Payback: Sometimes Karma Takes so Friggin' Long, You Have to Step in and Handle Things Yourself - the Girl on Fire by Eve Rabi - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten


We awoke to persistent knocking.

“Arena!” Bear’s voice.

Alarmed, I threw open the door. “What is it?”

“It’s a beautiful day and we’re going on a picnic,” he said, lifting up a picnic basket, his eyes traveling slowly up and down my sleep shorts and skimpy tank top. “Get the kids and let’s go.”

“But…but –”

“No buts, unless you’re referring to your own butt, or mine, and frankly, I’d rather talk about yours because I like it. Really like it.” He grinned.

I giggled as my hands automatically moved to my butt.

“I have three weeks with you guys, and I am going to make it count. Got bacon and eggs, cheeses, and all sorts of stuff that’s guaranteed to make you feel guilty after you’ve eaten it. But…we’re gonna have breakfast in a beautiful spot, whether you like it or not. After we pick up Amy.” He smacked me on the butt. “Move it!”

Within an hour, we had baby Sasha’s car seat strapped into his Jeep, Warren buckled up next to Amy, and we were heading to this great picnic spot near some natural waterfall in the Hawksbury area that he promised would take my breath away.

And it did.

While I took in the amazing scenery and inhaled the fresh air, he made us bacon and eggs and even coffee. Insisted I put my feet up and relax while he took care of things.

I loved looking at him – without his beard and mustache he looked so different, sexy, and I found myself loving all the kisses we sneaked. Especially the deep, intimate ones, where he slipped his hands under my top and caressed my breasts when the kids weren’t looking. It melted me in places I didn’t know could melt, and I wanted more.

I got to see a very goofy side of him as he romped with Warren and Amy. He wrestled with them, then dangled them by their ankles, then acted like King Kong, and the kids loved it.

Even baby Sasha cooed at him and responded to his voice. I loved the way he interacted with my son, and all thoughts of dumping him and going on with my life evaporated.

We spent the day together, and when it was time for us to return, the kids were sleepy but happy.

At just about every red traffic light, he leaned in and stole a kiss, each kiss becoming deeper, longer, and hungrier. His touch became bolder and left my body tingling.

Back at the apartment, I bathed the kids and put them to bed while Bear made us a stir fry.

After a quick shower, I slipped on a top and a pair of shorts and went into the kitchen, only to find that Bear wasn’t there. The food was almost done and was on the warmer.

Minutes later he rushed in with two bottles of wine. “What did I miss?”

“Where did you go?”

“Shower.” He slapped his body randomly. “I felt all icky sticky.”

“Snap! I showered too,” I said as I stirred the pot on the stove.

He walked up to me, slipped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck. “You smell good,” he whispered, then kissed my neck, turning my knees into jelly.

I had no idea that the back of my neck was so sensitive.

“So do you,” I said, and turned around to slide my arms around his neck.

“It’s my aftershave. It’s as awesome as I am.”

I laughed and gently stroked his face. “I like this.”

“Yeah?” His voice was just a whisper.

“Yeah, a lot.”

We kissed again.

“I have to grow my beard again, you know that, right?”

“Why did you shave it?”

He jerked back. “Why? I wanted to impress you with my pretty face. Wanted you to see me and say, ‘Wow, he’s so cool, so handsome. I got to have him!’”

I laughed and hugged him tighter. “I did. I think you’re very cool. And…handsome.”

“Aw shucks, you say the nicest things, Miss ’Rena.” He swooped down and slid his tongue into my mouth.

I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck and angled my head for more of his kisses, and I was amazed at just how turned on I was by him.

When it came to Tom, I was never ever turned on. Not once, or I would have remembered it. He always led and I followed. Let me rephrase that – he dictated and demanded and of course, I did as he ordered.

But at that moment, I had the urge to drag Bear into the bedroom and fuck the daylights out of him. Well, it was nighttime, so it be would nightlights.

As his tongue probed my eager mouth, his zealous hands moved to my breasts. I sighed and slipped my hands under his t-shirt and stroked his muscular back. His response was to groan into my mouth and press his hips to mine. He was such a sexy man, and I was embarrassed to feel a silkiness between my thighs almost immediately.

It had been a while since I had been with a man, and I felt untouched. So to have him touch me that way, so intimately, was pleasant, and my body reveled in it. Things became so heated in the kitchen, I had to do something. Turning off the stove, I took his hand and led him to my dimly lit bedroom.

Slowly, I removed his shirt and tossed it behind me. I kissed his broad chest, his neck, and his soft mouth. He moved to take off his belt, but I stopped him.

“Here, I’m in charge, Cop-Man,” I whispered. “You do as I say, or I will handcuff you to that bedrail, hear me?”

His eyes lit up.

With my eyes locked on with his, I slowly undid his belt. Then, with my tongue in his mouth, I slowly unzipped his jeans and pushed them down his long muscular legs. Gently, I caressed his hips, his thighs, his butt, but stopped short of his erection, which was huge and dying to be sprung.

I must say, this power that I was flexing made me feel, well, powerful. For the first time, I was in control, and I found it a huge turn-on.

His groans spurned me on even more.

“Baby, please…”

I smiled. “Patience…”

Bear Shaw didn’t do patience, evidently – he grabbed me, tore off my top, unhooked my bra, and freed my breasts into his waiting hands.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he whispered.

