The Muslim Prime Minister...A Love Story by Abhishek Sinha - HTML preview

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16 The Vicious Plan


“I, my family, and my supporters we all had have a very tough time in recent past. We were intentionally targeted. Our Muslim brothers and sisters had to shed their blood for no reasons. They hunted our children like animals. But now the bad times are over. Because this election I fight back and chase those bugs out of the town. I swear to all my supporters their deaths will not go in vain. It’s time for the payback. It’s time for the redemption. Brothers unite yourselves coz it’s time for …‘JIHAD’” declared Abbu and left me stunned by his sudden decision.

The local people who watched him speak had different reactions. Some seemed to be depressed while others seemed to be readily prepared for the revenge, which smelled of another riot in the town. Abbu’s such evil opinion made me worried and thousands of questions arose in mind which needed to be answered. I dropped the bottle disgustedly on the ground and left for the house where Abbu was waiting for me.

“Abbu...Abbu?” I called him as I reached home. He was praying in his room so I waited for him to complete his prayer.

“Abbu what was that?” I asked him as soon as he completed his prayer but he didn’t look any anxious or angry as he was on news rather he looked very cool and calm and a kind of contentment reflected from his expressions.

“About what?” he asked folding his mat.

“About your announcement. Announcement to contest elections” I replied to him worryingly.

“So? Don’t you want me to contest the elections? Aren’t you happy about it?” he asked angrily in loud voice raising his eyebrows up.

“Of course I am happy Abbu. But what do you mean by payback? I asked him as he simply smiled viciously in return.

“Faizan didn’t your mother tell you the story of that fox and stark in which the stark treats the fox in the same way the fox had treated to him. The story what was its name? ‘Tit for tat’ I believe. Well I am going to do the same with those Hindu people just after the elections” he replied with a dangerous expression on his face, which I had never looked before.

“Do what? You will do what?” I asked him turning him forcibly towards me.

“Riot. We will riot them and this time it won’t be a fake one but a real and fatal one Faizan. I going to kill every single one of them and even the children won’t be spared,” he shouted at me harshly.

“Enemies? Now these innocent people have become your enemies. And the small children who barely know how to walk have become threat for you, isn’t it?” I asked to him angrily and instantly cooled down to convince him again, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. That’s what my mother taught me. What has happened to your wisdom? Why are you doing all this? You told me just couple of days before that you have retired from politics. So what happened suddenly? I asked him angrily as he threw the glass of water he was drinking in anger.

“Then what do you expect me to do? And what is wrong with you? Have you forgotten what they did to our family and our children? They killed them all. I found the head of your mother apart from her body while I was running for life that horrible day. And Umar, your five year old nephew, he was cut into pieces with a sword by those people. Were they threat to their community? Were they not innocent enough to be spared? Answer me.” He asked me as his eyes were red in anger. “And what makes you take their side? Have you forgotten all that or did you just sell your soul to those people?” asked Abbu sobbing over the tragic incidence we had witnessed. I went near to him. Held him firmly and we both wept for each other’s sufferings.

“Whatever happened is painful and I have forgotten not a single incident of that day. But not just we they too lost their kith n kin, their loved ones. Don’t blame any particular community for riots because you know very well that a common man never starts a riot and neither he participate in it. Yes, we will punish the guilty ones but there are other ways, the legal ones. But another riot in reply to the riot is never a wise solution” I said to him to convince him but it looked as if he had already decided to bring back destruction in the city.

“It’s too late Mr Faizan. It’s too late now. They will have to die and you cannot save them of course” he replied outrageously. Revenge stank from his replies. I was terrified because at one side it were the innocent people and the other side it was my own father standing and I could save only one out of them. It wasn’t an easy decision. All my attempts to convince him proved to be worthless and simultaneously he removed my hands over his shoulders and stood up to leave.

“The riot will kill the Muslims even. How will you ensure their lives?” I asked to him as he was leaving.

He just turned his head, smiled viciously, and said, “I won’t” and left. Left me flabbergasted by his vicious behaviour. I sat poorly on the floor completely taken aback with darkness all around my intelligence shrouding my thinking capability.



The temperature of the town was rising. People could be seen talking about the possibilities of the riots and consequently the tension and terror could be easily read on their faces. I wanted to help them but I was not a super leader or any strong personality of the town. People recognized me only as a good person but inside the politics, I was still a novice. I called Zeeshan and Ram to meet at the coffee shop because it were only they whom I could share my worries then.

