My Girls by Rahul Sharma - HTML preview

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First Attempt


Next day, I went to meet akriti. “where were you?” she uttered. “Delhi” I replied. she asked me many more questions which made my mind irritated, and I shouted at her. She was quiet and her movement freezes. A slow droplets of tears roll how her eyes touching her cheeks and was changing into a narrow creek. “sorry akriti” I stammer. “please don’t cry” her tearful eyes was telling me the pain which she got in her heart. I took my palms on her cheeks and hold her comfortably. “Please don’t cry akriti” I said softly. She didn’t wanted to look me and hence she closed her eyes. Her nose and ears had become red with pain. “you can beat me if you want” I stammer. “I am feeling very painful, please don’t cry” I uttered. she slowly moved her hand up and pulled my hands down by holding both of my wrists. She wiped her tears on her cheeks.

“sorry Akriti” I mumbled. “no problem” she replied very softly. She then went into her room, I prayed God for everything to be fine between us. I heard a clinging sound in her room, what was she doing? I thought in my mind. She came out of her room handling a badminton racket in each of her hand. She gave me a racket and moved to the opposite side. She had become normal, I thought. The real saying “Time is a Medicine”, she was getting normal and started smiling on my non-sense acts. It was dusk, “tired?” I asked her. “Hmmm…” she hummed. “my new session will start from tomorrow” I told her. “ will you go to tuition?” she asked me. “yes… But from next week” I replied. “I will come later” I said and made my way towards home.

(After a week) I reached her home for tuition. But this time before I call her, she was waiting for me in her balcony. “wait” she said. that day everything was fine. While returning from our tuition

Akriti said “do you know that boy”. “ Who?” I asked. “He has a hardware shop” she said. 

“he gave me a letter” she told again. I felt intimidated and angry. I pretended as I don’t bother .

But loosing controls on my tongue I told her “I will meet him now”. “please, don’t tell him anything” she mumbled. I was on fire and she wanted me not to speak to him.

I came home, kept my books and copies, took my bicycle and went to Rahul as fast as I could. I called Rahul and told him everything. “What are you waiting for, let’s go and push a bamboo in the ass of that motherfucker” Rahul said. I added up two sentences “No…No…” , “Leave him for now”. “don’t take tension we will see him” Rahul said. “she won’t like” I marked and left.

I didn’t told him anything because I believed on my love. I went to Avantika’s home and told her everything. “I hope she will not accept his proposal” I wished while avantika was with me and after listening this she said “ how do you know that this was a proposal?, it can also be a apologizing letter or something else”. My mind strike, I was so blind that I didn’t  thought anything. “why are you so possessive?” avantika asked me . “I don’t know” I murmured. Then I declared “ I don’t want to loose her” making a chuckling sound. Avantika kept her hand on my shoulder and said “don’t worry I am with you” was she feeling horny. I hadn’t thought anything like that for avantika but wanted a very tight hug. She made herself comfortable on her seat. “are you fine?” I asked her watching in her eye. She came close and whispered in my ears “I will be fine”. That was really embarrassing for me. She moved her hand on my shoulder slowly as if she was massaging it. her eyes were constant on me and I was looking on the ground buried my head down. A spike of pleasure started pulsing inside me. I was understanding everything but didn’t wanted to stop her. I pulled up my head, looked towards her and watching in her eye I said “are we doing good”. Her pupil has grown bigger and her eyes could easily depict that, she wanted tremendous love. I cannot betray Akriti.

I cannot let this continue, “someone will come” I uttered. “no one will come, its my room” she calmly said looking into my eyes. I thought Avantika had a hobby of reading adult books this may be the reason of the situation what I am facing now. She pulled down her hand slowly moving it through my arms and reached to my palm. I felt a strong goose bumps on my hand and I am sure that she could also feel that. She hold my palm tightly, It was too hard for me to stop but I made myself still and was sitting quiet. By seeing me non-responsive she gently loosen her hand and removed it. “are you fine” she asked. “I…I….should ask this to you” I stammer.

She looked into my eyes, I wonder that abnormal situation. We both were looking into each other’s eyes undisturbed. Everything seems to be useless but was very fascinating and delicate.

 The situation was very delicate from her side. I was still in control and wanted her to stop her there but I couldn’t say her. She stood up slowly and pulled down her kurti end from back to adjust it as it had been pulled up while she was sitting. she moved towards the door, Thank God, I was feeling slight relief. “don’t move anywhere” she said and moved out of the room. I was totally unaware of where she went. “Something has happened to her, was she fine” many questions were striking my mind. She came back after ten minutes holding something in her hand. I put it on the rack, I was unable to figure it out. I address it to be a chocolate. She then stepped back towards the door.

