Platinum Dust by K.C. Baylor - HTML preview

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Chapter Three:
Don’t Mess Wit My Paper

I first got the call about my baby daddy from his boy Ray saying he was in the hospital. I tried not to show emotion on the plane back from Atlanta but with Drake down my financial security was uncertain. I was pissed when Ray called me knowing I was on vacation at my mom’s place in ‘Hotlanta’ where the sun goes to play and the bruthas are a plenty. My heart nearly dropped when he said the words no woman ever wants to hear about her man. “You need to come to the hospital”

Ten hours later and I was walking into the Univ. of Penn through the gates building off of Spruce Street. The nurse sitting behind the desk looked fairly young with blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. Her blue nurse’s uniform shirt fit loosely around her tall frame.

“I’m looking for Drake Pendergrass, I’m his wife” I wasn’t his wife yet but she didn’t need to know my business.

“He is in room” she paused to take a look at the clipboard sitting in front of her “102, here take this visitors pass and sign your name right here” I took the pass after signing my name and headed toward the elevators. When I got close to room 102 I didn’t know what I expected to see but what greeted me behind the doors made me want to scream. Drake was lying motionless in a hospital bed. It was elevated upright with wires connected to a machine. Metal rods were surrounding his head like a halo and two of the rods were bolted to either side of his jaw. He couldn’t turn to see me enter but his eyes weren’t open anyway. They were swollen shut and black and blue. It looked like he went toe to toe with a tractor-trailer and lost.

I tried to talk to Drake but what could I say? I whispered in his ear that I was here and that I loved him. I didn’t know if he could hear me or not but I kept talking anyway. Twenty minutes later and his eyes started to flutter half way open. I knew he was happy to see me because he squeezed my hand but his mouth was wired shut so he couldn’t talk to me. I didn’t need to hear him speak to know what he wanted to say. I was a real ass bitch that would ride or die for my paper but I cried when I saw a tear escape his eyelid and slide down to his hospital gown.

Ray only gave me half of the story but told me that a pretty nigga was to blame. He wasn’t with Drake that night so he could only go off the word of a few club goers there that night. He asked me if I wanted him and a few of his boys to handle it but I told him no. That nigga is gonna learn that when you fuck with me or my money that there would be hell to pay. If I couldn’t do the job then I’d call on the big dogs but until then I was gonna handle my business    my way.


It was Friday and Felicia still not answering her line. To be honest the shit was driving me crazy. I hadn’t seen her for three weeks now and my boy Dre said he saw her at the movies last Saturday. Just when I wanted to call her again my cell rang. I didn’t recognize the number so it went unanswered until it rang again with the same number.


“May I speak to Vic?” the voice sounded too young to be calling me.

“Who’s this?”

“It’s Tamia, remember the girl from the club?” she tried to help me remember but I swear at the moment I couldn’t.

“What club?”

“Six-Nine, I was with my friends and you slid your card to me”

“Oh, oh I remember now. Why you take so long to call me?” I put on my best playboy voice.

“Why are you busy?” She had an innocent tone, which I kinda liked. 

“No what’s up, everything good?”

After talking for about twenty minutes I learned that she was only twenty-three, which explained her voice, she had her own apartment and was in her senior year at Temple University. I was sitting in my truck on my way to check her out with my mind on Felicia. I had to shake it off because you can’t dwell on shit for too long. In my rearview I spotted the same silver Infinity trailing one car behind for the past ten blocks. I hung a sharp right confident I lost them. I knew I didn’t owe anybody unlike Dre the city’s biggest heroin and coke dealer. He had connections from here to Mexico and everywhere in between. He had the occasional sucka looking for him but I never got caught up in his transactions. The darkness concealed the numbers on the apartment door so it was difficult to see which one was hers so I had to park. Tamia was waiting for me on the steps, which took me by surprise. I quickly snapped back when I spotted the skin tight Ed Hardy jeans and a teal spaghetti strap Fendi shirt. Her ass looked good so I walked behind her a step to get a good look.

We hopped in the Expedition and I sped off. Shorty had a good conversation piece too, which let me know she was on her ‘A’ game. Three blocks later I couldn’t help but notice the same silver Infinity. I told Tamia to hold on before weaving in and out of traffic through semi busy streets. I dodged a few cars and ran a red light with the car still on my heels.

