Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 14:


So I did and found room 777 quite easily because of the guards posted outside the door. When I walked up they said "Great speech sir" saluting

"Thank you" I returned. And saluted back. I entered and said to Brigit "You can come in too, Geralyn would not mind."

"Okay" she said and followed me in. once I entered I saw Geralyn was holding a little girl. So I asked her "have you thought of a name yet?"

"No." She said weakly.

"I have." I quickly responded so she would hear it before she fell asleep.

"What?" she asked yawning.

"Sophie Jasmine James." I said and then turning to Brigit and asked "Would you like to be the godmother?"

"Yes." Brigit said.

"I like the name and the choice of godmother." Geralyn said and then she yelled and out came a baby boy and then passed out. And I decided to wait till Geralyn woke up to name this one.

I wanted to wait by Geralyn's side until she woke up but Brigit said I had places to be. So I reluctantly left and went back to the palace with a heavy heart that I would not be there for my wife when she woke. Where to my surprise everyone gathered to give gifts to their Prince and Princess. I said to everyone "Thank you for these gifts but we should wait for the Queen to start the celebration."

"I am here now aren’t I." Geralyn said.

"You got better fast." I told her surprised.

"Well I knew I was having twins so I asked for a shot of adrenaline before I passed out and they gave it to me after you left."

"Now we can name our son." I said

"I like Perseus Alex James" She said.

"Who will the godfather be?" I asked

"Who do you want it to be?" she asked

"Steve." I said.

And then said "Lumata kruma" and the room lit up so bright that no one but me could see anything. And ran to Steve's arena and asked "Would you please come with me to the throne room?"

"Why?" He asked puzzled.

"You remember how I said I would reward you for your work?" I asked.

"Yes I do why?" he asked.

"I have chosen the first part of your reward. "I replied. "So let's go"

"Okay." He said.

When we got back to the throne room the light was starting to dim so I went back to the place I was standing and brought him with me. And then ended the spell and when they saw Steve everyone clapped. Once the clapping stopped is said" he is to be Prince Perseus's godfather.

"I accept" Steve said. And all of this happened within the first year and nine months of the search. And still another 3 years before we reach earth. And one and a half years before we receive Earth's transmission.