She closed the door slowly without making any sound. “have you gone mad” I said. “Sushant… you are a very boring boy” she uttered. after a while “stand up” she said. I didn’t took her order and continued to sit. Avantika walked close to me. holding my both arms with her hands she stood me up. “what are you doing?” I asked. She came closer to me and whispered “So…many questions….!!”. “Avantika…please don’t do, I am very afraid” I replied. she smiled devilishly and said “you don’t worry, you will like it very much” and added up later “I cannot see your pain, let me handle it and let me teach you how to handle it”. her voice was getting sexier and slower. She came more closer to me, raised her hands, passing it around my neck and holding me she said “put both your hands on my waist”. I uproot my hands out of pocket. Slowly moving up towards her bulgy waist. Hands rested on her waist. “hold it tightly” she ordered. Pressing her waist hard, I could feel the unrealistic flow of electric in my body as if she was charging me. She was slim and I could cover her waist almost from the backside. My thumbs were on the front side. That feeling was very amazing. “Good Boy…” she said. Holding me tight, She started pulling me towards herself. “will she kiss me..?” I thought, but soon I realized that her intention was not to kiss me. she came very close to me, her nose touched my cheek. She rubbed her nose up and down on my cheek. She was very slow and soft. With her delicate and gentle moves she had started me arousing internally. Emotionally I was getting enervated. I wanted her to continue the same. “Why don’t you love me? Sweetheart” she mumbled. I think she was dripping from inside and wanted me to act, but I was totally a new born baby on that situation. I didn’t knew how to respond her.

Making my mind and gathering some courage I replied her “I love Akriti” and added up “Not you” ending with “you are only my friend”. She stopped for a while then she told me “don’t be harassed, Baby” adding up “you will be addicted to me and then you will love me”. her voice was very calm and loveable. ‘Avantika loved me..!’, I didn’t knew this, but she is only my friend. I could say anything further, she held me very tight making her hands which were holding me stronger than it was. Waves of glory and emotions had started busting inside me. she tilted her head, her lips came closer to me. I could feel her breathe when she came too close to me. our lips were very close to each other. Slowly and steadily with a gentle care she moved towards me. she closed her eyes, I made no movement. Watching her closing her eyes, I too closed mine. Her lips touched me with a delicate movement towards me. A volcanic force burst into me, forcing me to take the initiative. I put myself forward to embrace her lips with mine. Sucking her delicate and very soft lips I made slow moves. An electric flow tackled my body moving up and down, making me her slave. Her holds became tight and her movement of lips became more fast and harsh. We embraced each other very tight as if we wanted to be one. The soft touches became more fast from my side. I could think nothing without the very severe moment. Moving my hands on her ass, I touched her lips with my tongue. Her lips gave me the way and was inviting me. being very careful I pushed my slick part into her. I tasted each part of her mouth rolling my slick part inside her. we both touched each other inside her. moving out I started sucking her lower lips. She was very sweet and tasty I could feel the tastiness while I sucked her lips inside and outside. It continued for about twenty minutes and after, Withdrawing, we both were silent and looking down, our forehead were touching each other.

We were gasping vigorously. Was it the end..!!!

She moved her hand off me and asked me to sit on the bed. “are you going somewhere?” I asked her. “I will be back soon” she replied and entered into her bathroom. I was in a dream with open eyes, I felt brainless, unable to think anything. I loved it very much. My penis was standing erect against me in my underwear, making my trouser bulging outwards. Avantika came out, stood in front of me and whispered in my ears “strip me..!!”, “why???” I asked shivering. She again whispered in my ears “take my clothes off…Baby!!”. I dumbly nodded. I moved my hands on her thighs massaging it. she sat in front of me kneeling on the ground making out level same. Looking into my eyes she moved her hands slowly between my legs, on my cock. She could feel my fully erect cock. Her massage was arousing me towards the threshold. She was constantly looking at my face and was moving her hands on my bulged trouser. I was moving high in emotion. I was completely ready for her. I stood up, holding her shoulders with my both hands, I made her sit. She stretched her hands straight upwards and said “pull out my kurti”. Shuddering, I stood up, holding her kurti I pulled it upwards. “Oh my God…!!!!” I was blank. she was wearing a black bra which was holding her boobs tight. “Her boobs seems to be big” I thought in my mind. “do you like it?” she asked moving her hands on her squishy boobs. “I love it…!” I claimed. She took both my hands and rested it on her boobs, making me horribly electrically charged. She clipped off her bra and her completely bare torso made me blind in affection of her body. I started kneading her boobs, slowly moving my palms around it. Her nipples were hard and contracted. She pulled my head towards her nipples, “suck it” she moaned. My tongue tasted her nipples briefly. Encircling it round and round. Her sound was increasing a bit. “I want it… now!!” she whispered in my ears, while moving her hands into my trousers. “I don’t know how to do it” I said holding her boobs.

