Video Editing Course - Systemize Your Knowledge by Dennis - HTML preview

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Creating Captions on YouTube

Our Goal with creating captions on YouTube is to avoid having to manually input them. YouTube does about 80% of the work up front, leaving the grammar and QA (Quality Assessment) works for us.

****We create captions for a video only when they are requested by a senior member of the editing team.

Log into the BlitzMetrics YouTube Channel.

Locate the Video You Want to Create Captions for.

  • Click “Video Manager”.
  • Click “Subtitles/Cc”.
  • Click Language and Select English”.
  • Click “English- Automatic”.

Scan through All of the Text to Correct any Errors. YouTube’s software will take a minute or two to auto-generate the captions. Once completed, scan the text to correct grammatical or punctuation errors. (5-10 minutes).

Keep an eye out for commas and periods.

  • Correct capitalization errors.
  • Correct any mistranscribed words (Look carefully. YouTube is far from perfect).
  • Click “Save Changes”.

Download the Text as an SRT file and Save It to Your Personal Device. (2 minutes)

  • Follow the correct naming convention when saving the file; if not, this will cause trouble when uploading the SRT file on a social media platform. For example, “”.
  • Make sure that the bold print above is in the same format when uploading on a social media platform.

Upload the SRT File to Google Drive.

  • When you have uploaded the video, change the Google Drive sharing settings to “Anyone with the link can edit”.

Post the SRT file’s Google Drive Link to Accompany the Video on Basecamp. Document the SRT Drive Link in the Video Queue Sheet which can be found here: KZeb1Y/edit#gid=0.