“What is wrong with you?” she yelled at me with the signature black woman head roll.

“I’m cool, why you ask?” I didn’t know who it was and Kelly drove a blue Camry so I knew it wasn’t her crazy ass. Tamia turned in her seat to look out the back window before screaming at the top of her lungs.

“Vic? Vic” She slapped my arm a few times to get my attention but I couldn’t turn around or we’d both be dead.

“VIC” Her voice boomed through my truck.

“WHAT?” I shouted back, she had me paranoid.

“LOOK” Tamia grabbed the wheel turning it left into a dark alley. Right when I wanted to ask if she had lost her mind the back window of the Expedition shattered.

“Oh shit” Tamia started screaming and tryna open her car door.

“Relax, give me a minute to think” The car was coming at me faster and it was a dead end ahead. I know I wasn’t about to die on some ole crazy gangsta shit.

“Listen Tamia, I need you to grab my piece from the glove compartment. I’m gonna hit reverse aim at the window when I say three” My voice was as relaxed as it was gonna get under the circumstances.

“I don’t want to. Just take me home please. Oh God please.” Tears were streaming down her face like an open faucet. I knew this broad wasn’t bout it and now I was caught slipping. I started yelling hoping I put the fear of God in her.

“Listen to me NOW.  When I say three you’re gonna aim that muthafucking gun at that muthafucka. Do you hear me? Do YOU?” She looked at me with big eyes but she reached in the glove compartment pulling out my 9mm. Just seeing my piece put me at ease, this broad was starting to get on my nerves she was practically hyperventilating. Her hand shook uncontrollably. I hit the gas and my truck reeled backward at top speed.

“When I say three blast that window ok?” She only nodded her head.  “One...Two...Three” I only heard one shot going off and then glass shattering. The infinity was trying to back out of the alleyway but their skills weren’t as good as mine. I front ended their car trying to get a good look at the driver. I couldn’t make out the facial features but the silhouette told me it was a woman with wild, curly hair. When she finally spun out of the alley I followed behind. The hunted becoming the hunter.

“Now what Bitch?” I was in a zone until Tamia’s voice broke in.

“Please take me home. Now please” I looked over at her and felt sorry for having her in the middle of this craziness. She was too young to be in my world anyway. Her mascara was running and her hair sweated out.

“Alright, relax, you hungry?” Her head snapped in my direction letting me know she thought I was crazy. I called Book Binders from my cell ordering shrimp scampi, mussels Alfredo and clam chowder. I was familiar with the chef. I tried to calm down before swinging over to pick up my food. All I could think of was that I needed to know who was out to get me and fast.

*** Felicia***

Yeah I saw how many times Rah tried to call but he needs to sweat. I’ve been making myself busy trying to get a life outside of him. After the whole club scene I’ve been reevaluating myself. My girl Beverly calls me every five minutes talking about her wedding plans and while I’m trying to be happy for her I’m sad for myself. I’ve been spotting for almost two weeks now, my boobs are sore and my period is three weeks late. I’m denying the inevitable and I’m trying not to go to the Dr’s for another week or so to find out what I already know.

I can’t tell none of my girls because they are only gonna tell me to tell Raheim and that I wouldn’t do. I already feel stupid as it is and I know how much he ain’t tryna have no kids. This would be my burden and I’m damn sure not gonna let it drive me to do what his crazy ass mama did. I was tired of staying in and though my Fridays have been spent with Raheim I’ve been doing pretty good switching up my routine. I called my girl Coco, nicknamed after Coco Chanel cause all she wore was Chanel everything.

“You up for going out?”

“You know it, what club we hittin up? I just got my hair done” She was a club hopping queen. She loved the scene, the vibe and the hustlers. She stayed getting her hair and nails done just to show it all off on the weekend.

“I don’t feel like going to a club tonight” I whined.

“Hold up, ain’t it Friday? Why you not with Raheim. Let me find out you stepping out and I will kick your skinny ass myself”

 “Shut up, nobody is stepping out and he’s not my man anyway” I tried to convince myself more than her.

