Net Profits by Dr. Jeffrey Lant - HTML preview

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He taught and I learned "the list is the business, the business is the list."

He taught and I learned "the money's in the list".

He taught and I learned not to send traffic to a webpage but to a landing page.

He taught and I learned how too use the landing pages he wrote, the best and most traffic generating anywhere.

He taught and I learned every method available online for building lists.

He taught and I I learned how to use these lists... and how to make money from them every single day.

George Kosch was my instructor every inch of the way. He knew his stuff... was adept and masterful at teaching it (for he is a gifted instructor) and really cared about whether I (and his many other students) "got it" and profited.

What he wanted from me was what every good instructor wants: respect for what he was saying, total focus and concentration on the subject matter, seriousness of intent, not just hearing what he had discovered and was keen to impart, but a willingness to hear, read, apply, then hear, read, and apply again and again until you had mastered the money-making, business-building techniques that meant predictable, certain, gratifying money in the bank every single day you wanted money, money, and more money.

"Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door." (Not without superb marketing it won't).

I learned fast (and profitably) that to listen to George Kosch and to follow his lucid, sensible, proven steps was crucial to my online success. To my credit, I listened,

I studied until I understood; I implemented daily and literally millions of dollars followed.


The more success I experienced with his system, the faster I put his every word and recommendation under the most intense scrutiny. My mamma didn't raise no fool. Kosch said... I followed. It was as simple as that, right up to and including this very day.

But 99 people out of 100 didn't. Oh, they made a pretense of doing what was necessary... but it was never more than a pretense. And neither will you... whatever you say.

You won't take the Bootcamp training though it is available right this minute and is FREE after you join.

If you enroll in the class you won't focus on understanding every single word and every single profit-making technique.

If you don't understand everything in a minute or two of half-hearted application, you'll whine that it's all too difficult, and you'll drop the course that GUARANTEES results because it takes some effort to master it.

Having dropped the course, thereby failing to master its must-know and use details, you'll restart your fatuous search for something easier, where you are guaranteed results without effort of any kind... never mind that such a thing has never existed and never will exist and that the course you need is ready and available for you immediate erudition and profit FREE RIGHT THIS MINUTE.

What you should do, of course, is apply yourself to the business of what you must do to master the Internet and so achieve profit as early and completely as possible. This is what George Kosch's proven Bootcamp does.

If you are one of the 99% who will never profit, this is precisely what you will not do now or ever. Instead, you will turn your back on what works, throw up your hands, and toss in the towel and give way to dismay and dismaying self pity. That's disgusting... but predictable.


However, if you are that 1 in 100 determined to profit, you will stop all your unsuccessful Internet endeavors until you have sought out George Kosch at, advising him that I have recommended you seek him out at once and commence the necessary training that ensures results. You will find him ready, able, and enthusiastic about helping you. Now do your part by following the proven steps of Bootcamp without cavil, impatience, excuses, or trying to learn and use them with anything less than your full and complete attention. Remember, the only place on Earth where success comes before work is the dictionary.

Too True To Be Good.

While I was writing this section, I decided to share it with a fellow who told me his miserable Internet history and told me with ardent assurance that he wanted online success more than anything, that he needed the extra money yesterday for a stack of bills that just kept getting higher and that he would do whatever was necessary to solve his problem and improve his situation. "Please help me, Dr. Lant," he pleaded, "Please , please, please!"

On this basis, I gave him the $20,000+ bonus package you'll find at the end of this book, arranged for him to get into the Bootcamp and work directly with George Kosch... all for just $99.95, an unbelievable deal of a lifetime. I made it clear his financial success was GUARANTEED if he followed the simple, proven steps.

He accepted my offer, right? Right?

Think again! In fact, he adamantly declined an offer 100% to his advantage.

"You mean it isn't entirely free?", he sniffed. "Then I'll find my own way, and it will be 100% free without homework." Thus he put his tail in the air and sashayed to certain perdition. I'm not making this up.

This is the way the clueless 99% destroy any chance they may have had for online success... that they actually think they've made a smart move.

You, of course, would never come to such a foolish, self-destructive conclusion would you, well would you? Let's see... Just one question will prove, one way or the ot her. Ladies and gentlemen and all the ships at sea, here is that question:



Or are you still so obstinate, so arrogant, so foolish that you are still trying to do it all alone, without help, without knowing precisely what to do, when and how to do it?

I implore you: if you want money today... money tomorrow... money every day for the rest of your natural life then your next step is crystal clear and must be made here and now.

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