Resurrection by Mary Ann Moody - HTML preview

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Chapter One

I was born in the light, and died in the darkness.

Darkness engulfed my life from the moment I was born.  I was four years old when I had my first real memory meeting Kaylee and the Whispers.  My memories were securely hidden in the dark corners of my mind.  I was sick with something called Abnemal.  It was a terrible disease that ravaged my little body, but I would recover.  Kaylee was an older man with beautiful blue eyes, and long brown hair that constantly hung over his shoulders as he crushed and mixed herbs into potions.           

I’m resting in my bed when my father appeared at my door.  The pink sheets hid my body.  I didn’t feel as if I had been sick.  In fact, my tiny body bursted with energy.  I studied my father as he stood at the door.  His hair was brown, almost black, and it matched his fuzzy black beard on his tanned face.  I was amazed at his height.  His strong, massive body blocked every inch of my open doorway.

“How are you feeling?”  He came to my side and took my hand into his.

I smiled, but I didn’t recognize his face.  “I’m doing better.”

“Thank the heavens!  Your mother and I were worried about you.  We were afraid the sickness would take your life, so I brought you here, to Whispering Woods.  Do you remember that, darling?”  His plump lips smiled wide in anticipation as he waited for my answer.

“No.”  I whispered.

“Well, that’s alright.  Kaylee said the sickness might make it difficult for you to remember certain things.  Do you remember me, Anna?”

“No.”  I whispered again, this time the tears fell from my eyes as I said it.  My father held my body in his arms.

“It’s alright, my sweet tiny girl.”  He whispered into my ear.  “Everything is going be alright now.  The King and I have been in council, making a decision on where you shall stay for the time being.  I took the King and Kaylee’s advice into consideration, and I agree it’s best for you to remain here for three months.  I’m going home to Delengrad to tell your mother, and brother of your wonderful recovery.  She will appreciate the extra time to fuss over your return.”  He laughed. 

“Where is this place?  Will you be far?”

“Don’t worry, we’re not far from home.  Delengrad is just beyond the river.  I won’t be far from you.”

“I guess it’s okay.”  It was fine to me.  I felt such a connection to this man, yet the same could be said for the strange city I currently resided in, Whispering Woods.  It had a mysterious ring to it.

“Well ….don’t worry about anything darling.  I will return for you in three moons.  Your mother and brother will be so happy to hear of your marvelous mending!”

His smile looked as if it didn’t match his true emotions.  His massive boots clapped the wooden floor as he walked away from me, and his sword clinked against the sliver design on the outside of his jacket.  All the noise he made reminded me of a thunderstorm that raged outside a few nights ago.

My room inside the castle was definitely made for me.  Pink silk sheets and soft pillows comforted me every day.  My bed was quite big for me.  It made the room appear larger.  Long oak beams ran along the tall white ceilings and the color pink was splashed all over the walls.  It as if someone came in here with a paintbrush and threw pink paint everywhere on the light green walls, except for the floor, it remained a dark stained wood.  It sounded ghastly but actually looked quite pretty.  The way the pink complemented the color of the green made me feel as if I was outside, in the warm sun.  Unfortunately, all I could do was dream about the sun for there were only two small windows in my room.  Yes, two small windows exactly six feet apart and way at the top of the room, gave my ceiling plenty of light.  Regrettably the light was too far above me and did nothing for me in terms of being able to read.  But it was so nice that the ceiling would be able to read a book.

The furniture in my room was extravagant and beautiful.  A cherry wood vanity table sat opposite of my bed with a matching chair.  A beautiful pattern of roses and leaves on a white silk fabric covered the chair seat.  I saw a comb, mirror and small box with the same rose pattern on the table top along with a purple perfume bottle and a couple of small painted pictures of nature.  A tall mirror encased in the same wood sat proudly on the wall in front of me.  I could see myself in bed every second.

The day was perfect, as if it were a painting.  There were large, puffy clouds all along the amazingly blue sky.  The tree tops were brilliantly evergreen as they met the sunny skyline.  And the wind!  Oh it was amazing to see the wind blowing the silky grass.  Flowers bloomed in patches a couple of yards from the entrance and continued through the open field. 