“Keep telling yourself that shit if you want to but Rah ain’t leaving you alone” Her words were meant to make me feel better but it only hurt thinking that my little secret was the kryptonite that could keep him away for good.

“Come on Chanel let’s go out to eat”

“I can eat at home, I wanna get my dance on” I knew she was imitating a dance as she talked

“Well see you then. Get your nasty on and call me later” After hanging up I put on my jeans and a Bob Marley t-shirt. I felt like Chinese, so I would walk over to my favorite take out spot.

52nd street strip was still busy and it was ten thirty. The bums were rummaging through the overflowing trashcans on each corner. Groups of wanna be taxi’s stood under the EL terminal shouting “Hack man, Hack man, anybody need a hack” Girls dressed in their best knock offs looking for a come up dude walked to the corner stores for no reason. I walked pass the bright lights of Crown Chicken and into my favorite Chinese store with the graffiti laced walls and bulletproof glass window. There was a group of teenage boys, each sportin’ skinny jeans hanging off their ass revealing dusty boxers.

“Yo gimme a Dutch” the tallest of the group tapped the glass disrespectfully.

“Right there muthafucka” I hated when they did that making me swear to kick my kids behind if they acted like that. His buddies started laughing as they left the store.


Ten minutes later my food was ready. I picked up my pace walking faster to my house then I had to the store. Turning down Cedar Ave I could have sworn I just saw Rah’s Expedition turn the corner but the back window was shattered. I just knew I had to be mistaken.


I dropped Tamia off at her apartment with her food and a few dollars for tonight’s trouble.  I needed to be with someone that could calm me down. I tried Felicia again and this time she answered.


“Felicia, I need to see you now. Open your door.” I flipped my phone not giving her a chance to tell me no. I needed to call Dre see if he heard anything on the streets. Felicia’s door was unlocked when I got there. All the lights were out; the haze of the TV was the only thing that lit the room.

“You ok?” I had to ask cause this was not like what I expected. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail, she had on the sweatpants she only wore when she cleaned up and there were open Chinese food containers on the coffee table.

“Yeah are you? Is that your truck with the busted windows?” she didn’t look at me when she talked.

“How you know about that?” I stood over her.

“I saw you driving when I went to the store.” She still didn’t look at me.


“Why you not looking at me?” I had to get to the bottom of this.

“And why you stop answering my calls?” I dropped down beside her on the couch.

“Stop acting like you noticed. Don’t worry Rah I know my place. It’s on Friday’s”

“Yo, you alright Felicia? What the fuck is your problem huh? You sitting up in here in the dark like you crazy and shit and you dropped me. Don’t forget that part” Tonight was getting crazier by the minute my best girl was changing up and I was this close to being dead.

“I need space Raheim, I am going crazy, I’m tired of pretending I don’t care, when I do” she was crying and I felt like I entered into the twilight zone.

“Felicia, I need you to listen to me. I was chased tonight, somebody shot at my car that’s why the window is broke. I don’t know who it was. Yo, the shit is crazy. I need you to let me use your phone.” Even in the dark her eyes were unmistakable. She looked at me with pure anger and before I knew what was happening she jumped up from the couch and darted toward the window.


“Exactly, somebody is tryna take me out. Now listen I need to call Dre” she cut me off.

“I need you to leave”

“What? You trippin” she looked serious and it made my dick hard. She was pretty when she was mad.

“Raheim please. I can’t risk this. Not right now. I know you don’t understand but I can’t have this type of drama” Before I could answer she was at the door holding it open for me. Shit was getting deep. I didn’t argue but it hurt I refused to let her see it though. I left out reaching for my cell.

“Hey Dre?”

“Where you been?” I could hear his music in the background.

“Hangin, listen I had some serious shit go down tonight, where you at?” I looked around her block before I stepped in my car.

“I’m over on Woodland meet me here in 30. Be safe and stop messing over all those broads?’

“Shut up, alright man see you” I knew Dre could handle my business we’ve been friends since 11 years old and he was always a bad ass. He started hustling the day after his thirteenth birthday when his pops rolled out leaving his mom to face an eviction notice on her own. He never looked back and his mom ain’t ever want for nothing since. I navigated the streets of Southwest Philly watching my mirrors for any sign of a silver Infinity.

