Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 6:


The next 2 months are almost exactly the same as the rest except the unconscious guards. All of the scientists have come to standstill on both projects. The space craft scientists could not figure out how to power the crafts while the others are still no closer to the portal spell than when they started. So I decided to try and help the space craft scientists because I have created a spell that can allow me to figure out what kind of object would be needed to power something. So once I figured out it required magic in combination with the gasoline which I summoned and then called the portal scientists in and told them that the small portal spell that I had taught them would need to be cast on the gasoline I could not do it because I was not powerful enough to do it in a large enough scale to help, but the other scientists were. And told them to work with the space craft scientists because they would need them to continue casting the spell on all of the gasoline that they find.

Over the course of the next 50 earth years nothing really changed except for the fact that I survived five more assassination attempts all orchestrated by the Storm Mage. So I decided to finally take him out of power and try to find a bride.

My first ten attempts went so badly that they are not worth mentioning what happened. But here is the first and most dastardly date I had it went like this. So we went out for dinner at this really nice place, it was the palace but in the east tower, for my own protection when the food arrived I whispered "Karamanta" to see if the food was poisoned because that was one of the ways that the Storm Mage tried to kill me, and as it turns out it was. And when my date saw I was not eating she started to look a little worried so I knew she was the assassin, but did not come out and say it, but slyly asked "What is the matter?"

She hesitated at first and asked completely avoiding my question "why are you not eating?"

As she asked that I sneakily reached up my shirt and gripped the gold knife I now kept there for occasions like this.

After the question was asked more assassins came out and surrounded the table but I had already pulled the knife out and grabbed the nearest assassin and beheaded him and ran around the table stabbing the other assassins in the chest but only got two of them that way and then they surrounded me and I tapped the face of my wrist watch and a team of elite wizard warriors trained by Steve in battle. And gave the order "Storm Attack" before the other assassins could react. I jumped over the ring of assassins and as I did that I pulled my swords out of my amulet with a flash of blood red light. Me and my team all said "Palorma." and our weapons became rimmed in lightening, which was my way of saying to the Storm Mage I knew he was behind the attack and the others, and pointed them at the assassins and shouted all at once "harlema" but just as the lightening hit them a few said "Please destroy the Storm Mage before he destroys our families!"  And somehow the girl survived and my warriors captured her and asked what to do with her. I said "release her so she can tell the Storm Mage that he is not going to remain in power for much longer."