Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 3:


Once we were all inside the palace, I am told by the Mages to choose an heir and bequeath the powers of the Water Mage onto him or her.

To that I respond “No it is not going to any of you because it goes to the King’s heir to the throne. And in order for that to happen I must marry and then have a child. But that is not why I called you all here I called you here to talk about what to do about the prophecy.”

“Well I was thinking that we should have space crafts made and then go searching for a new home planet." Said The Fire Mage.

“Sounds like a good idea as any of us else could have,” I said and then asked "Are we all in agreement?”

“Yes” They all said simultaneously.

“Then this meeting is adjourned” I said proudly. After the Mages left I left the room a few minutes after and then before I realized it I was surrounded by men in black robes that covered their faces. Which once I had been surrounded I realized they were assassins sent to take me out. They were all holding bronze daggers in both of their hands. And since at this time I did not know how to summon my weapons out of my amulets I tried to talk my way out of this problem. The first thing I asked was “What are your names?” But the only thing I got in return was complete silence from them. And then they closed in on me and started to raise their blades to attack me. I made a really dumb mistake of trying to run through their line that was in front of me but they blocked my way with their blades. So I did the only thing that was natural to me and that was to raise my hand to my amulet and then to pull down and away from my amulet and it glowed silver as I pulled out a one handed silver long sword with rubies in the hilt and a leather made completely out of dragon skin that glowed slightly. And then I did the same with my other hand so before my enemies knew it I was armed and ready to fight them off. Then the battle had really begun I attacked before they could even respond to me pulling the swords out with shouting “Gamono” this lit my swords on fire to boost my attack and allow them to survive the wounds because it would cauterize the wounds I dealt to them. And then I stabbed two of the assassins right through their chests and they exploded into piles of ash that would end up staining the floor of the palace. So after that I extinguished that spell and then whispered to myself “freema catasi” this had allowed me to have a longer range on my swords without affecting their ability to make a decent attack or make them off balanced. And then with that new range that I had with my swords I had not realized that four of the assassins had creeped up on my sides and then once I noticed them I lobbed their heads off and with a sickening slosh the heads came off and then I also heard a thump of the bodies hitting the floor and the gurgling of the heads bleeding out. Then I said to myself “ Six down and three to go.”

Then the last three who now knew that they were not going to defeat me on their own started to run. I contemplated letting them run and tell their master to leave me alone but I decided then they might come back. So I put the swords back and thought of a bow and arrow and they came out of the amulet and the bow was made out of a beautifully carved piece of ivory and it was encrusted with glowing emeralds that lit up the whole hallway and the string of it was made out . And the arrows were made completely of silver and the fletching were made of the feathers of a gold leaf and the tip was shaped like a shark tooth and was made of ivory and the tipped in gold. Then I notched my first arrow and fired hitting through the heart causing a spurt of blood to shoot into the air and staining the walls and the satin rug. Then quickly notching another and shot two of the men straight through the eye with one arrow because they were standing right in front of another. And then I notched a special gold entwined silver arrow and then aimed at the final assassin and fired. The arrow flew straight at the assassin and just before it hit I pressed a button on the bow and it fired out an ever shrinking gold net. When he got captured by it he started to struggle and it shrunk as he did that so I said to him " The more you struggle the tighter it will get."

"Okay" He hissed.

And then I went and picked up the arrows that were in the corpses of the assassins. And then slid them back into my amulet one by one and they disappeared with a flash of red light.  Then I looked down at my body and saw that I had sustained a few minor injuries and lost a thumb. To heal the minor injuries I said "karema" this healed all of my minor injuries.

Then turning to the five guards that I summoned that arrived and asked "what do you need sir?"

To which I responded "Please dispose of the corpses, and have the maids clean up the ash, and the blood spatters on the walls, armor, weapons, rugs and paintings." Then I added " Bring him down to the dungeon." while pointing to the man tied to the ground to 2 of the guards.

To which they responded "Would your majesty like us to prepare him for interrogation?"

"Yes" I responded quickly.

"Sir yes Sir" The guards responded before turning on their heels and going about what I asked of them.