Dre’s spot looked like a typical house in the hood. Front lawn littered with trash, dull and chipped gray paint on the porch railings and the windows donning newspaper curtains. I knocked twice wondering if he could hear me over the music coming from the inside. I could see movement behind the window before hearing a female voice

“Who is it?”

 “It’s Raheim for Dre” The latch on the door clicked and the door eased open revealing a barely dressed beauty. Her skin was the color of cinnamon. She was topless but her most valuable asset was covered by a pink thong. She turned to get my man for me. My eyes were glued to her perfectly shaped ass as she switched extra hard knowing I was watching. Dre came from the empty dining room. He had a new scar lining the whole right side of his face.

“Hey playboy”

“What up?” We did our signature handshake pulling one another in for a semi hug. I started spilling out the night’s events in full animation.

“Sounds to me like you have yourself a problem; let me finish up with this business and I’ll get wit you. Sit up in the back room” He motioned with two fingers for Ms. Cinnamon to show me up.

“Candy treat my boy right.” My eyes followed her ass all the way to the top. We walked by three doors to get to the back room. It looked like the cracked paint was scratched by tiger claws. She used a key to let us in. A queen size bed was against the wall covered with a black satin comforter and red satin and lace pillows it sat across from the windows. A tall bamboo chest of drawers was the home of numerous lit candles and a clear bowl with floating tea lights. I sat on the chair in the corner taking in the contours of her breast, the arch in her back and the swell of her hips.

“What’s your name?” she slowly unpinned her hair so it fell around her face.

“Raheim” after all of the stress from tonight I welcomed this change.

“Here” she sauntered over handing me one of those new Raw Dawg condoms that promised to make it feel dangerously close to not having one on. The wrapper promised it would feel like I was ridin raw. She dipped to her knees in front of me pulling her hair over one shoulder. I didn’t have time to ask questions before my pants were unzipped and my hardness all nine and half inches were consumed. Her tongue performed magic moving in rhythmic circles and then up and down my shaft. Her soft hand followed the beat of her lips she was taking me there bringing me closer and closer to the edge. When I felt like releasing my seed and the veins in my dick started to throb she stopped. I wanted to grab her by the back of her head and hold her there but I didn’t. Within seconds she towered over me rolling the condom down like a professional. Then she placed one foot on the arm of the chair in a backwards cowboy. She slammed down on my rod like her life depended on it. Home girl was going for broke. I grabbed her by the waist and rocked her ass.

Seconds later she started to moan.

“Oh hell no mami” I pulled her off my lap and stood up ready for doggie but she flipped the script on me turning to bite my shoulder. I wasn’t tryna get bruises. So I pushed her back on the bed catching a glimpse of fire in her eyes.

“Fuck me” I went to grab her waist but she moved and shouted “I said fuck me” she came at me ready to bite again. I grabbed her by her wrist and swung her against the wall. Shorty liked it rough but I wasn’t with this shit; I was too hot to stop. She held me by the back of my neck wrapping her legs around my waist. The wall was our anchor as I thrust my dick in and out of her so hard I felt her uterus move.

“Fuck me” she started screaming eyes rolling in the back of her head.

“I said fuck me Muthafucka” I could feel the buildup rushing to my swollen head ready to explode while she bounced up and down on it. I tried not to lose my balance but my pants pooled around my ankles making it difficult.

“Harder, Harder” She kept moving until I went limp and slid out of her wetness. She surprised me by sliding the condom carefully from my manhood and dropping it into the trashcan beside the chair before licking her lips and walking out. About ten minutes later my boy Dre came in smiling.

“Candy is the truth isn’t she?” all I could do was shake my head. That would be the last time I let him recommend anyone.

“Alright playboy, run it by me again” Dre said a bit more serious.

“A silver Infinity ran me down and shot out my back window. I’on know who the fuck it was but I need to find out like yesterday.”

“I just made a few calls to the boys on the block and Reese told me that a chic name Shante was heard saying you need to watch your back”

“Shante? Who is that?”

“I’on know nigga but what I do know is that you need to narrow your list of hoes down to about ten” He laughed like the shit was funny.

“Dre, do you see my face? Does it look like I’m fucking laughing to you right now?”

“You right” he put his game face on.

