Three Of Swords by Sam O'Rourke - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


Two weeks passed quickly. It helped having Robbie by her side to navigate the local terrain. He knew where to start the search, who to ask, and all the while without being conspicuous. So now, all that stood between her and that reunion was the walk to Mia’s door. With good reason, she had decided to wait. Eva wanted to be absolutely certain, that Mia Stanton was indeed Mia O’Halloran.

Robbie's mum confirmed that Mia had given up a little girl for adoption in England some years back before returning home alone. Though not long after she had left for good, probably because, Mary surmised, the poor girl couldn’t live with the shame and the gossip. So now, armed with her married-name, address, and evidence that she was indeed the correct Mia, Eva was finally ready.

But there was also a second reason why she was stalling the reunion, and that reason was simple...Robbie. It was inexplicable the unity she felt when she lay beside him, near him, touching him. It was if they had known each other all their lives. She couldn’t explain it, nor did she care too. She was an adult and any choices she made would be hers and hers alone. She realized she had fallen deeply in love with him. She needed him, to be near him, to love him. To her delight, he had reciprocated with the same passionate intensity. They were one with each other now. They touched constantly, with finger- tips, lips, enjoying the comfortable closeness of just being together.

They kissed whenever they could, laughing, teasing, fitting together in perfect unity. It was crazy, the short time that had passed, that they could feel this deep sense of belonging. And last night, with, gentle but definite intention, she had shown him how to love her completely.

She had asked him to find a place, where they would be un- interrupted, a place that was warm, private and secluded, and Robbie had selected the perfect place, the old ground keeper’s cottage, beyond a closed Protestant church. He had prepared it for her, placing a blanket over the wooden boards, some kindling and firelighters for a small fire, and had even brought a bag of sandwiches and a bottle of cola.

Putting her mouth over his, she began teasing and probing with her tongue, brushing against the silkiness of his lips with her own, his gasps of pleasure urging her on as she gently caressed his mouth. He could barely breathe, as the craving within him built to a heart- pounding crescendo. As she took his hand and slipped it beneath her t-shirt, placing it upon her perfectly rounded breasts, the silky lace of her bra beneath his fingertips felt divine to the touch, as he smoothed his hand over the firm mounds beneath.

Unable to stand the throbbing pain of pleasure building rapidly in his groin, he pulled back from her mouth and tugged violently at her shirt pulling it up over her head. Without any hesitancy she removed her bra, letting the full weight of her creamy breasts release into his hands and watched as his pupils dilate, growing circles of black onto her shimmering azure gaze.

Cupping her breasts gently, he lowered his mouth onto her creamy soft skin, kissing and licking tenderly. His flicking tongue aroused a violent longing within Eva. And with the same urgency, she pulled at his t-shirt and tore it too from his body letting her hands glide over the firmness of his stomach. Reaching down with her hand, she pulled at his fly buttons one after the other, his erection pushing out against the thin cotton of his pants. Slipping her hand inside the tight elastic of his briefs, following the path of his taut stomach muscles, she reached inside for his solid erection, letting her fingers stroke firmly and rhythmically, running them over the tip sensually.

His pleasure was peaking and it took every ounce of will not to ruin the most sensual moment of his life. Knowing, he was struggling with restraint, she pulled her hand out and began to unzip her jeans, slipping out of her panties at the same time. Robbie’s eyes widened with surprise as he couldn’t help but look longingly at the neat dark patch between her thighs, digging his finger-nails into the palm of his hands to stop an explosive reaction from his groin. As she pulled at his jeans, he lifted his weight up, letting her slip them down past his thighs, kicking them off as they reached his feet. In the quickest of time, they were both naked, lying beside one another, stroking and probing, touching and caressing.

Pushing him over onto his back, Eva climbed effortlessly on top of him and sliding slowly down over his pulsating manhood, he went deep inside. She buckled under the sheer volume of his shaft and groaned with pleasure as he began a slow rhythmic thrust. He watched as her breathing increased with each thrust, his strong hands holding her slim hips tightly as she rocked back and forth, her wet and warm crotch sending spasms of ecstasy coursing through his loins.

