Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 12:


The final year before the end of the world has a lot of things to be done like practice runs for the actual end of the world. I ran around a lot doing inspections casting spells to make it so that buildings won't come crashing down during the earthquakes. Just then there was an earthquake that knocked down the rest of the original castle and destroyed the archives there was dust everywhere from those places falling down. Geralyn's job was to make sure that laws were still followed and that the people grew enough food for the ships. And she had a secrete project going for my birthday. I tried to talk her into telling me what it was but she would not budge. I summoned the Mages for one final meeting and asked if they had been assigned to a craft yet  and they all said no. so I invited them to join on my ship. And then went to Steve's cell and asked him if he was going to come and leave the planet or not and he said he was but was not assigned a ship and I told him he was welcome on mine.

The End of the world begins with a bang so loud that it shakes the whole castle. And lava came raining down from the sky in sheets but we had taught everyone a spell so they would not be burned by the lava. When we reached the Castle I punched in the code, into a silver keypad with sapphire buttons, 154-751-9013. That activated two thumb print scanners, made of emeralds, I put my thumb on one and tell Geralyn to put her thumb on the other and she does and that activated the planets intercom system. And I calmly said into the microphone "This is not a drill, Everyone please calmly report to your assigned hanger and await further instructions."

Just as Geralyn and I headed to our craft after making sure all of the people who were invited to come on our craft and everyone else's crafts, I heard someone approach and I said to Geralyn "Go to the ship and wait for me."

"Okay" Geralyn said and ran to the ship.

The other person started to say something and I said "Hello, Zeus"

And Zeus said "I have come to take what is rightfully mine."

"So you are finally brave enough to fight me yourself rather than rely on other people to do the job you wanted done." I said as I pulled my swords out of my amulet and turn to Geralyn and say "This should not take long"

"okay" she responded. Then climbed up the steps and as soon as she was out of the way I whispered "hermano cuhich" and then charged Zeus as a blur and slashed at him with both of my swords only to have them fly out of my hands when he blocked. And have an arrow aimed at my chest. And shouted "karasi" and my blades flew back into my hands and deflected the arrow that was fired at me and slice Zeus's gold bow in half and taking off his left hand in the process and that hand is used to cast spells. So I asked him "Why do you think the throne is yours"

"Because the last king was my father." Zeus countered. And then raised his right hand shooting a ball of fire right at me. I did not have time to do anything… but then a wall of water came up and saved me so I turned and saw Geralyn summoned the wall of water. While Zeus was still confused I pulled my bow out and shot him in the heart four times and each time moving closer to him and then when I thought he was dead he sliced my leg off with the last of his strength and said "Now we are even" and then died. I cast a spell to stop the blood flow and then built him a funeral pier and burned him with Geralyn's help and told her what he told me and then said "Gamono" to light the pier and climbed on to the ship. And gave the command for everyone to take off. And to finish the funeral I whispered to Geralyn and Athena Iron "Oh Great Father, Poseidon, who gave us life, one of our own has died today. So please take him in, I know he committed treason, the worst sin you could make, but please forgive him as I have because he was only doing what he thought was right because he was younger and a son of the last king like I am, so he thought that the throne was rightfully his"