The Muslim Prime Minister...A Love Story by Abhishek Sinha - HTML preview

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15. First propose to Aarti



When we reached the work place something very expected happened which I mistakenly had not taken care off. The people and consequently media persons surrounded Abbu and me and threw so many questions to us.

“Sir, now when you are alive will you contest the elections?”

“Will your son too will contest elections?”

“Who in your eyes are the masterminds of riots?”

Somehow, the security police helped us to get rid of them but before the media could leave Younis Khan, Junaid Khan with other party leaders came in between, and the drama just continued as usual.

“I am thankful to Allah that our respectful leader Md. Ahmad Khan is still alive and standing right before our eyes. The city of Saharabad is truly blessed to have him back. I assure everybody that proper care of our leader will be taken and I promise to you that such incidents will never be repeated in Saharabad district,” said Younis Khan amidst the public, media and press.

I looked Abbu, but he did not look angry or annoyed with the presence of his opposition party people. Rather he warmly accepted their well wishes and looked very calm as if he had no history; no complaints with Younis Khan. Meanwhile, the conference was over and media started to depart. Younis Khan and party too planned to leave but I insisted them cleverly before the people to stay today and attend the People’s Platform. Of course, they could not deny since people were watching and so he and his all ministers grabbed a seat and the proceedings of the People’s Platform began.

That day’s discussion was once again on the alarming threats of naxallites and terrorism in the state. One of the police officer who was employed for the patrolling works of the most vulnerable areas of the state started his presentation-

“The threats of the terrorism and naxallism in Saharabad have yet not ended. They are easily breaching our high security areas. We also have reports of women trafficking across the town to metro cities. The attack in Shyorana village is the latest example. Not only the mature ones but they have reached to our children too. Reports have it that about 40 children were abducted from Saharabad district itself in just one month. Their dare has so much increased that they are openly distributing posters and pamphlets in village ordering them to hand over their children to them or face the consequences. We also have some proofs that these terrorists have joined hands with the local naxallites to plan a big terror attack in the state. There is also a report about an agent in Saharabad district who has been sent to send information of every government activities in the district. That’s all in the report.”

The presentation report left everyone present there with lot of questions in their head. Both terrorism and naxallism were the biggest hurdles before the development of Saharabad. Younis khan, the MLA of the district was asked to react on the report. He held the mike and delivered a very same old diplomatic answer. Perhaps it was his laxity that had stymied the development process.

“My dear friends, I want to assure you that the government is doing its best to ensure you proper security from both terrorism and naxallism. I am very confident over the ability of our brave soldiers and believe me the district, perhaps the state is in safe hands. Thank you.”

The people didn’t heed his words and wanted to hear me but as always I ignored it (due to the fear of public speaking). Abbu noticed my fear but did not say anything at that time. I concentrated on the people’s response and suggestions on the issue and after the meeting was over I left with Abbu to home.





Later that day many visitors came to see Abbu. The old friends, relatives and party members, they all came to meet him for same concern- What will be his next move? Will he restart his party or will he quit from politics. My friends Zeeshan and Rameshwar too came to see him. After they met him, we three went for a stroll.

“You’re quite popular these days. I often see you on news,” said Zeeshan to me smilingly.

“Yeah! They are a kind of shadow, you know. They don’t leave you alone, anytime” I replied to him.

“At least now you may agree that you are slowly turning into a politician, don’t you?” said Duple chuckling from behind.

“Oh you dare not to start that same old topic,” I frustratingly (positive) said to him and they all started to laugh. “Ya man, it’s enough. Seriously, just change the topic,” I continued.

“Fine, fine, fine… ok tell us about Aarti then,” said Zeeshan chuckling to Duple.

I tittered at myself and asked, “What about her?”

“Anything man, I mean she is your girlfriend. So you know it,” Zeeshan replied.

“Girlfriend? Now when did I say that she is my girlfriend?” I asked astonishingly to his word ‘girlfriend’.

And they instantaneously made face on my words, “Come on man, he thinks he can hide this from us,” said Duple.

I stopped and started to stare sharply at them with a gesture of both hands on the waist expressing disgust to them. But they did not stop. In fact they started to laugh loudly in the way. Then Zeeshan came to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

“Faiz…ok no more teasing. Now tell us what’s happening between you and her?” asked Zeeshan.

I tittered and said, “Nothing…just she does not wants to see me.”