He couldn’t hold out a moment longer, exploding into her with such force that he doubled up against the softness of her breasts, pushing himself deeper and deeper with each exquisite pulsating release. She continued to undulate, softly now, as he held her naked against him and licked and caressed her with his tongue as he heard the moans escaping from her lips become louder and faster, until within seconds she stopped and shuddered upon his lap. Locked together as one, they lay side by side, floating in exquisite satisfaction. Sated, their breathing now even, they reached out and held each other close as dusk give way to an exquisite darkness.

Eva lay in silent thought. As much as she had excitedly anticipated the forthcoming meeting with Mia, she knew that once concluded it would be time to move on, regardless of the outcome. She couldn’t stay in Eranmore after that, it wouldn’t be fair on either of them. Whatever the outcome of that reunion, good or bad, they would both require time and space to think things over. She'd soon come face to face with Mia, and the questions that had filled her mind for many years would finally be answered. Would she guess it’s me? Do I say ‘Hi Mia, you don’t know me-- How about, ‘Hello! You don’t know me but I am Firinne, I mean I was Firinne, I mean my name is Eva--’ Tuh...! ‘Hello! May I come in?’ Aaargh...! What the fuck do I say? She breathed out long and hard. What would Mum say?  No-no….can’t put them together, that just feels too weird.

What would I say to a stranger? ‘Hi, I’m Eva…you don’t know me...but I think I may well be your daughter...’ Oh, I give up!


‘Eva, sorry I'm late, thought I’d never get here,’ Robbie said. Eva let out a shriek.

‘Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,’ Robbie said, laughing as he dropping down onto the wooden step beside her, kissing her with the same gentleness he had that very first night.

‘That's okay, I was just miles away.’

‘I would’ve been here earlier but O’Keefe, made me stay behind to clean up.’

‘Well, you’re here now,’ she said, reaching over and returning his kiss.

Robbie smiled and reached across for her hand, wrapping his fingers around it and squeezing tightly.

As the waves washed in and out against the beautiful shoreline, Eva wondered why Mia could have ever wanted to leave such an idyllic place. There was a hypnotic draw about the Atlantic sea that surprised her. It was soothing and comforting, almost cathartic in a way. Why did Mia choose to leave this behind? she thought. Was it really so difficult, having a child out of wedlock, back then? Was there no other choice? And if so, why, on Earth, would you come back here? Looking across to Robbie, it suddenly dawned on her that he too had wanted rid of this town, this ocean, and all it stood for. She wondered what it was that she was not seeing about the place.

‘Why do you want to leave her Robbie?’ the question slipped from her mouth.

‘Many reasons,’ he answered quickly.

‘Don’t want to talk about it, do you?’ she spoke without looking at him.

‘Not really. I’m happy here with you, I don’t want to spoil that.’ A strand of hair blew against the side of Eva's face and Robbie reached across to pull it away from her eyes. Eva, familiar with his touch, smiled back. As tired as he was, the intense contentment he was feeling now energized him like nothing ever had before. It was all so new, so powerful. He'd never felt so complete in all of his life, even if he did struggle as to why she wanted to be with him. But whatever the reason, she had, and he had wanted her as much as he did.

‘I’ve been sitting here trying to think what I’m going to say to her,’ Eva said.


‘Still haven’t figured it out.’

‘Just be yourself, you’ve nothing to fear. After that, it’s really up to her.’



‘She may turn me away? Tell me that she never had a daughter, that I have the wrong Mia.’

‘She might.’

‘I was looking for reassurance,’ she looked at him. ‘Sorry.’

‘No, I prefer the truth.’

‘I’ll always give you that, Eva,’ he looked at her seriously. ‘I know.’

‘Why didn’t you just write to her, that way you’d have found out for certain.’

‘I suppose I didn't want to give her the opportunity to say 'no' without speaking with her. A letter can be ignored, a phone call can end. If someone is standing in front of you, you have to acknowledge them.’

‘This way is harder though, isn’t it?’

