Virtual Assistant Hiring Process by Dennis - HTML preview

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Hiring Process Continued-2

10. The applicant evaluator requests an assessment for a Content Specialist applicant.

  • IF the applicant is not applying for the Content Specialist position, THEN go to the next step.
  • Otherwise, the applicant evaluator requests an internal content specialist to assess the applicant's portfolio, THEN

img18.png IF the internal content specialist approves of the applicant's portfolio, go to the next step.

img18.png Otherwise, the applicant evaluator sends canned note Content Specialist Test Task and:

img4.png IF the internal content specialist approves of the applicant's answer to the test task, THEN go to the next step.

img4.png Otherwise, the applicant evaluator sends the email template Disqualification Email only to the applicant’s email address and within the same email thread.

img4.png IF the disqualified applicant chooses a course, THEN

a. The Operations Specialist creates an BlitzMetrics Academy account to the applicant and grants access to the course.

b. The Operations Specialist informs everyone in the email thread that the Operations Specialist has granted the applicant access to the course.

11. The applicant evaluator verifies that the hourly rate in the personal development plan is $3 per hour.

  1. IF the initial hourly rate is higher than $3 per hour, THEN the applicant evaluator replies to all using the email template Progress Through Our Leveling System and waits for the applicant to respond.
  2. IF the applicant refuses to start at $3 per hour, THEN within the email thread, the applicant evaluator emails only the Director of Operations and that the applicant refuses to start at $3 per hour.
  3. IF the applicant agrees to start at $3 per hour, THEN
  1. The applicant evaluator places the PDF summary in the applicant evaluator’s Google Drive, and changes sharing settings to “viewable by everyone in BlitzMetrics”.
  2. The applicant evaluator enters the applicant’s information in the VA interviews tab of the Team Roster.
  3. The    applicant    evaluator     emails    only    interviewer    1    and that there is an applicant in the interview stage.

12. Interviewer 1 conducts interview 1 using canned note Scheduling The Interview and TEMPLATE VA 1st Interview.

a. If approved, the applicant moves on to the next phase.

b. If not approved, send a disqualification canned note.

Goals of an interview

  • Gauge the competence of the applicant.
  • Determine if the applicant is a long-term player.
  • Determine if the applicant will fit with our company.
  • Determine if the applicant cares and have a good heart.
  • Observe noteworthy qualities or details about the applicant.
  • Probe the applicant on problematic details on the applicant's documents.

The way to evaluate a candidate is to see if they have competently done the job before. This is what nearly all companies do.

If they don’t have proven experience— not to talk generally, but to show actual proof— then they can take our courses and demonstrate via implementation.

The risk is hiring people who haven’t proven they have done the actual tasks. Because once they are hired, it’s hard to get them learning, and it’s expensive to personally train them (which is giving away power hours for free, while paying them to train up).

If you were to apply to be a surgeon at a hospital, they wouldn’t just hire you without having gone through rigorous medical residency. Would you want to be his first patient for the operation?

Imagine the same for a pilot trying to fly a plane but hasn’t done it before. Or any other skilled profession.

13. Interviewer 2 conducts interview 2.

a. If approved, the applicant moves on to the next phase.

b. If not approved, send the disqualification canned note.

14. Applicant reads and agrees to the Virtual Assistant Standard Operating Agreement.

15. Interviewer 1 or Interviewer 2 sends a job offer using a canned note through email.

a. If the applicant approves, CoachYu hires the applicant.

b. If the applicant disapproves, ask why.