He kneaded them softly before he sucked on them, one at a time. With a deep sigh of pleasure, my head fell back. His flaming kisses traveled all over my breasts, my neck, down my stomach, and over my thighs. I caught my breath when he kissed between them, my shorts offering little protection from the heat of his urgent kiss. I didn’t want him to stop, but he did, only to yank down my shorts. He pushed me onto the bed and climbed over me.

“Fuck, I want you,” he whispered. “Now, please!”

I responded by tugging down his underpants and freeing his angry erection.

At the same time, he rolled down my panties and slipped his fingers between my thighs. As his fingers went deeper inside of me, I grabbed the length of his shaft and ran my hands over it.

With a guttural groan, he parted my thighs and drove deep into me. I felt every inch of his length and raised my hips to accommodate more. I wanted all of him.

Never before had I experienced such pleasure, and I wanted it to last – I wanted to savor every moment, and to exist as one for as long as possible. It felt like I was rebelling, having casual sex, making all the moves.

I mean, we hadn’t talked about monogamy and love and commitment –all that stuff – important stuff as yet, so it was all casual, something foreign to me. Yet, I didn’t care – I wanted him, and I was taking him because…I felt like it. Liberating much? You bet.

He withdrew from me, then turned me around and took me from behind. As he thrust inside of me, he reached around to grab my swinging breasts.

“Man, you’re beautiful!” he whispered over and over, and I felt as beautiful as Cleopatra at that moment.

After a while, he flipped me around again and shoved me onto my back, then entered me again. With his tongue in my mouth and his dick deep inside of me, we existed as one again.

He was in control for sure, but it was different from Tom. He was firm and loving, giving, and I welcomed his moves, loved every moment of it.

As he twitched inside of me, I felt a million tiny bubbles explode within me. I grabbed onto his shoulders and let out a long sigh as my body shuddered with relief. My first orgasm during the deed. I was surprised that I could actually orgasm with a man. I never thought it was possible.

Then those firm, muscular thighs took over and rocked my body till he exploded deep inside of me.

Slick with sweat, we lay in each other’s arms and grinned.

Sweat. How ’bout that? I actually sweated while fucking. It was possible after all. Tom was right, then.

“Fuck!” Bear chanted. “I’m at a loss for words. Fuck!”


We laughed and kissed lightly.

“There’s dinner,” I reminded him.

“Yeah, but I want seconds.” I knew that he was not talking about dinner. “And thirds.”

I laughed and pushed him off me.

Dinner was quick, and we hurried back to bed for seconds, which was longer, slower, and more intense than round one.

Bear spent the night in my arms. Thereafter, he spent every night in my apartment, in my arms.

We were unable to stop touching each other. It was just beautiful, and I was smiling all the time.

Warren and Sasha adored Bear, and the moment he entered the apartment, they were all over him.

He loved it and was always buying them presents. I suspected that he was lonely and liked the family set-up that I had. Amy, his daughter, spent more and more time with him, and we became a family of five. So much so that he asked me to move in with him.

But I wasn’t ready for that. I was enjoying my freedom and didn’t want to surrender to him, which was what would have happened had I moved into his apartment. Guess I was still wary and scared of men.

He didn’t say much, but I could tell he wanted me to trust him more. Unfortunately, he’d have to give me more time.

One day, Bear stormed into our apartment and said, “I’m hoooooome!”

Warren bounded to Bear, grabbed his legs and hung onto him. Bear scooped him up, threw him in the air, and then hugged him.

Then Sasha started jerking her body, putting out her hands to Bear. He took her from me and hugged them both.

We’re the family in the commercial that Warren once questioned me about, I thought. Finally, we’re that family. Tears of joy stung my eyes at the realization of a dream. How lucky was I to meet a beautiful man like Bear.

To our absolute delight, Bear’s assignment was postponed for some reason. It meant that we had another month together. Then again, to our delight, it was delayed once more. We could hardly believe our luck. Another month together, with just two weekends away from us due to meetings in Queensland and Melbourne. We treasured every moment together.

Bear’s generosity was astounding. I no longer had to be frugal and cautious about money. Without me asking, he just took care of everything – groceries, utilities, clothes, gas – everything, and I felt unbelievable relief.

He was old-fashioned in that way – didn’t want a woman to pay. He even gave me a credit card and insisted that I use it. I did, because I had to.

Amy’s mother was dating a younger guy who wasn’t into kids. This bothered Bear, so Amy spent more and more time with us, and that made Bear feel complete.

I, of course, welcomed Amy with open arms, although I felt a little concerned when she started calling me Mom. I didn’t mind at all, in fact, I loved it, but I was mindful that she had a mom already, and I didn’t want to cause her mother any hurt.

We were driving the kids to the beach, when at a red traffic light, Bear stopped and looked at me.


He took my hand, kissed it, and squeezed it on his chest. “I love you,” he whispered.

That was so unexpected that for a moment, I just stared open-mouthed at him. I mean, I knew that he loved me and I felt the same way about him, but he was declaring his love at a red traffic light. That was huge.

“I love you,” I mouthed as tears of happiness filled my eyes.

He smiled and leaned in for a tender kiss.

The light changed, so with my hand still in his, he drove on.

At the next traffic light, he leaned towards me again. “Don’t ever go away, Arena. Stay with me forever.”

I smiled and hugged him.

Imagine, a few months on my own and I was already in love with a wonderful man.

And…a wonderful man loved me!

How could I not be happy?

Every day with Bear was better than the last. Seemed like my life had finally come together. I had lived through a terrible storm that lasted years and I had survived, only to find my rainbow at the end. How cool was that? How lucky was I?

Life was good. Strike that, life was simply great.