‘Maybe, but at least I’ll know.’


‘I’d love it if she was like Mary,’ Eva sighed. ‘Yeah, but what are the chances?’


‘Still, you came here to find her. This is obviously something you’ve wanted for a long time.’

‘As long as I can remember.’

‘What’s your other Mum like?’

‘Mum...? Mum and Dad are great. I was lucky.’

‘Yeah you were,’ he added quietly.

‘What about you, Rob? Mary’s great...what’s your Dad like?’

‘You met him,’ Robbie answered evenly.

Eva heard the cutting edge in his words, ‘Yeah I did.’

‘Did you like him?’

‘Don’t know him, to be honest.’

‘Lucky you.’

‘Don’t you get along?’

‘Fuck no! He and I can’t stand each another.’

‘That’s sad.’

‘It used to be, not anymore.’

‘Is that why you’re leaving here, going to London?’


‘What about Mary?’

‘Ma is great. I wouldn’t have lasted this long if she hadn’t been there but I keep telling her to leave go…’ Robbie stopped. He didn’t want to open this can of worms with Eva...not yet.

‘Things that bad?’ Eva frowned. Robbie nodded.

‘I’m sorry, Robbie. I’m sorry for Mary too.’

He shrugged digging his free hand into the sand beneath the wooden step.

‘Does she love him?’



He shook his head.

‘Why does she stay then?’

‘That’s what I can’t figure out. She says she’s nowhere else to go, but I think it’s more than that.’

‘Have you asked her?’

‘Loads of times.’

‘Well, she obviously has her reasons.’

‘Yeah,’ he sighed.

‘You’re not going come back here, are you?’ she watched his expression darken.


‘What about Mary?’

‘She’ll come over to stay with me, I hope.’

‘And if she doesn’t?’

‘Hadn't thought about it to be honest.’

Eva looked back out to the sea clearing her thoughts.

‘Only Doyler knows how I feel about me Da. I’ve never told anyone else before,’ Robbie continued.

‘What about that boy, Ritchie...wasn’t he in your house yesterday?’

‘He’s an almighty prick,’ Robbie added.

‘I kind of guessed, you didn’t like him much.’

‘He’s a prick of the highest order, Eva.’


‘He and his friends used to beat the crap outta me for years, 'til Doyler came on the scene.’

‘He looks a bit arrogant to be honest.’

‘He is.’

‘Let's not talk about him. What about Doyler? He didn’t look too happy when he saw us together.’

‘He wasn’t,’ Robbie laughed. ‘Still, he’ll get over it.’

‘A regular Romeo I reckon.’

‘So he thinks.’

‘I liked the others. You have nice friends.’

‘They’re good craic.’

An easy silence followed before Eva spoke again. ‘Oh, Robbie, what am I going to say to Mia?’

‘Tell her the truth.’

‘What would you say?’ She turned to him. ‘If you were me, I mean?’

‘If I were you, I’d have written, but as you’re here now, and you definitely want to meet her, don’t you?’

Eva nodded.

‘Well, first I’d wait until the husband was gone to work or something.’


‘She mightn’t have told him about you, Eva, you just don’t know.’

‘Good point, go on.’

‘Then I’d call up to her door and ask to speak to her privately.’

‘But she could recognise me and slam the door in my face.’

‘She could, but you’ve always known that could happen, it’s a chance you’ll have to take. Besides, you don’t look like her too much.’

‘No, but she might think I do.’

‘Hang on a minute, her husband isn’t your real Da, is he?’

‘No, apparently they split up while she was pregnant with me.’

‘They could have gotten back together?’

‘What’s her married name?’


‘My real father's name was Murphy.’


‘Yeah. Don’t tell me he’s here as well?’ she shot back.

‘No, but there was a family called Murphy’s who lived up near where your staying now. They used to own the haulage place at the end of town’

‘Could be a connection.’

‘Could be.’

‘So, you’re saying I should go up, introduce myself and…’

‘I’m saying go up, when the husband’s gone, and say you'd like a word with her in private. Then sit down and tell her your name, as it is now.’

