Resurrection by Mary Ann Moody - HTML preview

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Chapter Three

I felt full of energy as my horse gently galloped on the dirt roads leading to Delengrad.  My heart ached for the Woods.  I didn’t have as much enthusiasm as I had hoped for.  A darkness swept over me.  Everything seemed dirty and grim as if the magic of the Woods didn’t expand past its borders.  I longed to be back there again.

I was genuinely happy to see my father again.  Tears streaked down his beautiful blue eyes as he gathered me into his arms.  The scent of soap and wood was heavy in his beard.  My sweet mother stood and waited to lift me into her arms and hugged me close to her heart for many minutes.  I took a clump of her red hair, brought it to my nose and inhaled her scent.  I didn’t remember her face, but I knew her scent.  She savored the feeling of holding her child.  When we pulled back from our hug, I could see her love for me shining in her face and gestures.  They looked at me with pride and happiness.        

I felt excited when mother told me I had a baby brother, Syler.  He was a newborn baby when I returned, and I was so happy to be there for him as he grew.  He inherited our mother’s red hair, and sweet smile.  I had an older brother, Richard, who was seven years old, and looked more like our father than mother.  He was tall, dark skinned, and carried the same darker hair on his head.  Richard and I played a lot together after I returned from the Woods.  We were only two years apart in age, so we stayed close those first few years, but Richard grew into a stern boy who loved the rules and even more so enforcing them.  I use to hate him when he would tell on me to mother or Lord Richard, our father’s confidante, when I did something wrong.  As he turned ten years old, he spent less time with me and started to spend more time with Father.  He wanted to learn how to defend himself, and with the head of the guards, he picked up the skill quite quickly.  Despite our differences I knew he loved me. 

One day, we swam in a little shallow alcove in the River of Hope and I accidentally wandered too far out into the river.  I wanted to show Richard how much better I was at swimming so I rolled forward, diving into the water.  My plan was to paddle my feet and legs so I could surface much closer to the shallow section, thus impressing my brother.  After I dived forward into the water, my foot was ensnared in the seaweed at the bottom of the river.  I panicked and swallowed a bunch of water.  I couldn’t breathe!  I felt Richard’s hand enclosed around my hair, and pulled me up as hard as he can.  After I surfaced, Richard put his arm around my chest and brought me to the shallow section. 

“Are you okay, Anna?”  He asked.  His body slumped, the lower half of him sitting in the water, taking deep breaths.

 “Thanks, Richard.  You saved my life.”  I said once found my voice.

“Of course I did, that’s what brothers do for their sisters.”

As I grew older, only Syler and I remained close.  My mother would read to us.  Little Syler reacted to the stories with emotion.  His cubby little hands clapped with excitement when the Prince saved the Princess, or cried with anguish when the witch put the princess into a deep sleep.  There were nights when Syler wouldn’t sleep, and I listened to him cry all night long.  There were days when he was fussy and threw everything in the room from books to cups in order to get his way.  

My father, King Tillman Anderson, and mother, Queen Abigail, were kind people.  My brothers and I lived in our family home, Delengrad.  Our city thrived.  The people were happy under my father’s rule.  He kept food on their tables, protection at their door, and took care of each and every citizen.  Though he was an older King, my father was well trained in combat and kept our city safe.  He knew how to talk to his people, and could be tough when the time called for it. 

Our city was a beautiful one.  The castle was made of a sturdy wood, making it strong and very easy to repair.  It sat amongst the tall cypress trees that surrounded the city, its tall red roofs towering over those who neared it.  The castle stood two stories tall and housed the royal family, guards, cooks, maids, gardeners, council members, friends, and many more.  I estimated three hundred people lived in the castle of Delengrad with a couple of hundred living outside in their own little homes.  Flowers bloomed everywhere, I think my mother made it mandatory, and the city itself was quite big.  I loved Delengrad, it was where I was born and a place I will always call home. 

My uncle, Lord Edward Anderson, ruled Lordview.  He looked as if he had the weight of the lands on his shoulders.  His back slouched, and he never smiled his plump face at anyone.  Short shiny brown hair covered his head and he refused to let one little stub of hair grow on his soft face.  A scowl was perpetually etched on his face, and his eyes were constantly narrow with suspicion.  The neighboring cities were friends.  We relied on each other in troubled times and in happy ones.  Lordview was much smaller than Delengrad, housing around one hundred people.  We were small kingdoms.  We were very close to one another.

My cousins came to the castle more than we go to Lordview.  I loved being with my cousins William, Henry, Sarah, and Kyle.  William was the oldest, and Sarah was my age.  Henry was only a year younger than us, and little Kyle was only a baby.  I never saw much of William as he was almost four years older than Sarah and I.  As I went from seven to eight years old, Sarah and I spent a lot of time together.  Father made me promise to never tell anyone where I truly was during my year in the Woods.  I recited the story father made me remember for anyone who asked, like Sarah. 

