Secrets to a Millionaire Mind by Bert Carlos - HTML preview

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The Difference Between Dreaming and Doing

You are able to achieve any goal if you work at it and trust in yourself. Regardless what you wish to accomplish, whether it's singing with a rock group, beginning your own business or becoming wealthy, abide by these steps and you will soon be well on your way to the life you've always conceived of.

Do You Act Or Dream

The first reason most individuals don’t get what they wish is that they don’t know what they wish. Wealthy individuals are totally clear that they want wealth. They're unwavering in their desire. They are totally dedicated to creating wealth. As long as it’s legal, ethical, and moral, they'll do whatever it takes to have wealth. Rich individuals don't send mixed messages to the universe. Poor individuals do.

Remain positive. Acquaintances, neighbors and colleagues might tell you why you can't accomplish your goal. Simply disregard them and carry on pursuing your dream till you achieve it. Cast out thoughts of failure from your psyche as soon as they come up. There's scientific evidence that favorable thought does work, so turn over that fact if you have temporary doubts about accomplishing your goal.

Figure out a plan. Decide on a goal and then work out what you have to do to get there. It might call for taking classes, slimming down, moving to a different city or something as challenging as producing a movie. Arrange small goals, like stepping stones, to your ultimate accomplishment. Reward yourself each time you accomplish one of these mini-goals.

Write it down. Sustain a success journal or diary. Arrive at lists of what you need to achieve each day to accomplish your goal. Draw pictures or cut out magazine clippings to prompt you and remind you of your wanted results.

Envision the desired result. Think about being a successful, confident business owner or wealthy or whatsoever you wish to be. Keep your goal perpetually on the "front burner" till you achieve it.

Hang in. Some days the road to your goal will run more swimmingly than others, but never misplace faith. Step back and alter your approach if the situation merits it. Remember the saying "Rome wasn't built in a day" and don't quit, even if things appear bleak.

Learn from other people. Talk to others who have accomplished the same goal you're going after. If you wish to be wealthy, contact other wealthy people or frequent message boards associated to that. By finding out how others achieved the same goal, you'll learn what to do and what to keep away from.

Read inspirational books and sayings. From "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra to old favorites like "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, select from a plethora of books to keep you motivated and give you new thoughts.