“I will teach you...Baby!!” she said and kissed me hard. She unbuttoned my trouser, making it to fall on the ground slipping off my legs. My dick was completely erect and was bulging out of my underwear. Giving me a devilish smile, in no time she stretched my underwear and took my fully erected cock into her mouth. Heaven, I moaned. The feeling was heavenly strong and joyful. Sucking my dick hard, she had aroused me. “I love it” I shriek. She massaged my balls very slowly. She pushed my dick slowly into her mouth to its full length giving me jolts. After her few strokes, with an ultimate outburst, I exploded into her mouth. “Oh God….Oh my God…..Oh God….Oh……Oh….Hahhhh…”. my cum spewed out of her mouth, she licked it completely.

“Amazing..!!” I exclaimed gasping. “did you loved it?” she asked. With a low gasping voice moving my hand on her head I replied “very much”.

“what if anyone knows about this?” I uttered. “no one is at home, we both are alone here” then she uttered “they are at farm house”. Hearing this a breathe of relief escaped. She wore her clothes with a haste.

“don’t put on your clothes, I will return soon” she muttered and went out of the room.

After a couple of minutes, she returned with a bottle of energy drink. “finish it off” she ordered.

Thinking it to be a soft drink, I tried to finish it in a single gulp, “eeuuuuuwww…… so bitter…!!! , what is it???” with an awkward face I marked. “it is holy water, drink it” she said curling her lips.

I could feel a high enthusiasm overcoming me. She laid on the bed and asked me come close to her. She stripped off her pajama. A horrific fear stabbed my body by watching her nude when she removed her red colored panty. We both were completely nude. She thirstily sucked my cock up and down. It started gaining life, after her couple of stroke I was completely ready to ram her pussy. “lick my pussy” avantika parol. She stretched her pussy for me to lick her voraciously. I licked her swelled and throbbing pussy hungrily, moving my tongue inside and outside. She started groaning and yelping. “yess…yesss….more……more…..” she moaned. Avantika scream was getting loud. “Don’t shout so hard” I whispered. “don’t stop… idiot..!!!” she shouted. This time being more hard and avid I sucked her swollen pussy. I could feel the impulse of sudden passion hitting her stomach. I licked her fully tanned pussy dripping with pussy juices. “shitt….shiittttt…..stop..stop..stop… Baby…” She shouted hastly. Shuddering, I kneeled down on her bed, between her legs. Pulled up her one leg putting it on my shoulder. “I want you inside me…Baby!!!” she cried out. I rubbed my cock on her throbbing pussy. Her pussy was dripping and her pussy juices were flowing through her ass. I could see the jolts and impulses which she feels when I massaged her clits with my fully erect cock. Slowly and gently I pushed my cock inside her. “Oh God…!” she stopped me with her hands. My vitality didn’t wanted me to stop, I removed her hand. With a great force I pounded her pussy, I was in heavenly feeling and could feel the joy which was very elegant. Emotions were striking me like huge waves. “Ooo….Fuck…!” she cried and pulled herself. Avantika was crying, blood began to flow from her tanned pussy. Before I could act she asked me to continue adding up “don’t stop, even when I cry or ask you to stop”. Listening this I unbothered about her, once again I start up the strokes. This time her pussy accepted my cock very easily. Her pussy was slippery and swallowed my dick making avantika more aggressive and enthusiastic. I could hear her moaning my name, this helped me to gain powerful strokes. Her groans increased with my strokes, and with a perfect rhythm we moved on. “c…cum inside me, please fuck me harder… give me your baby…..ahhhh..” she stammer loudly.

Striking her ball deep, I increase my strokes. Her sensual body invited me to fuck her brainless.

Finally, making a last huge stroke I exploded. “Aaaaaaa…” she yelled.

“Ahhhhhh……Fucpujak…….ahhhh..!!!” I climaxed horribly. We both were sweating badly, her nipples were glistening from the sweat. Gradually I withdrew my cock out of her tender pussy.

I cleaned her clit with my hanky, meanwhile she kissed me on my forehead. She squeezed my cock with her delicate lips. We kissed each other. It was already very late for me, so I decided to make my way towards home. Returning home I recalled everything which we performed few minutes before. It was very arousing and fascinating, I felt slight enervated internally. Avantika gave me the unbelievable happiness which I could never forget.