I couldn’t see from inside my room.  Kaylee led me through the castle, to the entrance.  I was so excited.  No longer did I care about the large castle I was residing in for so long.  I gathered the front of my pink silk dress into my hands so I wouldn’t step on the delicate fabric, and let Kaylee guide me to the front of the castle, a huge smile of happiness on my face.  My little pink matching shoes clicked on the gray marble floor gently as we walked.  Kaylee knew how anxious I was and led me quickly.  I ran ahead of him when I saw the gate leading the way out of the castle.  My breath started to come faster.  My little heart started beating wildly as I pounded the floors with my feet.

Oh, that moment.  That beautiful moment when I felt the sun kiss my skin.  I was a couple of feet into the open field when I stopped, let go of my dress and just opened my arms so the sun could touch every part of my body not covered.  I kicked off my shoes so I could walk barefoot in the grass.  It was glorious to have the wind toss my hair around my face.  I laughed.  I went to the flowers a made a small bouquet to put into my hair.  I took a moment to notice the scenery as I made my hairpiece.  The castle opened into a large field full of green fertile grass.  Fifty feet away from the castle, large square stones were piled on top of each other to create a nice wall surrounding the city.  There was an opening at the bottom of the wall.  The sound of the river reached my ears and tickled my funny bone.  I couldn’t believe a sound of nature could make me so happy. 

Multicolored butterflies danced over the large patch of flowers which I was picking from.  I was amazed.  They danced together in perfect harmony.  It was if the butterflies were just as happy as I was about being outside!  Their wings gracefully fluttered in a synchronized motion, creating a beautiful rhythm.  The birds sung at just the right moment.  I felt as if I were living in a fairytale.  Kaylee stood a few feet from me, watching me with happiness on his sweet face.

“Let’s go to the river!”  I barked while making a grab for Kaylee’s hand.

“Not today, Anna.  The waters will wait for you another day.”

I gazed at the little entrance in disappointment.  I wanted to dip my feet into the cool water badly.  The kingdom of Whispering Woods was not like Delengrad.  For example, the citizens of Delengrad lived outside the castle.  Here, in the Woods, the citizens lived inside with the royal family.  There wasn’t one family living outside in the field where I was playing.  It was completely private and silent. 

I took every opportunity to go outside and into the sun.  Kaylee was with me every second.  He stayed close but didn’t hover over me, which I appreciated.  He closely monitored my recovery.  Every morning, and night he took my temperature, asked me certain questions to test my memory and checked to be sure I was not malnourished.  He was at my side while I was ill and with me during my recovery.  We spent every day together, and it was not difficult to look to him as my father.

Finally, we took walks along the river when I was well enough.  He advised me about life, logic and love.  I was a young girl, almost five years old, but Kaylee spoke to me as if I were older and understood, although I didn’t.  He felt very strongly that I should begin my education as soon as I returned home.  This made my heart sink.  I didn’t want to go to Delengrad, even if it was my home.  In my soul I felt as if I didn’t belong anywhere else but in the Woods with Kaylee.  However, I couldn’t decide where I get to live.  Only my father could make that choice for me.  Kaylee advised me not to attend The Williamson Law Academy.  It was a school for children of royalty, and when I reach twelve years old by law I was required to attend.

“Why?”  I remember asking him as we walked one day.

“The education you will receive there would not be to your advantage.  The teachers are funded and advised by Judge Slider, it is his school and his rules.  Nothing but evil is waiting for those who attend the Williamson Law Academy.”

It was a hot day.  Heavy beads of sweat dropped from my neck, and down my front.  My pretty blue lace dress stuck to my skin, making my body heavy under its massive weight.  It was getting a little uncomfortable. 

“The Law says I must attend?”  My little voice croaked while my eyes widen with fear.

“Yes, but I say you must avoid it at all costs.  You will soon discover life isn’t a fairy tale, and not all people in this world are good.  Fairy tales are made up stories of people who live happily ever after.  Parents tell them to their children so they won’t be afraid of the world that lies ahead of them.  It is a pillow meant to soften the harsh realities of adulthood.  Don’t let stories fool you, Anna.”

“Is it so wrong to hope that life turns out to be a beautiful fairy tale where all my dreams are going to come true?”  I asked.

“Not at all, my darling!  You keep that feeling in your heart.  Remember that life is what we make of it.  We chose our destiny, it does not choose us.”