The Lost Pages Sampler by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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The Deal

Alternative prologue.


The Deal...

Heels clicked over cold tiles, each footfall echoing through the deserted corridor like gunshots. The Red silk curtains that draped the alcoves did little to soften the noise, but then again did it really matter? He already knew they were coming.

The small group of three paused at the end of the passageway. Impenetrable looking doors halted their progress. The woman narrowed her cold Blue eyes, the doors gave with a groan, swinging open on their hinges. The two men followed her inside.

The air was thick with aromatic smoke and cries of pleasure provided the room's soundtrack. The woman took a calming breath before marching into the den of iniquity. Her presence seemed to chase away the dark shadows lurking in the corners, and restore the dwindling light of the candles, that were dotted around.

The cavernous and square room resembled that of a Sultan's sex chamber. Girls in all shapes and sizes littered the interior, and lay prone on beds of silk and cushions. The woman's temper flared. "Get them out!" She hissed in a voice as beautiful as a harp's music. She found the one they seeked, perched on his throne of fine silk and couldn't hold her temper at bay any longer. "He gives you a second chance, and this is what you do with it?" She demanded angrily, her blonde locks cascading down her back.

"I'm simply making the best of a bad situation." The masculine voice replied, the woman could almost hear the smile in his tone, "this place needed livening up." 

"Damn you Lucifer!" She yelled in blasphemy, "our home is sacred, not to be desecrated by you're filth. Does you're evil know no bounds?"

Something flashed behind Lucifer's dark eyes and the Angel knew she had gone too far, but really, this was intolerable! It was bad enough he'd been allowed back in heaven after his death, but having to witness this...uncleanness was the final cherry on the cake!

"What do you want, Christina?" Lucifer asked in a pleasant tone, but she could tell he was irked by her appearance in the way his fingers brushed against the fabric of the chair. "Its not everyday we get a visit from Miss holier than holy."

Christina gritted her teeth, he always knew how to push her buttons. "Leave us." She ordered her two companions who were chasing out the last dregs of women. "I don't have time to play your games." Christina added when the doors closed.

"Pity, we could have had some fun." Lucifer leered.

"Your repulsive." She found herself blurting.

"Sticks and stones love..."

Christina endeavoured to raise above, or else she would be here all day, and the thought didn't appeal to her much. "Something's coming Lucifer. Something that effects us all, even you." What she had to say next didn't come easy, and Christina practically forced out the words. "Lucifer, heaven needs you're help."

"Now there's words to savour." He teased. "Let me get this straight, you need something from me?"

Christina had been instructed to give this parasite anything he needed or wanted, so she ate humble pie and nodded.

Lucifer exhaled triumphantly, "its moments like this, you wish you could record and play them over again." His smile disappeared as he rose from his chair and towered over her. "Go to hell."


"Something is always coming Christina." Lucifer interrupted her, "there's always battles to fight, I see no reason to aid in yours."

"We aren't just talking the norm here Lucifer. Do you think we would come grovelling at you're feet without exploring every other avenue? We are out of moves Luce." The old nickname came rolling off her tongue, betraying how close they had once been.

Lucifer flashed a glance of annoyance at her but Christina knew he was curious. "And just what is this 'something' that threatens you so?"

She hid her smile. "A threat which you know well. You have fought it before." Christina knew she would do her mission no good in just blurting it out, with Lucifer you had to be as crafty as he was.

It took longer than Christina thought before the penny dropped, perhaps death did cloud the mind. Hard cold steel appeared in Lucifer's dark eyes. "You should have let Michael slay the bitch before she took her first breath." His voice dripped venom.

"Maybe it would have been easier..." Christina found herself uttering out loud. It was a question that troubled many here, why had Father allowed such a dangerous being to live was beyond her, but perhaps that was the point. Christina was built to adore her creator and fulfil the tasks heaven gave her, hers wasn't the place to ask why.

"...Last time I checked," Lucifer's voice broke through Christina's reverie, "Holly Adams was about saving the world, not condemning it."

"She's being manipulated." Christina threw out before thinking, being around Lucifer again was starting to get to her. Lucifer threw her a look of confusion. "Holly lost everything the day you died Luce. Dom, her son, she has nothing left to anchor her anymore. She just, well, doesn't care what happens anymore."

"And someone is taking advantage of that. Who? I'd like to shake their hand."

"Lucifer!" Christina gasped. "This is nothing to joke about."

"I wasn't joking." He replied flatly.

Christina knew it was all or nothing. "Look I'm not going to begin to say that you've been through a lot. A lot of which," she added before he could object, "is on you're own head Lucifer. But surely there is still a part of you, no matter how small, that still remembers the magnificent being you once were. I'm not saying help us Luce, I'm saying help yourself." For a minute she was naive enough to think it worked, but the light went from Lucifer's eyes, replaced with cold dark malice.

"Go fuck yourself."

Anger began to build in Christina, how dare he say no to their creator! "I've had it Lucifer. I tried to give you a chance, all we really need from you is you're son, Dominic  who's soul is currently residing in hell."

"Over my dead body!" Lucifer fumed, the candles gave up their struggle with the dark and Christina was bathed in shadow.

"He is you're own flesh and blood Luce! How can you be so cold? All we need is for you to release him into our care."

"Cold?" Lucifer repeated with icy fury. "He betrayed me for that little wench! May he rot in hell for all I care."

"You're not even willing to bargain?" Christina asked.

Lucifer mellowed slightly and that horrible smile that sent shivers down her spine returned. "Since I'm assuming you already tried to raise him..."

"Legion has taken over the running of hell, true enough." Christina interrupted laying out all her cards on the table. "But more importantly hell does not recognise him as such, so he is unable to free his brother's spirit or we would not be having this conversation."

Lucifer's smile widened. "How much is Dominic worth to you?"

Everything, Christina thought silently and he already knew it. Without Dom they had no hope of surviving what was coming. The universe' hopes lay with the prince of hell...the universe was doomed. Christina shook her head visibly, negative thoughts wouldn't help. Grudgingly she surrendered to Lucifer.

"What do you want?"