Resurrection by Mary Ann Moody - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

The time had come for me to return home to Delengrad.  Supposedly I was stronger, but I wasn’t ready to leave.  Something inside me wanted to remain in the Woods forever.  As the days drew nearer for my departure, I became quite agitated about leaving.  Every time I thought about going back to Delengrad, actual pain injected itself into my heart.  I felt as if my father was taking me to people whom I didn’t know.  It would be difficult to leave with my father.  Kaylee must've felt the same way.  His sour face mirrored my own.   King Gordon did grant me permission to return to the Woods if I desired, but only after I reached an older age.  He insisted I was too young to be on my own, without my parents.

“When can I return?”  I asked hungrily. 

“When the time is right, I will come and bring you home to us.”  Kaylee said to me.

“ will you know when the time is right?” 

He chuckled at my question.  “That is certainly a question every human ponders. I will tell you this, Anna.  In this Universe, you and I are connected.  It is a connection so strong, nothing can sever it, not even Death itself.  You have to trust that I will come for you when the Universe says it's time.  Until then, we want to give you a present before you go.”

“A present?”  My little blue eyes widened with curiosity.

Kaylee nod his head with a little smile on his face.  “Tomorrow night we shall perform a ceremony called the Divine One.  You will receive the mark of the Whispers.  It indicates you are a friend of the Whispers and only those who reside in the Woods can see it.  You will be forever connected to us and us to you.”

“That sounds amazing!”  I shouted with wide eyes.

Kaylee laughed as I said this.  “It is amazing, I can assure you.  Now you get some sleep, and tomorrow you shall become Divine.”


The night sky was bright with stars and a full moon.  The wind kissed my face as I walked out of the castle and into the front open field.  My hair danced around my face as I watched the wind chase the clouds away.  It felt nice to be outside.  Small, hot beads of sweat formed on my forehead.  The wind cooled my face and body down.  A halo of pink roses ran around my head, creating a sweet perfume I quite enjoyed.  Kaylee waited for me, along with every man, woman, and child who lived in Whispering Woods.  Mona Bright took my tiny hand into hers and led me to a stone bench in the castle courtyard.   Her bright red lips smiled at me as she sat me on the bench.  Kaylee stood behind me, and tilted my head back.

“Tonight we celebrate a new family member.  Anna has proved herself worthy of receiving the coveted mark of the Whispers.  She is brave, strong, and above all else, she is of magical blood.  May she now be known as Anna Anderson, sister of Whispering Woods.”

Kaylee dipped a long knife into the red dye and wiped the tip on my forehead, between my eyes.  A red ‘W’ was forever painted on my forehead.  I looked around at my new family and saw their marks for the first time.  This new world was exciting and magical.  I couldn't wait to return, to discover the secrets, and benefits to being a Whisper.

After the ceremony, Kaylee slipped a little silver ring on my middle finger.  

“Every family member has one.  It’s enchanted.  As is this,” Kaylee said as he brings out a necklace from the front pocket of his purple robes.  It was a simple black hair necklace with a jade charm.  As I looked closer at it, I observed a dark green stone, carved into two swirls at the top and intersected at the bottom to make a heart.  It hung heavily around my neck.  “Under no circumstances are you to remove them.  Both pieces are enchanted to protect you from the evil that lurks in the darkness.  Never be fooled by the quiet night sky, my darling, for it has the capacity to cleverly disguise danger, and those who mean to harm you.  Do you understand?”  

I was in awe of the jewelry.  “I think so.”

“If you need to return to the Woods without me, the ring will lead you to us.  The charm will protect you.  Never, ever, take either one of them off.  I mean this, Anna.  Never take them off.”

“Okay, I got it.  Never take them off.  It's permanently branded into my memory.”  I said with genuine seriousness, but it was too hard to be serious when it was such a wonderful time.

The celebration began with music and dancing.  We feasted on fine meats of deer and cow, delicious fruits and vegetables.  It was rare for the Whispers to eat meat for they did not approve of the slaughter of animals.  Kaylee spent days creating a powder that would explode when fire touches it.  He created fireworks that burst with colors of red, blue, green, yellow, and pink.  That night I truly felt accepted into their society.

This was it, I was finally a Whisper.  And I would return.