“Look, from now on until you know who after your ass stay discreet. Don’t give no new broads your number and rent a new car nothing flashy, keep it simple. I’ll ask around some more and get back at you tomorrow. Meet me here around three.” I couldn’t stop looking at the scar on his face it was still open revealing pink flesh which was a noticeable contrast to his dark skin. Reading my thoughts he explained.

“I had a run in with Ronnie two weeks ago. That nigga tried to rob a few of my runners over on 60th street. I had to handle it. He got a few hits off with the butt of his gun.” He traced the scar with his fingertips.

“Who little ass Ronnie?” I was seriously shocked last time I saw Ronnie he was riding a big wheel on the block.

“He ain’t little no more but anyway you don’t have to worry about his ass no more I put him and his crew to sleep.” For a minute I felt sorry for Ronnie he used to be a good kid.

“You want to stay here tonight?” He stood up to leave.

“Naw, I’m good but thanks man”

“Alright then my brotha but open the windows up in this bitch” He threw his head back and laughed all the way outta the room. Dre only relaxed around me I was like his brother, his only brother. I finished getting dressed and headed back downstairs avoiding Candy as I hit the door. A group of Dre’s front men escorted me to my truck.

“Yo they fucked ya shit up. You know who did it?” the one they call little man remarked. He got his nickname because he was short and always had on clothes three sizes too big. Like tonight his army pants pooled at his feet covering his shoes and his white t-shirt nearly swallowed him. He looked like a kid playing dress up. I didn’t need to answer because Chuck the taller of the two stepped in.

“Man shut up. If he knew you think he would be taking it up with Dre?” He rolled his eyes and I ignored them both hopping in my ride, pissed that my window was busted. Back at my crib my voicemail light was blinking on the cordless. I didn’t have the energy to answer not after tonight. Just when my eyes started feeling heavy my car alarm started blazing. I jumped up running out the apartment taking the stairs two at a time. Where the fuck is the cops when you really need them? I asked myself. All I saw was the back end of the silver Infinity screeching around the corner. I ran up to my truck to find that all my windows were busted out. Shattered glass was on the front and back seats and on the ground surrounding my tires. A note was left on the driver’s seat.

You fucked with the wrong bitch. I’m coming after your ass until I see blood.

The words sent goose bumps up my arms. I would have to go see Kelly because if it was her crazy ass I swear I would kill her. I figured most of the damage was done for the night but I knew sleep was out of the question. Knowing someone wanted to kill me eliminated any desire to rest even if my bed was soft as clouds. I ran over the last few weeks in my head and couldn’t think of any girl other than Kelly who would be upset enough to come at me.

I had to know if she was behind tonight’s nonsense so I picked up my cell and dialed her number from contacts. She answered on the first ring.

“Hello.” She sounded like I just woke her up.

“Yo Kelly? Where were you tonight?” I asked trying not to sound to hype.

“Who dis?” Now really wasn’t the time to play dumb.

“Raheim, how many niggas are you fuckin wit?” I could hear her moving the covers around to sit up.

“None you just woke me up. I’m home. How you gone call me asking questions when yo ass haven’t been answering none of mine?”

“Did you go out earlier?”

“No I stayed in and watched a few movies. Why?”

“Cause I thought I saw you in a silver Infinity an hour ago.” I played it off in case it wasn’t her.

“Raheim stop playing wit me you already know what kind of car I drive. Why would I be in an Infinity? Any way you acting like you miss me boo I can buzz you in the building if you want to slide on through real quick.” I was half tempted by her offer because it was too dangerous to stay here in my crib alone. But I really didn’t feel like dealing with Kelly’s crazy ass tonight. I couldn’t even fake it good enough to try.

“Maybe next time, I’m a bit busy tonight.

“Please don’t be playing me Raheim, I really do miss you and I have an itch only you can scratch.” The one thing about Kelly is that she knew how to stroke my ego.

“I’m not playing I’m gonna hit you later ok?”

“Alright sexy, talk to you.”  I hung up before she could say anything else. With no desire to sleep I went into my bedroom and started searching for important papers to put into my black Louis Vuitton bag. I wouldn’t be sleeping here tonight knowing Infinity knew I was here. I would have to stay at a hotel until I could figure out my next move