“What? But why?” asked Duple.

“I don’t know and I don’t understand why?” I said to them.

They looked each other and then Duple said, “Then you must ask her what’s the problem.”

“I did. I mean when I went to see her she behaved as if I am ‘nobody’ for her. Man she asked me to leave. I just can’t believe that,” I said.

“First of all tell me have you ever told her that you love her?” asked Zeeshan to me.

“No, first of all ask to yourself do you love her or not?” said Duple to me.

I got baffled and ignored answering. Duple was right I myself did not know that did I love her or not.

“What happened Faizan? You did not reply,” asked Zeeshan.

“I don’t know. I just don’t know. I think I need some time. Thank you for your concern though” I replied and then parted with them in hustle to home.

“What do you think?” asked Duple to Zeeshan.

“He loves her, undoubtedly. It is something that he needs to sort out himself. No one can help him.” replied Zeeshan.

Later at that night when Abbu had slept, I went out to the balcony under moonlight. I was thinking about her and all the memories we shared together in Shailpur. The way we prevailed every tough situations together, the way she helped me in those times, everything hovered over my mind. Playing of as husband & wife with those people and the good times we shared with those friends. Back there I was so happy and now here alone, once again. Somewhere in my heart, I knew I love her but did not have courage to speak to her. At that time, I was not worried about the consequences of marrying a Hindu girl. Na, not at all. I just wished that somehow she might become my soul mate. That’s all I wanted. Before going to bed, I sent her a message-

‘Are you still awake?’

No reply came from the other side for a while and I thought she might have slept. But instantly the mobile said- ‘beep- beep’. I pressed the OK button and it read-


‘Thank God! You replied’

‘How r u?’

‘Not fine’

‘Why? What happened?’

‘You don’t talk’

The next reply came after a while.

‘Sorry about that day’

‘Can we meet?’

(Again a pause for minutes and then the message appeared)

‘Hotel Spark at 5 PM’

I tossed my mobile phone in air and then started to shout and summersault before Abbu gave me voice from his room.

“Faizan, is everything alright?”

“Yes Abbu, nothing serious. Good night”

I could not sleep the whole night. My eyes were closed but I was awake, smiling in dreams. Next day, in evening, we met there in Hotel Spark. It was a five star hotel and a very soft music was being played by the pianist there. We were surrounded by other people who were gazing us, especially an old man who was constantly staring at me as if I had picked his pocket. It was difficult to tell her what I had come to say.





“So what would you like-coffee or cold drink?”

“What did you wanted to say?”

“Me?” I looked around and people were still staring me. So I just kept drinking the coffee. “More coffee please” I ordered to the waiter.

“Faizan this is your fifth coffee and you have not yet said what we came here for?” she said but my concentration was distributed mostly focused to the people staring at me. I was sitting with her but the eyes had various other targets and mouth busy in biting nails.

“I need some time to say” I said wiping sweats from the head and kept drinking more and more coffee. “Can’t we go somewhere else and talk? Something like rendezvous meet huh?” I said finding it difficult to say amid people around there. But she eventually got annoyed.

“Fine, you sit and I leave” she said and stood up to leave. Instantly I caught her hand (which was so soft that almost an electric shock passed down my body) and turned her around to hold her in my arms stiffly. Flabbergasted with sudden movements, she looked at me nervously. We were so close I could feel the warmth of her short nervous breaths.


Suddenly, a complete silence covered the room. The pianist stopped playing the piano, and people? Well their mouths were wide shut opened. And that bearded old man fell down unconscious.

“…and want to marry you” I said as she raised her brows smiling. “What?... You think you know me?” I said releasing her and sat down on the knees to propose her- ‘Marry Me…” but she still kept muted with same smile pasted on her face.

“Say something girl…” someone whispered while we all were waiting for her response.




And dis-heartened people there booed at it while she walked out of the hotel. The old man who had just recovered again fell down unconscious.

“But why?” I followed her but she was very quick, she borrowed a taxi, turned to smile again and left. And I just stared the taxi, outside the hotel, like a stupid when the manager came to me with the bill. After Aarti left I went to a shop nearby to buy a bottle of mineral water. As I was drinking the water from the bottle news being displayed on the TV in the shop caught my attention and I spat all the water out in surprise with the content of the news. Abbu was live on the TV and he had announced to contest the General elections.
