Targum Americana - Bereshit / Genesis: The Bible Understood by Yirmi (Irwin) Tyler - HTML preview

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6-9 ~ Noach’s life is now revealed: Noach was a righteous man, the purest of all in his generation, one whose relationship with God (in His nature as the Only God, the Creator of all existence) was honest and unblemished, living a withdrawn but pious life devoted to God.

6-10 ~ To Noach was born three sons: Shem, Ham and Yafeth. 6-11 ~ Mankind was corrupt, perverted and immoral in spite of God. Crimes great and small did they do to one another. 6-12 ~ God (in His nature as Creator and Ruler) took note of the world’s corruption, of its perversions and immoralities.

6-13 ~ Then God said to Noach: “The way of the world is such that I must make an end of the earth and mankind on it.

6-14 ~ “Make yourself a container, a floating vessel, of cypress wood. Make compartments within this ark. Caulk it inside and outside with pitch. 6-15 ~ This is how you shall make it: The ark shall be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and its height 30 cubits. 6-16 ~ Create three decks within the ark, and place a door in the side of the ark. While oil and candles shall light the ark from within, create a window one cubit on its top to bring in light from outside the ark.

6-17 ~ “I Myself shall bring on the flood. Through water will I destroy all of my creations into which I have placed the spirit of life and which live upon the land. They will all die. 6-18 ~ But I will make this pledge to you: you will enter the ark with your wife, your sons and their wives. 6-19 ~ And from every living thing of which there is flesh upon the earth you shall bring both a male and a female into the ark to keep them alive. 6-20 ~ Select two from each separate species of bird, two from each separate species of livestock, and two from each separate species of land animal to save with you in the ark. 6-21 ~ Gather and place in storage in the ark enough food for your selves and the animals.

6-22 ~ Noach did everything exactly as God had commanded him.

7-1 ~ God (in His nature as Source of Mercy) said to Noach, “Come into the ark, you and your family. For I have taken note of you as righteous in this generation, with man as well as with Me. 7-2 ~ Take seven pair of every ritually pure animal, each pair a male and its mate, for you will need animals to sacrifice to me. But of every animal not ritually pure you shall take only two pair, each pair a male and its mate. 7-3 ~ Take seven pair of the birds of the heaven, each pair a male and its mate, also to keep their seed upon the face of the earth. 7-4 ~ For in another seven days I will bring rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all of my creations which I have made.

7-5 ~ Noach did everything exactly as God had commanded him.

7-6 ~ Noach was 600 years old when the destroying flood waters came upon the earth. 7-7 ~ Noach, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, entered the ark just ahead of the destroying flood waters. 7-8 ~ From the ritually pure animals and those not ritually pure, from the birds, and from the creatures that moved upon the earth they came, 7-9 ~ two by two to Noach to enter the ark. They were paired male and female as God (in His nature as Creator and Ruler) had commanded.

7-10 ~ Seven days passed and the destroying flood waters began to cover the earth. 7-11 ~ This was in the 600th year of Noach’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day. On this day the great flood of waters surged from below and the deluge of waters burst from above. 7-12 ~ This was the beginning of the forty days and forty nights of flood rains.

7-13 ~ It was on this very day that Noach and his sons Shem, Ham, and Yapheth, each with their wives, entered the ark. 7-14 ~ Entering with them were the paired beasts of each kind, the paired livestock of each kind, the paired crawling things of each kind, and the paired flying creatures of each kind, both feathered and non-feathered flying creatures. 7-15 ~ In pairs did they come to Noach, to the ark, all creatures in which there was the breath of life. 7-16 ~ The creatures came paired, male and female, as God had commanded Noach. Then God sealed the ark and they were protected.

7-17 ~ The destroying flood now came upon the earth for forty days and lifted the ark above the