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Chapter 17

Integration Marketing Strategies

One of the untapped online marketing goldmines that most marketers are completely missing out on Is called integration marketing. Integration marketing allows you to leverage other people’s thank you pages, members' areas, log-out pages, login pages, exit pages, autoresponders, and more for untapped traffic sources.

 Basically, integration marketing occurs when you integrate your offer into someone else's marketing funnel. It's one of the fastest ways to create an automated lead generation system that directs hundreds of subscribers into your sales funnel each day. This is hands-down one of the most powerful, yet untapped traffic strategies online today. It allows you to tap into some of the most valuable virtual real estate available online.

Instead of just having your opt-in box on your squeeze page, integration marketing will allow you to be promoted on dozens, if not hundreds, of other people’s thank-you pages. This is the ultimate form of leverage.

Not only does this put you in front of more people, but it also puts you directly in front of the right kind of people. You see, once a person has reached someone else's thank-you page, they have either agreed to purchase something or subscribed to their opt-in list. That's why the thank-you page is some of the most valuable real estate available online today. The same is true for displaying your ad inside other people's membership sites. This could be on the login page, the log-out page, or within the membership content itself.

 However, most people are not monetizing their thank-you pages properly.

In using just integration marketing, you can create systematic, predictable growth in your business with just a little bit of effort with zero risk on your part. This makes it a very low risk investment. All that is required is a bit of your time, but can give you a huge potential upside.

Integration marketing is also extremely effective since only a few other people are using it. It allows you to approach potential joint venture partners with a very unique opportunity. If you were to approach them through traditional joint venture methods, you'd be much more likely to get a negative response. But when you apply the techniques of integration marketing, you'll be able to hand them a plug-and-play promotion that they can post on websites that are probably not currently even being used or monetized. Because of this, you're much more likely to get a "yes.”

 It can't get any easier for them. You're basically giving them one line of code that they can place on their thank-you page to start bringing in guaranteed conversions.

 How to Set Up Your Integration Marketing Growth Strategy:

For starters, you'll need to create a free product that you'll be giving away on your squeeze page in exchange for people's name and email. After people give you their name and email, they will immediately be taken to the opt-in confirmation page/thank-you page, where you will present a onetime offer at an exclusive, discounted price.

This is how you make money from your "free offer." You create a onetime offer directly after the squeeze page that offers people a onetime, exclusive discount on one of your products or a collection of your products.

You want to make the one time offer (OTO) be in conjunction with the free squeeze page offer and also make it as irresistible as possible. This will help bring you the highest possible conversions. Creating an irresistible offer that's congruent with the free offer that they just signed up for is key.

Now, when someone comes to your squeeze page from someone else's thank you page or membership site, they will get a commission from every person they send that purchases your onetime offer. This is how you recruit other people to put your ad on their thank-you page, since they'll be making a commission for every sale that's made on your OTO. In return, you get a consistent flow of leads and sales.

 As you can see, building your list on the back of other people's thank-you pages is extremely powerful.

 How to Recruit Potential Integration Partners

To go about finding potential integration partners and getting them to place your ad on their thank-you page, you need to show them what's in it for them. You'll want to give them 50 percent commissions on the OTO. Even more importantly than that, you need to make sure that you have a high-converting sales process in place. This mean you've got to know your numbers, like how much, on average, is each visitor worth that comes to your squeeze page and goes through the sales process? You must be able to tell your potential integration partners how much they can expect to make if they send 100 visitors, 500 visitors, 1,000 visitors and so on. You must also optimize your sales process first before you start approaching potential integration partners.

This is what so many people get wrong. They go out to recruit affiliates before they have optimized their sales process, which is a huge mistake. You'll want to get the visitor value as high as possible before you start recruiting affiliates.

So, for example, a visitor value of $5 would mean that for every visitor someone sends you, they would, on average, earn $5 for every visitor. If they sent you 100 visitors, they should earn $500. This is a very good visitor value. If you're average visitor value is $5, then you're definitely ready to start recruiting integration partners. But, if you're still in the process of optimizing your sales process, then one of the very best ways to increase your visitor value is to add upsells, downsells, and cross-sells.

You must always have something else to sell whenever a transaction takes place. Always. This can be via upsell, cross-sell, as a follow-up offer, etc., but you must offer them something else since the hottest buyer in the world is the one who just gave you money. This is the best time to increase your transaction value as well as your visitor value.

