Prophet Muhammad by P.Zainul Abideen - HTML preview

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TRANSLATORS FOREWORD .................................................................. 4

GLOSSARY .............................................................................................. 6

PREFACE ................................................................................................. 8

PROPHETS BIOGRAPHY, A GLIMPSE. ................................................. 10

RULER AND MENTOR ........................................................................... 15

PUBLIC FUND ........................................................................................ 24

REGULAR CHARITY .............................................................................. 39

HIS SUSTENANCE .................................................................................. 44

SUPREME BUT EVER APPROACHABLE ................................................ 50

ALWAYS HUMANE ............................................................................... 61

LIFESTYLE IMPOVERISHED BY CHOICE ............................................... 76

MORTAL AND NOT DIVINE ................................................................ 87

LIBERATION ........................................................................................... 91

TRANSPARENT ...................................................................................... 96

GRIEVED ............................................................................................. 110

STRICT MONOTHEISM ........................................................................ 115

SELF-RESPECT ..................................................................................... 121

NO EXCESS IN RELIGION ................................................................... 127

THE MIGRATION ................................................................................. 132

NO CURSES, NO OMENS. ................................................................. 135

TRUE SPIRITUAL LEADER ..................................................................... 142

ENDEAVOUR FOR PERSONAL RIGHT ............................................... 148

FLAWLESS PURITY ............................................................................... 154

HONOUR FOR LIFE ............................................................................. 160


THE HOLY MOSQUE ........................................................................... 165

HELP IN NEED ..................................................................................... 168

FAIR DEAL ........................................................................................... 173

PRODIGY OF VALOUR IN THE BATTLE .............................................. 177

LEADERSHIP WITH VISION ................................................................. 184

SENSIBILITY .......................................................................................... 201

THE SUM UP ........................................................................................ 211

ISBN-13: 978-1505812343

ISBN-10: 1505812348

© www.onlinepj,com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


sanriaBooks INDIA,TN



This book has been original y written in Tamil by Mr.P. Zainul

Abideen under the caption MAAMANITHAR NABIGAL


The author has aimed at enlightening the Tamil Speaking Public

with true knowledge on the greatest leader Prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him) about whom numerous books have been

written by many prominent authors in almost all the languages in

the world. The authors contention is anyone who in whatever

standpoint may examine, study and research the mettle and

nobility of the character of Prophet Muhammad, wil arrive at the

same conclusion that no man on earth has been as unique,

pure, noble, selfless and successful as Prophet Muhammad, the

Man Supreme.

P. Zainul Abideen is a very powerful orator in Tamil. He is

prodigiously wel -informed, eloquent, confident, true, honest,

sincere, lucid, and simple in style, reaching Gods Message of

Islam straight to peoples heart. With profound knowledge in Islam

and clarity of thought he is continuously engaged in

comparative study of religions. Especial y, he serves the non-

Muslim brothers and sisters in answering al their questions. In

whatever form the questions are framed and whatever

confusion might prompt the questions, he answers them right.

This book wil serve Muslim and non-Muslim brothers and sisters

with answers to questions that remain unanswered in their minds

for obvious reasons such as bias, prejudice, inhibition, hate and

misconception. Even prominent scholars like Michael H. Hart

narrates as God speaking to Muhammad direct, and confounds

Muhammad as the author of Quran, when he is the conveyor of


the Quran. He also confuses between the Quran, the Word of

God and the Traditions that are the col ections of the Prophets

teaching and practice.

The translator shares the same view of the author and this has

prompted the translation of this book to reach it to the World

English reading public who are baffled amidst various misreading

being constantly produced by literary materials presumptuously

or carelessly or intentionally written about Prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him). This book may help the reader to confirm

and establish the truth that Muhammad, The Messenger of God,

never the author of the Quran but its conveyor, indeed is the

greatest personality in the world.

Besides this original copy I have extensively read and referred to

THE HOLY QURAN English translation of the meanings and


for the Verses and their meanings and exegesis and Hadidh

(sayings of the Prophet) and also Oxfords Encyclopaedia of Islam

and other reference books in the University Library of Madras and

The Alim CD,

Yusuf Ali Quran Translation and Commentary

M. Pickthall Quran Translation, A. Yusuf Ali Quran Subjects Hadith

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith and Subjects, Sahih Muslim Hadith


Al-Muwatta Hadith and Subjects, Al-Tirmidhi Hadith (Abridged)

Sunan of Abu-Dawood (Abridged).



ANSAR means helpers. These were the people of Madinah who

responded to the Prophets cal to Islam and offered Islam a city-

state power.

Fatwa legal opinion concerning Islamic Law.

Hadith sayings of the Prophet.

Hajj means effort. The Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca that is

obligatory on every Muslim. It is one of the five pil ars of Islam and

takes place during the Islamic month of Zhul al-Hij ah. A Muslim

must perform the Hajj at least once in his life. The exception to

this is financial and health reasons.

Jihad means to strive. This can be any kind of striving in the way

of God which involves either spiritual or personal effort, material

resources, or arms. Jihad is also used to refer to a war waged by

the Muslims for the defence or advancement of Islam; its interests

and ideals.

Hijrah means migration. The Hijrah refers to the Prophets

migration from Mecca to Madinah. This journey took place in the

twelfth year of his mission (622 CE). This is the beginning of the

Muslim calendar. The word hijrah means to leave a place to seek

sancturary or freedom from persecution or freedom of religion or

any other purpose. Hijrah can also mean to leave a bad way of

life for a good or more righteous way.

Madinah the first city-state that came under the banner of Islam.

It is where the Prophets masjid and grave are situated.


Sunnah the examples of the Prophets life what he said, did,

implemented, how he implemented... Almost the same as the


Ummah an ummah is a community or a people. It is used in

reference to the community of Believers or Muslims.

Zakat the obligatory tax that every Muslim must give. It is one of

the five prime obligatories of Islam. The zakat is used to provide

for the poor and destitute.