“I am sorry to say but your father has gone mad,” said Ram as I stared at him outrageously in response.

“I haven’t called you here to speak against my father. Think before you speak. I won’t tolerate a word against my father” I replied to him as Zeeshan tried to cool us both down.

“Although his words are not correct but the fact is true that whatever your father is doing may prove costly to the city,” said Zeeshan hesitantly.

“I know. But that’s why I have called you both here. Convince him somehow to stop this madness,” I said desperately holding their hands.

“Convince your father? He will kill me before the riots,” said Ram as he made me really angry over his stupid reactions at my worries.

“Don’t you dare to open your mouth again. I’m warning you,” I said to Ram annoyingly at his words.

“Shut up? Shut up why? Because I am telling the truth” Ram reacted angrily as he stood up instantly in disgust while Zeeshan tried to calm him down.

“Why are you stopping me? And what am I doing here? After all I am a Hindu. Of course, your father will not harm you and you will not let Zeeshan get hurt. But what about me and my family?” he said and left angrily as I too felt disgusted and left without saying a word to Zeeshan.

Zeeshan followed me in the way and asked me where was I going to but I just wanted to be left alone. I was completely frustrated over the happenings in my life.

I could not sleep the whole night. Nightmares of past riot haunted me all the night. The same murderous visions of blood and corpses were lying all around. No one was alive but just me alone amidst thousand corpses. I woke up from the dream one of a sudden and was sweating badly out of fear. I watched the time and it was just 3’O clock morning. I was wondering about the past riot and felt so sorry for myself coz the day I hated most in my life and never wanted it to get repeated was just few days ahead once again at the doorstep. And the monster of the riot I was so afraid of was standing just few steps before me opening his big jaws to swallow me in.

I took a glass of water for myself and as I did I noticed Aarti’s message in my mobile phone. It read-‘I watched the news. Is everything okay at home?’ It gave me a bit strength that now there was someone whom I could share my worries and ask about suggestions. And therefore without taking care of time I messaged her that I was not fine and to call me when awake. Surprisingly, she called me instantly and I picked up her phone anxiously.

“Hi! Are you alright?”

“No (pause). I’m not”


“It’s Abbu. He h…has planned for another riot in the town”


“Yeah! I mean I just don’t know what’s wrong with him”

“You should try to convince him. He will listen to you”

“I did. But he is rigid over his decision.”

She paused for a while and then said again.

“Don’t worry! I’ll meet you in morning. Let’s see what we can do”

“Hmmm…Thank you ….Aarti?”


“You understand me don’t you?”

“Good night Faizan…” and she cut the phone.

Though, she didn’t reply what I wanted to hear but I was happy for at least the icebergs were melting between us now. The next morning I still slept when my servant woke me up to inform that she had come. I watched the time. It was already 10. I got up ready quickly to see her. She had come in a sari and was looking like… you know like a white beautiful lotus, a serenity on her face. She had an appealing beauty; her skin as soothing as moonlight; and the smile had an appeal, a calmness you always yearn for. She was so fair like milk. I was lost in her blue oceanic eyes, which she soon noticed and felt a little shy.

“What?” she asked me giving a serene smile on her face.

And me? Well I had forgotten what to say? And before I could say anything Abbu loomed into the scene.

“Faizan? Who is she?” he asked me while I was nervous to speak anything to him.

“She is friend. Aarti” I said as she wished him morning.

“Hindu! I believe then better you should ask your friend to leave this town as soon as possible because this place won’t be safe for her soon anymore,” he said sniggering at her.

“Abbu! I said she is a friend,” I said angrily to him.

“You friend son. Not mine” he replied calmly.

“What is wrong with you? What’s your problem for goddamn sake tell me? Why are doing this?” I shouted at him furiously. My patience had reached to the brim and I could not let him do just anything because he was my father.

“Now you will talk to me in louder voice for a girl,” he asked angrily.

“Yes I will because your wisdom has been consumed completely in revengeful thoughts. Look at yourself. You talk like an evil. And let me tell you one more thing. Don’t ever think of harming her because she’s gonna be daughter in law of my mother.” I said as his eyes reddened with anger. “Yes Father, I am going to marry her with or without your permission” I replied angrily and held her hand to leave the house.

He went outrageous and kept shouting from behind, “Get out of my house. I won’t give you a single penny of my property. You were always a disgrace for me. I don’t need you and nothing can change my decision.” I did not turned back to see him; however, it was never easy for me to leave him alone, again. With a heavy heart, I left the house forever.
