Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 15:


Over the next year and a half I gave Steve the other half of his reward. It was being head trainer for our army which

he was so happy about that. And I named my son Perseus heir to the throne unless another son comes along. When we received the transmission our scouting teams just got back from Pluto and reported it was inhabitable. And the communication hub started blinking. So I pressed the button on my thrones arm rest and the transmission was accepted. The transmission went something like this < Hello Extra Terrestrials please state your races name and your intentions or be blasted to pieces>

And we responded < We are the Gooran and we are looking for a new home planet and we come in piece>

<Then please send a small craft with one or two people to Earth so we may talk in person okay>

<Okay> I responded turning to my comrades I said "I will be one and who will be the other?"

"I will be the other" Steve said.

"Sorry Steve this is going to be a peaceful mission so we won't be needing you." I said sadly. "Did you finish Perseus's training?"

"Yes sir I did." he said.

"Then he will be the other because he won't be thought of as a warrior." I said.

It took my son and I about 1 day to get to earth and onto the ground. Once we arrived we were asked to hand over any weapons we were carrying. So we gave them our amulets and the men said that they were not weapons. So my son and I laughed and took them back and pulled our weapons out and said "See they are weapons." the guards had such a shocked look on their faces that we broke down laughing again. Then they said "Okay they are weapons, any other weapons?"

"No" I said.

Once I handed my amulet back I heard a cracking noise and saw that my amulet broke into two halves in the middle of the two halves was this white orb with purple lines crisscrossing all over it.

"What happened?" he asked

"My amulet broke." I said.

"Can you get another?" he asked worriedly.

"No." I said.

"Then it looks like I will have to compensate you for that." He said.

"Okay then let's get going then." The guards said

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It is where all aliens go it is called Area 51" The guard on the left said.