Secrets to a Millionaire Mind by Bert Carlos - HTML preview

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Roadblock or Chance

Once you dwell on the damaging aspects of life and equate your failings to another's successes, you are able to become depressed and discouraged. You have heard that a positive mental attitude will better your outlook; however, you might find it hard to see the silver lining once dark clouds loom. Attempt a couple of methods to retrain your thoughts.

Take A Good Look At You

Live for yourself. Once you perpetually attempt to be the person other people wish you to be, you cheat yourself out of individuality and your own aspirations. Take a long hard look at what you wish out of life and design your daily routine to include at least one or two elements that cause you to get your goals closer.

Comprehend that even if you can't control outside conditions, you are able to controller your response to them. If you are currently working in a dead-end job with a boss who's degrading, make a conscious effort to tell yourself that his poor behavior may make you upset only if you let it.

Leave your work at the office, mentally that is. Once you step outside after a stressful day's work, tell yourself that you have all day tomorrow to deal with the troubles and mentally switch gears by thinking something favorable or planning your future vacation, even if it's months away.

Slow up. Once constantly pressed to finish tasks, you are able to develop a damaging mental attitude towards life. If time is a commodity, work out how you are able to schedule your chores more efficiently. Simply by getting up 15 minutes earlier every day, you will have the time to say hello to your neighbor, pet a pup or simply gaze out the window at the rain.

Learn something new day-after-day. You are able to encourage a positive mental attitude by always providing something fresh in your life. As a youngster, your curiosity led you to explore and learn. Recapture that feeling now by taking a night class, studying a fresh language, learning to garden or anything else that interests you.

Arrive at a list of the favorable aspects in your life. Include your accomplishments. If you are a humorous individual, put that on the list. If you are able to play the violin or you know a lot about dogs, include those aspects. Arrive at a long detailed list of everything that you do well or at least that is not damaging. Read the list once you require a mental boost.

Help other people. Poking out a helping hand to those in need makes you feel needed and worthwhile. Make it a habit to volunteer for charitable organizations. Assisting other people allows us to be grateful for the blessing we have and helps us maintain a favorable mental attitude.

Envision drawing in and receiving cash and wealth. For instance, you may spend several minutes every day seeing yourself receiving checks and money orders in the mail for products or services you sell.

You may also cut out photos and images of dollar bills and coins, paste them onto a piece of paper or cardboard and hang the images on your bedroom wall or above your office space at home, places where you frequently go so you see the photos and images many times a day.

Hold favorable feelings or vibrations about cash. By sustaining positive vibrations, you may attract and manifest wealth and cash. "The Law of Attraction" states that like draws in like.

Consequently, if you feel favorable emotions when you consider getting cash, you may draw in more cash into your life. When you see others with cash, feel appreciation for what they have. Each time you get cash, feel great about it and those occurrences will step-up.

Write positive affirmations about wealth and cash. For instance, you may write, "I'm receiving more and more cash each day from the sale of my fresh books and audiotapes." You may likewise speak favorable affirmations.

Composed or spoken, positive affirmations help train your subconscious to produce and find ideas, insights and action steps you may take to get cash. As you continue to write and/or speak favorable affirmations, your subconscious will go on to work to attract the wealth you wish.