Secrets to a Millionaire Mind by Bert Carlos - HTML preview

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Are You Thinking Big

Our culture cannot seem to make up its mind about the value of ambition. On the one hand, we praise those who work hard and accomplish hard goals.

On the other hand, we put individuals down for being selfish and power-hungry, and we frequently take pleasure in seeing powerful celebrities fall.

No wonder so many individuals have assorted feelings about being ambitious. On top of that, the goals they wished they cared more about might not truly be their own. In order to settle conflicts about ambition, you have to get a clearer thought of what you truly wish.

Thinking Big

Enquire of yourself what you think you ought to be accomplishing. Then enquire of yourself if that is something you truly wish to accomplish, or if you are attempting to live out somebody else's notion of what you ought to be doing. Some of the times a lack of ambition is a sign that you are protesting doing something that is not correct for you.

Think about what you'd accomplish if you could accomplish anything and didn't have to worry about cash. Write out your purpose in life in one sentence. Try out career counseling or self-help books if you are not certain what you wish to accomplish. Lack of ambition might stem from not having discovered goals that are correct for you.

Enquire of yourself if you are so frightened of failing that you would rather not even attempt to accomplish your goals. Fear of failure may be a dream killer. Becoming cognizant of your fear is the first step in addressing it.

Break down your goals into littler, more manageable chunks if you are experiencing overwhelming feelings. Take one step at a time, and give yourself payoffs for your progress. If you have given up and lost ambition because your goals looked out of the question, you might simply have to organize your work differently.

Present yourself permission to be ambitious. Ambition might have a bad reputation some of the times, however if you act ethically and set worthy goals, there is nothing wrong with working hard to accomplish them and nothing wrong with wishing to acquire credit for what you have done.

Ask yourself if you wish to live a hard-driving competitory life or if you prefer to be easygoing -- or something in-between. The more you get in touch with what you truly wish, the happier you are in all likelihood to be.