Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 12:


Once I finished the speech the suns grew brighter once more before going dark for the final time plunging

The planet of Circe into complete darkness except for the glowing of the emerald space crafts. Just before we left a transmission came and it said "Please wait your highness, there is a surprise for you press the green button." so I did and then my island palace began to light up and at first I thought it was burning and then noticed it was coming out of the ground and up into space. And on one of the sides I saw a docking bay big enough for all of the space crafts to fit. So I said "everyone converge on the palace and enter by craft number and call it out as you enter" because we had craft number one we entered first and said "Craft one" and so on and so forth until all 100 crafts were in. I was sent to the medical bay and had a robotic leg attached. And Geralyn Said "Happy Birthday"

Then I went to the palace and summoned the Mages and the head scientist and said "here we go"

I then turned to the head scientist and asked "What is your name?"

"Brigit " She said

"Welcome Brigit to the council of Mages, I name you the Science Mage" I announced and all the other Mages clapped. "Please sit down."

So she took off her lab coat and her hat. "Please take off your amulet and hand it over here." I said.

Her amulet was in the shape of a beaker  and then handed it to me. I asked her " Do you solemnly swear to do everything in your power to protect the Gooran"?"

"I do." She said. As she said that the amulet glowed and then I passed her amulet to Geralyn

"And do you accept the responsibility of the power of the Science amulet?" Asked Geralyn.

"I do." Brigit said again. Then the amulet glowed again but this time even brighter then Geralyn passed it to John.

And John asked " Do you take responsibility for the mistakes you might make as the Science Mage?"

"I do" She said. As she said that the amulet glowed even brighter and then he passed it to Jack.

And jack asked " Do you accept the power of a Mages amulet?"

"I do" she said. As she said that the amulet glowed even brighter and then he passed it to Willow.

And she asked " Do you except the knowledge of a Mages amulet, that means all of the knowledge in your field,?"

"I do" Brigit said. As she said that the amulet glowed even brighter and then it was passed to Athena.

Who asked " Do you accept a seat at the council of Mages willingly and without being forced?"

"I do" Brigit responded. As she said that the amulet glowed even brighter and then it was passed to Magnus.

And he asked "Are you willing to give up your amulet to the Mages and allow it to become an artifact of power?"

"I am" She answered with finality. As she said that the amulet glowed the brightest ever seen and then handed back to Brigit.