‘She won’t know who I am?’

‘What name did she give you at birth?’


‘Nice name.’

‘Go on.’

‘Tell her your birth name first, ask her does she remember that name. She probably will, Eva.  Let her add up the rest.’

‘You make it sound so easy,’ she groaned.

‘It won’t be easy, but you need to finish what you've started.’

‘I know.’

‘I’ll go with you, if you like.’

‘Thanks, Robbie, but I better do this alone.’

‘Okay, but I’ll wait at the gate for you.’

‘There’s no need.’

‘I want to.’

‘Well, if I’m back after two minutes you'll know what she’s told me to do.’

‘I don’t think that’ll happen.’

‘I’ll find out one way or the other, won’t I?’

‘When are you going?’

‘Well, there’s no time like the present.’


‘Just show me where she lives first. When the time's right, I’ll wait until her husband has gone and then maybe I’ll go on up for a visit.’

‘So when d‘you think that‘ll be?’

‘I’ll try in the morning, I suppose.’



‘I’ll be at work.’

‘Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.’

‘No, I want to be with you. I’ll go sick or something.’

‘No don’t. I don’t think you could get away with a sicky in this town.’

‘I’ll say I’ve a got a rash or something. Knowing Ned he'll probably think I‘m going to sue him, that’ll put the frightener’s up O’Keefe.’ She laughed. ‘Seriously though, I don’t want you getting into trouble or anything.’

‘I won’t,’ he smiled. ‘O’Keefe is always panicking about one of us putting in a claim against him.’


‘Yeah, we all use the old skin-rash excuse for a night off now and then. He knows it but won’t say anything just in case its true.’

‘Scammers,’ she smiled. ‘C’mon then, show me where she lives. I’ve got to get this over with.’

Robbie hesitated.

‘I just want to see where she lives before I go storming in.’

‘You’re a glutton for punishment, Eva,’ he said, jumping to his feet and wiping the sand from his jeans. As they stood, Robbie bent down and kissed her softly.

‘You’re a fast learner,’ Eva laughed as she pulled away from his touch.

Robbie smiled as he allowed her to drag him, by the hand, up over the dunes. If this was what life was all about, then he had happily served his time.

‘How long will it take to get to Mia’s?’

‘About half an hour.’

‘Long enough.’

‘City slickers, you’re all the same.’

Walking hand in hand down the High Street, Robbie soaked up the gaping stares, the looks of shock and admiration coming his way. It was a first and he was relishing every moment. By the time they reached O’Callaghan’s he was practically bursting with pride.

‘Oi, Robbie, none of that filthy stuff around here, there’s kids still up.’

‘Hey, Doyler,’ Robbie smiled.

‘So love is in the air, eh?’ Doyler put the rubbish bin down and stood with his hands resting on his hips.

Robbie grinned tightening his grip on Eva’s hand.

‘He took you right out from under my nose,’ he said, winking at Eva.

‘Did he now?’ she asked, brows raised. ‘He sure did,’ Doyler nodded.

‘What can I say, the best man won,’ Eva said, with a coy smile. ‘We’ll see.’

‘Stop flirting,’ Robbie warned grinning.

‘Me, I wouldn’t know how too,’ Doyler smiled.

‘Yeah right,’ Robbie laughed.  ‘See you later, Doyle’s.’

‘Are you coming into Mulcahy’s later?’ he called after them. Eva turned and looked back as Robbie shouted his reply. ‘Not tonight.’

Eva watched as Doyler’s smile dropped. Her own expression changed to match his, each glaring coldly at the other.

What’s up with him? She thought wondering where the sudden change in attitude had come from.

‘Nice fella...Doyle’s,’ Robbie said.

‘Yeah,’ Eva added coldly though Robbie didn’t hear the edge in her voice.

‘Well, are you ready?’

‘As ready as I’ll ever be,’ she breathed.


‘C’mon inside, Ollie!’

‘I have one more bit to do and I’ll be finished,’ he shouted back. ‘It’s going to rain, I can tell,’ Mia called up to him.

