Online Magazine - Mobile App & eCommerce November 2022 Issue


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Book Description HTML

In this edition of the magazine, our feature article highlights the importance of interoperability in the Metaverse.In the Metaverse section, we discuss how various UAE government entities are entering the Metaverse, and discuss the repercussions of a Metaverse failing to exist.In the mobile app section, we explain the new Kotlin MultiPlatform Mobile platform and why you need a lite version for your mobile app.In the ecommerce section, we explain why ecommerce sites can fail to drive sales despite getting enough traffic and a security checklist for your website.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Jerry Murdock
    06 Apr 2014
    Lots of very good information, but sometimes hard to follow because it skips around so much. The fact that "In 1995 Clinton extended diplomatic relations to Vietnam" is in the paragraph before, "President Lyndon B. Johnson deployed Coast Guard cutters to Vietnam (29 April 1965) . . .", and after, "In 1976 President Jimmy Carter pardoned most of the Vietnam war draft dodgers"
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