They already have their credit card at the ready and they are actively and intensely interested in whatever you have to offer. You should always give your customer the opportunity to customize their buying experience. There will always be a certain portion of your buyers that would want to go to a higher level with you, and if you don't allow them to do that, you're leaving a lot of money on the table with your customer simply going somewhere else. You must give them the option to get higher and higher levels of value. This allows your customers to customize their buying experience and this is done through the sales process itself. The key here is your upsells should be closely related and tied in to the main product. These are essentially value bumps, but they should tie in perfectly with the main product itself.

 You've probably seen plenty of upsells online, but you may not be quite as familiar with the Order Page Bump, so here are quick examples:

 Where to find Potential Integration Partners





How to Get Your Ads on Other People's Thank-You Pages

 The key to getting your ad on other people's thank-you pages is to create an irresistible offer to make it easy for your partners to say yes.

There are a number of ways to do this, but you should always begin by offering a high commission rate, which could be at least 50%, but go even higher than that, if possible. You could even give 100% commissions. It’s okay to sacrifice up-front profits since you'll be able to make up for it many times over on the back-end. Plus, you'll be building a huge list of subscribers to go along with it.

 Make your offer as irresistible as possible because having your ad on the thank-you page could put you in front of potentially hundreds or thousands of people every single day. The trade off is worth it.

You could also offer to swap thank-you page promotions so both of you can create a perpetual lead generator that will send you both subscribers and sales on a daily basis. The only drawback here is the limited amount of space left on your thank-you page.

 In general, you really don't want to put more than three thank-you page ads on your thank-you page. Otherwise, it will start losing its effectiveness.

You could also create a special discount for your thank-you page partners. This gives them something special to offer their buyers. You always want to do anything you can to make the offer unique to them.

You could also offer to promote their product. You will be essentially trading a promotion for thank-you page placement. If you already have a list, this can be a really great way to push your partners over the edge.

Your list of subscribers can give you huge leverage to work with when negotiating with potential integration partners. You can tell them that you'll promote their product to your list if they'll put your product ad on their thank you page. For most people, this is an easy sell, especially if you have a large, responsive list of subscribers.

You could also barter for thank-you page ad space. For example, if you're a really good copywriter, you could write someone else's sales letter in exchange for them placing your ad on their thank you page. Of if you're really good at graphics, you could set up the same sort of deal. There are literally unlimited possibilities for trading work for ad space, so try to be creative.

 You could even offer to create content for someone else's membership site in exchange for putting your ad on their thank-you page, login page or log-out page of their membership site.

One of the biggest hurdles of owning a membership site is adding fresh new content every month. So if you come in and offer to create valuable and exclusive content for them, you've created a very beneficial win-win deal for both parties.

Other Forms of Integration

One of the best ways to use integration marketing is to look for people who have products related to your market. You would want approach them about including your content as a bonus for their product. For example, if you have a product that you are currently selling, the person should include your product as a free bonus. The only catch is that they have to sign up for your list before they are able to download your product.

This is really a no-brainer, especially if you have a high-quality product, since they are able to provide tremendous value to their customers, offering them an extra bonus that they would normally have to pay for. In return, you get a very powerful list of buyers.

 By pairing your products with other products within your market, you are going to create an instant, perpetual flow of leads to your website, allowing you to grow your list very quickly.

Another way you can use this strategy is to look for membership sites within your market. People who own membership sites are constantly looking for quality content that they can add to their site. That's really one of the biggest jobs for someone who owns a membership site. You can provide them with tremendous value by allowing them to put your premium content in their membership site. And in return, you will build a very powerful list of buyers. And as you know, a list of buyers is ten times more powerful than a traditional subscriber.

Another powerful integration strategy you can use is to write a killer report of around 30-40 pages of truly great content. This has to be some truly juicy content. Not the same stuff you see rehashed many times over. For this strategy to work, you must create content that stands out. You would then offer this to other marketers for them to give away to their list with no opt-in required. The key here is you must include links throughout the report that point back to your squeeze page.

To add even more power to this strategy, it is recommend that you personalize the report for each marketer. At the top, it could state something like, "An Exclusive Gift for [MARKETERS NAME's ] Friends and Subscribers." Send out 50-100 of these personalized emails offering your report to them for free. You can email bloggers, product owners, and related website. You can find these people through Clickbank, PayDotCom, and traditional Google Searches.

 You can also pump in some extra juice to this strategy by including a revenue component by branding the report with their affiliate link peppered throughout the report.

Some other extremely powerful integration techniques include thank-you pages, log-out pages, autoresponder follow-ups, exit pops, and banner space. There is a huge number of virtual real estate online that goes untapped and it's your job to look for these priceless integration points and find ways to integrate your content into other people's marketing funnels.