenly I found that she was on another side of the shade watching at me and was waiting for me to see her. She was calling me through action of her hand. I calmly stood up and moved towards her, the invigilators were sitting on the both side of shade. One of them saw me moving out. “Sir, you cannot move out” he said. I made a regretful remark and went back to my seat. I thought to jump the wall but then I banged an idea. I could go to the washroom and jump the wall which was connected to it and she could also jump it. I made her an action to follow me. I stood up and this time I directly went to the invigilator, I asked him “where is the washroom ?, Sir”. I knew each place of the stadium, so I didn’t waited for his reply and I moved from there. I met akriti and told her to jump the wall. “are you mad” she told. “I can’t stay here alone” I uttered. “come with me” she held my hand and took me to the place which was for the students. An exciting wave flowed in my body when she touched me. My mind was filled with emotions. “if anyone see me then” I worriedly asked. She was clam and didn’t replied to my question. Again I repeated “if anyone see me then”. “I will say that you are senior” she replied.

Though I was worried but I behaved as if I was confident. She wanted to introduce me to her friends. We took the seat, “ I will be back in a minute” she marked and went. What I saw that she was coming with her friends. I didn’t had anything to speak. Akriti took the initiative of introduction. Those girls wanted to ask me some questions, I didn’t wanted to answer anything  but akriti was sitting beside me, so I agreed. The questions were not to difficult to answer. Everything was going fine. “ I should go” I told akriti. She didn’t wanted me to go, I made an excuse that I had to go to hospital for mom’s medicines. I was not getting the way out, so I jumped the wall and moved out of the stadium.

I reached home, mummy was waiting for my arrival. “where were you?” she howled on me. “sports day” I replied. “I asked your class teacher, where were you?” she claimed angrily. it was a tough time for me. “ it was sports day of my friend, he wanted me to come” I replied. I went inside my room and closed the door from outside.

The next day , I met Avantika. I told her everything what I did yesterday. But she seemed to be jealous. I hadn’t expected this from her. but it was unacceptable for me, so I asked her “ are you jealous?” I uttered. “jealous..! have you become mad” she marked . “maybe I was wrong” I thought.

I met akriti that day, we both were calm. “can we go by walking from tomorrow onwards?” I asked her in a decent manner. “ I also wanted the same” she replied. I got more time to spend with her. I loved my sweetheart very much but was very afraid to approach her. “I want to tell you something” she uttered. “I am listening” I replied. she looked at me and replied “I don’t have papa(dad)” . I felt extreme pity for her and wanted to give her a tight hug. Looking down I said “don’t worry, I am always with you”.

My final exams had come. But the shocking thing was that I was unable to concentrate on my studies. I was in love with akriti, which led me to a constant fall from my studies. Which led to worsen my studies and my exams were not so good. I wanted to stop meeting her but my feelings and emotions were forcing me to meet her each day.

On the report card day, I took mummy with me because I worried about the result. The class was empty when we reached. “may I come in madam?” I cried. “yes beta” she replied. “what have you done?” teacher marked. I was frozen with fear after listening this from teacher. She gave me the report card in my hand and said “ judge yourself”. The first thing on which my eyes ran was the rank. I was ninth in the class. “such huge demotion” I claimed.

That day I got scolding’s from dad and mummy. I was crying very badly.

I was not getting any way out, I couldn’t leave akriti. We got a long holiday after the report card.

Mummy asked me “want to go somewhere”, “no” I replied. But suddenly I told yes because I was expecting some new atmosphere. My uncle lived in Delhi from many years, mummy’s planning was to send me there. Delhi was a nice place for travelling so I agreed with mummy’s plan.

“uncle will come to take you next week” mummy said. “why so late?” I uttered. “everyone has their jobs” mummy muttered. I was busy packing my bags. Uncle’s plan was to arrive next week but due to his work load he was unable to come. So I decided to go with grandma under her surveillance. We got the reservation ticket in kalinga utkal express. Mummy and Dad came to drop us on railway station. Touching the feet of mummy and dad I departed from there. Uncle and aunt was waiting for us on Hazrat Nizamudin railway station. Aunt was looking ass kicking beauty.

Uncle took leave from his work for few days. Aunt had made a delicious dinner that day, which I loved very much. Next morning I made myself ready for the upcoming excitation. Uncle took us to Qutab Minar as it was closer from there. I visited Qutab Minar first time. It was not very fascinating rather it was historical place. I saw the iron pillar, I took selfies and pictures with my grandma and uncle. We took metro from Qutab Minar to Akshardham for our next destination was Akshardham. Since then I had seen Akshardham temple only in photos or in television. It was an amazing experience to visit it. From a distance it looked like an acrobatically crafted toy. There was very unbreakable security and we were not even allowed to take our cell phones. Uncle submitted all the cell phones which we had. Then we were asked to take out belts and after a security check we were allowed to enter the temple. I was mesmerized by the beauty. I had dilemma of capturing pictures there but was not possible as my smartphone was submitted, so I bought few pictures of Akshardham which was being sold out there. As we could proceed, uncle got an urgent call from his boss and was asked to join as fast as he could. We managed to return home soon. “don’t worry I will take you” aunt said. grandma was very tired, so she decided to stay at home. Next day aunt and I went together. We went to Red Fort, Chandni chowk and Lotus Temple. We stayed in Delhi for about ten days. Holidays were over, I planned to return home.

We took Purushottam Express from New Delhi Station. I made farewell to uncle and aunt, and thanked them for taking out of there busy time. All these while I missed Akriti very vigorously, and wanted to meet her. Result had made a mental attack on my brain. Decision was very tough for me but I left thinking about it. At that situation Akriti was very important for me and hence I decided to go for her. I reached Jamshedpur, mummy and daddy had come to railway station for picking us.

“did your mood changed ?” mummy asked in a funny way. I only gave a smile.