‘You left a list...I must obey,’ he mocked.

‘I know, but I want you to come in now,’ she laughed, ‘finish it tomorrow.’

‘I want to get it over and done with.’

‘But you’ve a day off tomorrow, do it then.’

‘I want to relax tomorrow and do absolutely nothing.’ 'You’ve painted the whole house, Ol', surely the eaves can wait.’

‘No, woman! Man must finish. Man must build nest,’ he bellowed, thumping his chest.

‘Nutter,’ she laughed. ‘D’you want a beer?’

‘Yeaaah, Man must quench thirst,’ he cried.

‘Man will be shoved off of ladder, if he keeps this up!’ she called out.

‘Man will take woman later and make her want him.’

‘Man will collapse on chair, more like.’

She walked back inside the house pulling a bottle of beer from a six pack and brought it back outside.

‘Come and get your beer,’ she sang.

Oliver climbed down the ladder laden with paint pot and brush. Placing them on the ground, he gratefully accepted the beer. ‘Well, what d’you think?’

‘A work of art.’

‘It’s not bad, if I say so myself’ he looked up at his handiwork.

‘It‘s brilliant, Ol,’ she humoured.

‘Tuh! Taking me for granted already’


‘Do you think the woman of thee `ouse will let me, `ave-a-bit, later?’ he joked winking at her.

‘After he showers...maybe,’ she laughed again.

‘I’m clean,’ he lifted up his arm showing large sweat-stained shadows under the arms of his t-shirt.

‘Go away!’ she giggled as he chased her with his arms up in the air.

‘Go away Oli I said!’ she shrieked, running across the garden.

Oliver chased her with a beer in one hand and the elbow of his free arm lifted high, exposing his dark sweaty armpit. ‘Come, woman, we must make babies.’

‘We have!’ she dodged him laughing.

Oliver grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to his body. ‘I want to make more,’ he said softly.


‘Yes, tell the baby to move over and make way for another,’ he teased reaching down to her mouth with his lips, kissing her with such soft tenderness that it melted her to the spot.

Lifting his free hand to her breast he ran his fingers over her thin cotton t-shirt and moaned longingly. ‘Man horny.’

‘Man always horny.’

‘Woman must make man happy,’ he murmured hovering his mouth over hers.

‘Okay’ she whispered against his lips. ‘Come,’ Oliver swept her up into his arms. ‘You’ll drop me!’

‘Man not drop woman...yet.’

‘You will!’ she shrieked.

‘Hush, woman make man want more and more!’ he huffed playfully, carrying her through the open French doors.


‘Oh God Robbie, did you see them? They look so happy,’ Eva groaned, sliding down the stone wall.

‘So...?’ Robbie slipped down beside her.

‘So, if I go up there and announce myself, I could ruin all of that,’ she sighed.

‘Eva, you owe her nothing.’

‘Course I do. She gave me life.’

‘No you don’t. You are entitled to some some peace. You mustn’t forget that.’

‘Robbie, it could destroy them. Whatever involves her also involves him, and he's an innocent in all of this,’ she levelled.

‘So what are you going to do, wait 'til she’s a widow?’

‘I don’t know,’ she sighed.

‘You’ve come this far, if you back out now it’ll bug you forever.’

‘I know.’


‘Supposing he doesn’t know about me, Robbie? Just like you said, there’s a very real chance of him not knowing.’

‘Maybe, but like I said, this is to do with you.’

‘I can’t just walk up there, say, ‘Hi, Mum...remember me?’ It’ll cause a shit-load of grief if the husband doesn’t know about me.’

‘So what are you saying? That you’re going to go home and forget all about it?’

‘Maybe I should write to her first, like you said,’

‘You could.’

‘But I don’t want to,’ she pouted. ‘I just want to get this thing over and done with and get on with my life.’

‘Then do what you said you'd do. The worst she can do is say thanks but no thanks.’

‘And maybe I just don’t want to hear that.’

‘You must have know that was always a risk.’

‘I know.’