Sarah and I spent our summers in Lordview.  I loved Lordview in the summer for it was near the River of Hope.  Many nights I spent at the river, just hoping to see Kaylee emerge from the woods to tell me it was time to return.  The years went by as Sarah and I lived our lives.  We would talk by the banks of the river, and have picnics in the beautiful fields of Lordview.  When we were ten years old, she had a crush on a lot of young men in her city.  Sarah was anxious to fall in love for the first time.  She shook her long blonde hair as she brushed it one night.  It was pretty late, and we stayed up talking about boys.  She studied her brown eyes in the mirror and pursed her pouty lips in manners that could be considered appealing.   

“Give it up, Sarah.  You’re too young for him.”  The ‘him’ I was referring to was Conner Knight, a fifteen year old boy in training for the royal guards of Lordview.  Regardless of being five years younger, Sarah was determined to be noticed by this poor boy.  She stopped at nothing to constantly put herself in front of his vision at all times.  Conner was quite confused with the attention he was getting from a ten year old girl of the royal court.

“Maybe so, but it’s fun to practice.”  She laughed while still looking at herself. 

“You know he thinks you’re desperate, don’t you?”  I giggled.  “I heard him tell Fitzroy Atkins that you’re crazy, and tried to kiss him yesterday after breakfast!”

Sarah spun around in her chair to look at me.  Her fluffy hair whipped around her body.  “Oh my goodness!  He said I was crazy?”

“Well?  Did you try to kiss him?”  I asked.

“Yes, but he turned his head away so I sort of kissed his ear instead.”  She said with a red face.  I laughed, but quickly hid it behind the book I was reading.  “Don’t laugh!  It was supposed to be my first real kiss with a boy, not with an ear.”

My laughs came faster and harder.  Sarah began laughing with me.  She rose up from the vanity table and walked gracefully over to me.  Her long tan legs hopped on the bed beside me, and took the book I was reading out of my hands.  It was one that Kaylee had given me all those years ago.  I quickly took it back before she could read the title and wonder where it came from.

“Sorry, I don’t want to lose my place.”  I threw the book aside. Sarah made herself comfortable beside me, and I put my arm around her neck. “Don’t worry about it Sarah, love will find you when it’s time.  And it will be the fairy tale love that you always dreamed of.”

“Mother says there’s no such thing as fairy tales or the princes who sweep girls off their feet.”

“Of course there are such things as fairy tales!  You just have to believe in them, like I do.”  I scoffed at Sarah. Why would Aunt Katherine say such a thing?

“Yes, I know, Anna.  You’re the girl who believes in love.”  Sarah whispered, her exhaustion making her tired and ready to fall asleep.

“Everlasting love.”  I corrected her.  “I do think there is one person made just for me.  Maybe he’s already born, and living in a city outside of our kingdom.  I could meet him at any point in my life, but there will come a moment when I discover he is the man I’m wildly in love with.  Every other man will become a blur in comparison to him.  He will star in my dreams, and take over my every thought.  Life will become miserable until I’m in his arms again.”

My voice became whimsical and full of melancholy.  Sarah sensed something in my voice.  “You sound like a girl who knows from personal experience.  Anna, is there someone you love?  I’ve never seen you do anything, except read a book.  Is there someone I don’t know about?”

“Goodness no!  I don’t think boys know I exist, besides I’m not sure if I’m ready for all that attention and heartache that comes with a boyfriend.  You get so wrapped up in another person that you forget everyone else and everything important in your life.  Butterflies become permanent residents in your insides, and you constantly question yourself about your looks or the things you say.  Then what if your family doesn’t like him?  Do you risk the love of your family for a love that might not work out?”

“Wow.”  Sarah whispered.  “That is so intense.”

“Love is supposed to be intense, silly.”  I said.  “I want my first kiss to be so romantic that nothing else could top it.”

We stayed up a little longer talking about boys and love.  Sarah was intent on pursuing Connor, but wasn’t so sure of herself a few days later.  I think my words had an effect on her she stopped talking about him a week after our conversation.  I was glad she decided to let it go.  Love seemed like too much of an inconvenience to me.  Besides, I was already in love, with the Woods.  So many years went by, but my passion to return home never faded.  I could not eat, sleep or focus on my life without letting my mind dream about the Woods and my future there.  It was if I were homesick.

As more years went by, I found myself growing up quite nicely.  I may have been taller, but Sarah was far prettier with long blonde hair and tiny, dainty features.  When she smiled, it was like the sun had just risen over the horizon, bringing hope to those who searched for it.

This was going to be an exciting time for us, especially Sarah.  She was thrilled when we were told we would be attending the Williamson Law Academy when the summer ended.  Every child of royal blood must attend the Academy starting at twelve years old.  I remembered Kaylee's words about not attending the Academy.  I didn't know what would happen to me, but I knew I wouldn’t be going with her.  For the right price a spot can be secured for the child of a man employed in Judge Slider’s Council and guard.  It guaranteed Sarah a chance to be exposed to large quantities of boys.  She squealed with happiness the day Uncle Edward informed her.  I was excited for her.

“When do I leave?”  Sarah asked him.

