Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 7:


The rest of the ten dates were not as exciting. Though the eleventh date was the best one yet, even though it was 51 years after the prophecy started on that exact day. But I am getting to far ahead of myself, so let's start with the second part of the day. I had a meeting with the scientists building the space crafts and they said "A year or two more on the space crafts, Sir"

"Keep up the good work. "I said and now turning to the other scientists I asked "How is the gasoline hunting and charming going?"

"Good, we have more than enough to power a fleet of 100,000 for 300,000 years" They said.

"Well done" I said approvingly.

Next I had a meeting of the Mages and once they all got to the meeting hall I said "There is a Gooran among us who has been committing treason." No one said anything for a minute while I let the news sink in. And then they all started accusing one another, and just as the Mages started pulling out their weapons to defend their honor. I shouted "Guards seize…" and everyone but the guards stopped moving to hear what I was going to say next "The Storm Mage"

And then he ran up to me and said "I will get the throne one way or another" And reached up to pull a weapon out of the Storm amulet but grabbed empty air and looked down and saw the amulet was gone and then I raised my right hand and opened it, and resting on the palm of my hand was a gray glowing amulet that was shaped like a storm cloud. And just as the guards were about to grab him he vanished with a crack of thunder and a flash of lightening. After that I went to the Fire Mage and gave him the Storm amulet and in return he gave me the Fire amulet, which actually looked like it was made of fire, and gave that one to the Wind Mage and gave me the Wind amulet, which was clear but it looked like wind trapped in a bottle. Which I gave to the Wisdom Mage who gave me the Wisdom amulet, which looked like a brain, and gave it to the Earth Mage and in return gave me the Earth amulet , it looked like a rock, and gave it to the temporary Water Mage, whose name was Magnus Potter,  now was a true Mage.