‘Anyway whatever she decides, at least you’ll know one way or another.’


‘Do what you think is right...listen to your heart.’

‘Stop being so bloody sensible,’ she smiled.

‘All part of my charm,’ he grinned back.

‘Okay, I’ll do it,’


‘Tomorrow, hopefully he’ll be at work,’ she decided firmly. ‘And I’ll be here with you.’

Eva picked up his hand and kissed the back. Could I be like her? she thought. That happy, that content, with a man…with Robbie?

‘I think we should move away from here,’ he prompted.

‘Yeah, we look a bit strange sitting here by the side of the road.’

‘It’ll be good practice for me,’ Robbie laughed.

‘Why’s that?’

‘When I’m begging in London,’ he threw out deliberately.

‘But you’ll be in college, Rob?’

‘Ever met a rich student?’ he asked, still waiting for some small sign that their relationship could perhaps last longer than the summer.

‘Not yet,’ she shook her head. He waited.

A small amount of time passed before she answered. ‘Maybe I’ll feed you now and then...when you look particularly desperate,’ she smiled.

Robbie got his answer. Unable to contain the elation, he pulled her close and kissed her. His tender lips caressed hers but with a force and passion she'd never before experienced. The sensual movements of his mouth upon hers forced a dull sweet pain between her legs.

‘Eva...’ he moaned.

‘Hmm?’ she murmured, pushing her hands up inside his t-shirt and touching the soft silky firmness of his back. The desire in them both so strong, neither one of them trusted themselves to say standing.

‘C’mon...before we get arrested for indecency.’  He finally added.

Holding hands, they walked back toward the town in an amiable silence, happy at just being together, with no one but each other.


Opening up her savings book, Mary looked over the numbers again happy to see £834.65 etched in thick black ink at the bottom of the page. Snapping it shut, she shoved it deep inside her pocket, letting it slide down the small tear in the lining of her coat to rest safely inside the inner folds.

She knew she would reach the thousand pounds mark by September and by the looks of things, just in time too. Robbie would be leaving for college soon and he would need every penny. Though she had never travelled out of Ireland herself, she had heard enough to know that London was an expensive place to live. And while he was there, she would do her utmost to send him a few pounds as and when she could. But whatever it cost, as much as her heart would break when he took that bus to London, she knew it was a moment that was long overdue. London was his passport out of here and away from Pat. With Robbie leaving soon, and no doubt Maria within the following year, Mary’s future was starting to look up.

Lately, she had even toyed with the idea of leaving Pat, and knew it wouldn’t take much to fund her departure as she wouldn’t be in need much in the way of material comfort. Also, she was due to start a cleaning job at Nora’s B&B early next month and knew she could survive on little money if needs be.  A small laugh escaped her lips as she visualized Pat’s fury at her imagined departure.

She was wise enough to not tell him to his face. A note pinned to the kitchen door would do the job nicely. ‘Pat. You’re servant has tendered her resignation as of today. Mary.’ She could see his reaction now, his explosive rant as he approached Nora’s, his pleading and begging, his contrite promises. Well, Pat, you never gave a damn what the neighbour’s thought about your wife and children walking around in cast-offs and eating stale food, while you filled the coffers at Farrell’s Pub every night. She smiled again. My time will come. Whatever horrible memories you filled my head with, Pat, I’ll not end my days in misery.  She turned off the main street and was about to enter the small rows of houses that led to St Jude’s when she saw in the distance Robbie holding hands with a girl. She stopped, narrowing her eyes, and focused. Well I never...! Surely it’s not that pretty little English girl? Mary saw that it was and smiled broadly watching the young couple walk together. Good on-you, pet! 'Tis about time you had a bit of luck. You’ve a real smasher there, love. She swelled up with pure joy. Now all I need is for Pat to keel over. Now that would make for the perfect day. She chuckled to herself, as she turned the key in the front door.


To Be Continued…

Many Thanks for taking the time to read the first half of my novel; I do hope you enjoyed the story so far.

The complete novel is now available on and for the very low price of $0.99c.

Sam xx Amazon Link:

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