The Lost Pages Sampler by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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The Divine Order

In this alternative prologue the Divine Order, a council of Immortals, had been called to address Colt Prince's powers.



Bourbon Street was packed full of ravers celebrating Mardi Gras. A block away, deep in the French Quarter, detached from the festivities The Divine Order convened.  It was to be the Fifth time the Order had been called into session, and the last time.

The most dangerous and powerful Immortals made up the members of the Order. It was the only time Good and Evil entertained the same room without blood being spilled. The Order only met at times of great need, when their world was threatened or a problem arose that effected all races, a threat had been perceived and the Order convened to deal with it.

Angels, Demons, Vampires and more sat around the round Oak table, each concealing their own agenda for being there. “Does the girl know we are convening?” A woman with large dangling earrings asked the room.

“No.” The Ebony Seraphim known as Castillo replied. “I thought it best not to inform her, giving the circumstances.”

“But surely she should be here.” Another, rather large woman, piped. “She is he's Mother after all...”

“She's an abomination! Is what she is.” A ageing man smoking a Cuban barked. “Things  such as that should not be allowed to breed.”

“Yes well...moving on.” Castillo said looking down at the dark wood. “The matter of it is we do not know what the child is capable of. His unique lineage and the protection that surrounds him makes it hard to keep tabs on him.”

“Is it true that he has power already?” The round woman interrupted.

“It is.” Castillo confirmed gravely, “I've seen it for myself.” A swell of voices filled the room as everyone began to talk at once. “Silence!” The Seraphim commanded and the voices died off grudgingly.

“How is that possible?” The woman who had spoken first whispered. “Immortals don't come into their powers till they reach an appropriate age to handle them.”

“That's precisely the problem we face.” Castillo began, “Colt has no comprehension of what he's doing, the damage he could cause is almost devastating. Especially now that we have to be careful of the attention we draw to ourselves.”

“Damn humans!” The man with the Cigar barked again, slamming his fat furled fist down onto the table. “Damn this Devil child too! I say we kill them all!”

Castillo shot a warning look his way with hard eyes. “That is what we are trying to prevent. We have to show the humans they have longer to fear from us...”

“All these peace talks Castillo, there is no need for them!” The man grunted. “They accept our existence or we crush them! It's as simple as that.”

“I will have no more blood spilt!” Castillo roared suddenly. The Sandstone walls shock with the ferocity of the Seraphim's tone. “Heaven has lost enough as it is.” The battle with Lucifer had cost Heaven a lot of Angels. They had dropped from the sky in their droves when Lucifer had attacked. Castillo knew Heaven would never fully recover from their losses and wanted to avoid more bloodshed at all costs. He had to protect his Brothers but most of all, he had to protect a weak Heaven.