The Lost Pages Sampler by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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The Devouring Dark

Expanded draft of "The Divine Order" Prologue



Once More into the Fray...

The Angel leaned against the wall and smiled. In front of him, perched on a stool and devouring a tower of burgers, sat Dominic Prince. Lucifer's youngest son had always had a thing for compressed beef. The Angel lost his smile as the ticking of the clock on the diner wall reminded him why he was there.

"Trust this to be you're idea of heaven." The Angel mused taking a stool next to the prince.

Dominic's wide grin sunk the Angel's heart further. "Lucas." He declared still chewing.

"How are they treating you?"

Dom took a slip of his soda, "a damn sight better then hell." He exclaimed jubilantly. This was the happiest Lucas had ever seen his old friend. Not burdened by the agony life often brought. Guilt racked Lucas and he quickly looked away. "But you're not here for a social visit."

The Angel took a deep breath. "How do you feel about going back?" He asked.

"Back?" Dominic repeated when he had finished gurgling the last of the soda through the straw. He placed the polystyrene cup on the counter. "Back where?"

Lucas gave him a level look and waited for his clouded mind to catch up. "How well do you remember Holly Adams?" He probed quietly. Dom's body language changed as soon as Lucas had spoken her name, he hid it well but it was there. The prince of hell stiffened ever so slightly beside him and his Hazel eyes lightened, turning a dull pink for just a second.

"Reasonably." Dom eventually answered. "My memories get murkier with every passing day." Dominic knew as well as Lucas that memories was the price you paid for you're own slice of paradise. Remembering the people you left behind only hurt, so heaven gradually phased them out of you're mind. "Is something wrong Lucas?"

"The Thrones have had a premonition." The Angel responded.

"About Holly?"

"Yes." Lucas could actually see the gears moving in Dom's head.

"I assume since you're here, its not a good one."

"No," Lucas replied, "its not." A tense silence fell over the empty diner.

"Does she go dark side or something." Dominic chuckled, taking another bite of the burger. He stopped chewing when Lucas didn't answer. "I don't believe it."


"The Thrones have been wrong about Holly before." The prince said getting to his feet. Lucas swivelled and watched him pace the floor like a caged T Rex. The Thrones were Angels who were gifted with foresight. It was true they had been blind in regards to whom fathered Holly's son, but that had been the only time since time had began that they had been wrong. The odds were not in Dominic's favour.

"Two nights ago Holly affected the weather over Cherry Falls."

"What?" Dominic gasped.

"There was an incident with some human faction, they managed to get past you're brother's defences and come within touching distance of the boy. Holly didn't take very kindly to it."

"She was protecting her son. Just like any mother would do, you can't blame her for that." Dominic reasoned. It didn't shock him that they had come for his son. Colt came from a unique lineage, as a result he was the most sought after being in the Immortal world. Dom had seen it coming even before the boy had been born. He knew Holly, Legion and Caleb would make sure Colt was safe and that was all that mattered. Hurt began to fill him like milk poured in a glass. He was Colt's father, it should be his job to keep Colt safe. Thanks to Lucifer, Dominic had never even got to meet the child he had so yearned for. 

"She killed them Dom. Holly crossed a line and killed a human. She lost control and a vicious lightning storm, the worst on record, took out power for the entire Eastern Coast for 12 hours." Lucas continued. "A storm Holly caused."

Dominic sank back against a booth. Holly now knew what it was like to take a life. Sure, she had killed Michael but that had been different. He hadn't been a human, one of her own kind. He knew it must be eating her alive. Holly was the most kind and caring person he had ever met.

"The council's been called. Holly's facing a hearing."

"For protecting her child!" Dominic yelled angrily. Fury invaded his eyes, turning them as Black as night. The Divine order was only called in times of great need. High ranking Immortals from both sides got together and condemned the actions of anyone they wished. It was corrupt as the humans government.

"The meeting is about The Thrones Premonition." Lucas cleared up, "but that didn't help her cause much."

"What did the Thrones actually see?"

Lucas looked at the ground. Dominic was someone he cared about and that list was a short one. In his line of work he had gotten to know the prince very well over the e-ons and dreaded being the one to tare him apart.

"...The source of Holly's power."