Time Regained In Search of Lost Time 7


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Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description

Visiting Gilberte at her home in Combray Marcel learns that Swann’s Way and the Guermantes’ Way are not irreconcilable. The war affects everyone: Robert dies a hero at the front, Charlus haunts the male brothels of wartime Paris. M, still an unsuccessful writer, returns to Paris after the war and is invited to an afternoon party at the Princess de Guermantes. All the novel’s characters, or those still living, are at the party but everyone has changed. Time has destroyed everything. Even the new Princess de Guermantes turns out to be the widowed Mme. Verdurin. Marcel realizes that memory can only be recaptured and Time defeated through great art. With a sense of great joy, in the middle of the party, he realizes that his vocation is to write a great novel and thus to bring the past ba...

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Jeremy Spring
    Loved it, useful
    22 Apr 2020
    Great amount of info, and lots of helpful hints. Well written, easy to read and comprehend.
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