“Two days.”  He told us.  “No need to pack your entire wardrobe, you will be provided with the attire to attend classes.  You can bring some personal clothes and night clothes for yourself.  You are limited to the amount of personal possessions, so choose wisely.  Anna, no need to worry about your things, your mother has sent over what you need from Delengrad.  Preparations are being made for your journey.  Now, get some sleep.  I will see you girls in the morning.”

“Uncle Edward!”  I called.  I went closer to him in order to speak away from Sarah’s ears.  “I need to see my father.”

“It won’t be possible, Anna.  He is a very busy man and won’t be able to see you.  Is there something wrong?  I can send for your mother and brothers?  Perhaps you would like that?”

“Yes, but Uncle Edward.”  I leaned closer to him.  “I’m not to attend school at Williamson Law.  It was made very clear to me by someone, uh ….I was not to go.”

“Nonsense, Anna.”  He reassured me.  “Your cousin and brother have been attending the school for many years now.  It is a good school and required of you since you will be of age.  I understand you might be afraid, but Sarah and Richard will be attending as well.  There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“I’m not afraid, Uncle Edward, but I thought I was to return to, um….the Woods once it was time for my education to continue abroad.”

His face grew dark and his eyes narrowed in anger.  His tall body dominated my impressive height.  In the darkness of his shadow, I felt his alpha presence invading my innocent soul.  I was afraid of the toxic frown on his face, I never knew my uncle to become angry before.  That long, chubby finger pointed itself in my face.

“Now you listen to me, Anna Anderson.  You will not speak of that place again.  Never.  The decision has been made.  You are attending the Williamson Law Academy and that is final, now good night, niece.”  He hissed quietly and spun on his boots to quickly exit the room. 

Sarah looked through her closet, trying to decide what she would bring with her to our new school so she hadn’t heard our little conversation.  I dragged myself over to her bed.  How would I get out of this?  I didn't want to attend the Academy.  I wanted to go back to the Woods.

Despite what I wanted, I prepared myself for the trip north to the Williamson Law Academy.  Kaylee never appeared to me in those final days, and I celebrated my twelfth birthday with my family, minus my father before I left.  I had my friendship with my cousins, but I continued to pine away for the Woods.  I spent the last day by myself, walking along the banks of the river.  I dared myself to cross Dollanger Bridge and into the Woods where I would find my heart’s desire.  When I looked across the river I could feel the trees calling my name.  They pulsed with a magical heartbeat, and watched me as I walked the shore line.  The last night I was in Lordview, I stayed up all night waiting to see if Kaylee would come, but he never did.  I never took my eyes off the tree line for fear of missing his arrival.  The wind ran through my hair and kept me cool as I waited.  My bored hands plucked at the grass and dug into the dirt, hoping to take my mind off the wait.  Dollanger Bridge was only a hundred feet away.  It was a wide, cast iron bridge that took many years for the men of Lordview and Delengrad to construct.  It sat proudly above the running water.  Even in the dark I saw the beautiful custom flower design carved under the railings.  It stood in the darkness like a massive monster, wanting to devour you.

The next morning, I was lost in a deep depression.  My heart ached with want for the Woods, and I desperately plotted an escape before anyone could notice I was gone.  I knew I was not going anywhere except to school.  Sarah was beside herself with happiness.  She spent hours prepping her hair, and choosing the perfect dress to wear.  Her sweet face was red with anticipation as her eyes looked over her wardrobe.  My cousin William and my brother Richard traveled with us, so there was a lot of commotion in the castle that morning.  My mother and Aunt Katherine bustled about the castle in haste, trying to make sure everything went smoothly for our departure.  No one noticed my sad face or my tired eyes.  I chose a simple blue silk dress with a sweetheart neckline.  I had these beautiful pearl colored high heeled shoes that I was dying to wear, so I slipped them on my feet after my bag was taken downstairs to be put on the carriage.  It felt nice to wear them and I felt my spirits lift as I looked at my feet.  One thing I could not take with me to the Academy was my crown.  My head felt amazingly light as I turned to stare at my reflection in the mirror.  I had to admit I was quite pretty without my silver crown.  I let myself get into the excitement of going to the school.  I had no other choice.

Once our luggage was loaded into a carriage, we kissed our mothers and little brothers goodbye.  Our mothers weren’t as sad as I thought they’d be.  When Richard left the first time, you would’ve thought he was dead with the way mother was carrying on!  Tears fell from her eyes as she hugged him tightly and almost refused to let him go.  Once father promised mother Richard would return, she let him go.  This time she was composed.  Not one tear escaped her eyes while I was in her presence.  I hugged her tightly and inhaled her scent.  She used flower water when she bathed, leaving her smelling like a field of fresh flowers.  Her royal blue gown was soft and imbedded itself into my memory.  I kissed my sweet little brother goodbye and got into the carriage quickly before anyone could cry.  Sarah and I were riding together in a carriage with two guards leading the horses.  William and Richard were in the carriage in front of us, Sarah and me in the middle and our bags behind us.  The four carriages whisked away from Lordview.  I watched the castle disappear as the horses ran forward.  Their hoofs making a clip clop sound as they took us away from Lordview and to our new lives at Williamson Law.