Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 4:


When I went down to the dungeon I asked the assassin "What is your name?"

To which at first he hesitated and then seemed to think better of it and said "Steve."

"So Steve who hired you to kill me?" I asked as kindly as I could considering the fact that I still had adrenaline flowing through my veins and shaking with fear.

"The Storm Mage hired us" Steve said impatiently.

"Why did he hire you?" I questioned.

"I don't know why." he said after a minutes hesitation.

"Then maybe this will jog your memory," I said and then yelling "Gamono"  this caused fire to erupt in the palm of my hand and put it near his head slowly burning his eyebrows off and the smell was so bad that it made the guards vomit who had not eaten since the day before. And then letting it get hotter by the minute  to get it me to stop burning him Steve said " To get the throne and your amulet!"

So I extinguished the spell and said kindly to him, "thank you, you have been a great help to me and to the Gooran"

"Please let me go free King Gerald" Steve cried.

"I can't have you go and tell the Storm Mage can I?" I inquired.

Steve thought about it for a moment and finally answered "No you can't ." Steve stammered sadly.

"But for your help I can have you moved into a cell that is more constable and then you would be allowed to leave to leave your cell  but, you can't leave the castle and you would not be allowed to leave your cell is when the Storm Mage comes for the meeting of the Mages today at 3 pm. Okay?" I offered to Steve.

"Yes, I accept your majesties deal," Steve excitedly answers.

Then after I left the cell itself I turned to the guards and said " Bring him to the nicer cell that is in the throne room but you must post a guard there at all times and put cameras and mics in the room before you bring him there."

He retorted "Right away Sire."

"thank you" I quickly responded.