Woman Turn Your Chi by Marc Stewart - HTML preview

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Sangreal Method

Take a piece of paper and write Dear God. If you find you'd rather head up your paper Question of Self or Dear God as you may, as you are asking a question of your better half. My daughter had confided to me of her having anxiety over dating. So I wrote my question as follows. Dear God can you please give me advice on how to stop my daughter's anxiety? Now I take my pen and I follow these words reading the question of self, or of God, out aloud. Pausing at the very end of the last word. Then into my mind popped the word “self-hypnosis”.

I placed “how to remove anxiety” into Google. It brought up wikihow as an option. I clicked on wikihow first and discovered the step-by-step guide to self-hypnosis to remove anxiety.

I found I was able to copy and paste it so I have placed it here.

Get comfortable. Get as comfortable as possible, but not so much so that you'll fall asleep. Try lying on the floor arms at your side or sitting in a straight-backed chair with your hands in your lap. If you have time, close your eyes and focus on relaxing each part of your body one by one starting with your head and working down to your toes.

Start the journey. Hypnotherapy helps to stop anxiety by creating an experience of deep calm you can return to any time with a simple trigger. Begin by picturing the most relaxing place you can imagine. It might be a warm beach or a babbling forest stream. Whatever your scene, make sure your whole body and mind can feel at ease there.

Descending step-by-step into your scene and experience of relaxation. The most effective way is to record yourself narrating this descent so you can listen to it at this time. With a little bit of focus, however, you can also do this part in your mind. Be sure to take your time and don't rush through any of the steps.

Count down. Picture yourself in a peaceful garden. The experience can be as vivid as you like since it will help prepare you for the journey to the truly special place you visualized earlier. Then imagine a set of ten steps leading down from the garden to your special place. Take each step slowly counting each one as you go. With every step tell yourself that you are getting more and more relaxed. The key to using hypnotherapy to stop anxiety is to take your time and let your body and mind settle into the calm and peace you are creating.

Create a trigger. By now you've reached the tenth garden step and arrived at your perfect paradise. You are completely safe here and can return whenever you want. Take some time to hear, see and feel the deep peace of this place whether it's the wind in the trees or the water lapping on the beach. Then put it into words. "I am peaceful, happy and perfectly in control of my life. I easily cope with everything that happens." Use your own words if you need to. Then, when you're ready, pinch the fold of skin between your thumb and first finger on your right hand. If you're pregnant, pinch your thumb instead. Then repeat, "I am peaceful, happy and perfectly in control of my life. I easily cope with everything that happens. I can relax at will, simply by pinching my right hand and thinking of this place."

Come back. When you're ready, imagine yourself returning to the steps with the awareness that you can come back here any time you want. Count slowly from ten down to zero as you climb the steps and let the sounds of the everyday world return to you. When you finish counting you should feel calm and relaxed.

Were you surprised by the word that came out of using my Sangreal Method proved to be so apt and useful? God is the feminine self in you as a woman and God is the masculine self in the right creative brain of a man. So if ever your Sangreal Method answer is too E enemy within negative. Recite out aloud the following I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH GOD WHICH STENGTHENETH ME.

Now I wanted you to know how well the Sangreal Method empowers you in a very special out of anything else kind of a way. Also prior to sleep imagine and feel the realness of a wedding ring on your left-hand wedding ring finger. God will take this imagination by you as a signal no different to a radio stations output signal. She will respond by placing her fully formed thoughts inside your waking mind during the day. And it is and it will be in this way if you stick to her. She will bring you into contact with your future husband. It is a lot like the way in which the Captain of the boat in the second movie Cocoon was guided until he met his wife to be.

And now I will give you a prescription to heal and to nourish your subconscious God filled mind. Prior to sleep and upon awaking say the following.

I know that marriage is an idea in Divine Mind. It symbolizes union with my husband to be. He is already known inside me and me inside him. I know and trust God to bring us both together in Divine Mind. Through God, through myself I attract a man who is my perfect match in all ways. I rest now in full knowledge that as I seek so shall I find my spiritual equal.

The above is given to neutralize any subconscious thoughts you have had which presented you with the wrong kind of man in the past.