2050 by Dave Borland - HTML preview

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chapter thirty-nine

“Why are you together?” he yelled at them. “You’re supposed to be split up.

“This stuff is too brittle. I’ll help get a fire started, but we need more hard wood. I’m going back out,” Kurt said as he walked quickly outside.

“Make it fast, Anglo, we haven’t much time left before the wood out there will be soaking wet.” The wind and rain mixed with snow, accentuated the harsh change in temperature.

Sloan brushed past Martin, with another load of now wet wood and dropped it by the fireplace.

“Let’s go Morgan, get the rest of the wood inside.”

“Glad you finally knew I had a name,” Elizabeth yelled at McDonald, who looked back surprised at the

strength and sarcasm in her voice.

“All I know is that you’re a friend of the Anglo, so you’re not a friend of mine,” Martin quickly replied. “Just get your job done.” He held the door for Warlock and Isabelle who came in with water dripping off their clothes and faces. Warlock entered carrying the large box of provisions. It was becoming bitter cold outside.

“Sloan, get a fire going,” Martin yelled at Kurt.

“I’m going to need a flashlight to check out the chimney,” he replied.

Martin walked over and handed him a narrow black flashlight, “Here, take this for now. We’ll pick it up when you’re done. Just clear it out and get the fire going.”

Kurt went up to the wide opening of the fireplace and looked up the chimney. He found a handle to the side, pulled it, and heard a scraping sound. An avalanche of leaves, dirt, and parts of bird’s nests fell to the floor. He leaned under the opening and looked up the dark channel and could see a bit of light. He pushed an assortment of debris on to the hearth. His mind began to drift to the two women. It was incredible how they came on the scene. They would have been the last people he would have suspected of being his UN contacts. He realized he had to act like he knew nothing, but he was experiencing a combination of excitement, anxiety and a bit of fear.

‘Who are these ladies, anyway?’ he thought.

“We can use some of this stuff as kindling,” he said to the others. “I want to find out exactly what you’re up to McDonald because I promised Elizabeth she would get back to her farm.”

“No one is going to any farm, Sloan. I’ve said this once before. Listen to me. You’re both going back to Pittsburgh. Why do you think I’ve taken a whole week of my time and that of Major Warlock? This is serious trouble you and you lady friend are in. You have got some explaining to do. Get it? For your information and hers too, I think we’ve already been to the farm. We searched it pretty good. Nice old place, but I don’t think either one of you is going to be seeing it again for quite a while. By the way, don’t give me anymore of your holier than thou attitude you always used back at the house. One day you’re working for Alleghenia and the next day you take off for the land of your dreams with government secrets. That’s treason, plain and simple. So, for now, just do as you’re told. Get that fire started and yes, we do need to talk, but I’ll be asking questions and you’ll be answering them. Any more wood coming,” he shouted.

Kurt, who was on his knees collecting the kindling while Sloan had been ranting, just kept working the wood pile. He didn’t acknowledge Martin. “Do you now understand, Sloan?” he said leaning over toward him.

“Loud and clear McDonald,” Kurt responded in a monotone.

Martin leaned down and picked up the black flashlight he’d given Kurt. The living area was silent as Martin stepped away from Kurt.

“Sloan, just get that fire going. We’re going to need heat in here,” and turned away from Kurt.

Elizabeth joined him and pulled a long wooden match from a narrow box in her backpack and lit the pile of wooden debris. “What was that all about?” she asked.

“It took all I had to keep quiet. Knowing those UN ladies were here made me keep my mouth shut.”

“Good move. Okay, let’s get this fire going. No matter how this works out, it’s going to be a cold night in here.”

The wood slowly caught fire and Elizabeth began to wave at it with her hands. The fire began to crackle, then roared with red orange flames reaching up into the bowels of the stone chimney. Kurt laid more wood in a triangular pattern to allow air to move into the building fire. He was amazed at the heat that filled the living area. No matter what happened tomorrow they still had to survive the night.

Outside the waves of wind and rain became mixed with heavy flaked snow. It was quickly becoming more

snow than rain as the swirl of flakes, began to cover everything in a brilliant white. Warlock’s prediction was right on schedule. It was a blinding storm. Tree limbs could be heard creaking and sighing from the barrage of wind and snow. It was incredible that in such a short time the weather could become so devastating.

Inside Fallingwater, the fireplace was now blazing. The last of the wood was added to a pile of assorted logs and limbs besode the fireplace on the stone floor. Since the loss of light outside, it had become like a medieval castle.

“Okay. Anyone see candles anywhere?” Martin said to the group gathered around the fire.

Warlock answered Martin’s question, “I didn’t find any candles, but we have some emergency lights from the Skimmer. I’ll make one more run to see what is left. Gotta go now before it gets much worse,” said Warlock, zipping up his jacket. “There’s more food rations, plus some lighting materials in the tail section. It’s a tricky mechanism.”

“No, I’ll go”, Martin said. You keep this place organized. Just tell me where the stuff is you need.”

“Behind the left rear seat there is a storage compartment, bring in what is left.

“Okay. I’m off. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Make sure the historian and the others don’t do anything funny, like throw a disc in the fire.”

“It’s covered,” Warlock said as he took off his coat.

Martin went to the front door and opened it slowly. A rush of snow and cold air poured across the living area making the flames wave. Martin quickly left and the door slammed shut.

“You heard him Sloan, stay where I can keep an eye on you. We’ve got to organize what we have.” E

Elizabeth spoke up, “There are boxes upstairs in a bedroom on the second floor. I found some folding chairs, blankets and a couple of old mattresses. There’s more stuff, but I didn’t check it all out.”

“We’ll go see,” Isabelle said. Come on Elena, come with me.” she said.

“No, you go one at a time. When one gets back, the other can go, assuming you find something. Go ahead, big one?” Warlock said, waving his weapon at Isabelle.

“Big one, you say, big one. I take that as a compliment,” Isabelle came back at Warlock. For the first time, there was broad smile on his face.

“Whatever, go ahead,” he said. Isabelle hurried toward the entry area. Her steps could be heard echoing off the stone walls as she hustled up the stairs.

“Well, we’re getting somewhere,” Warlock said to the others. He looked at Kurt and Elizabeth and said, “Listen you two, I don’t know exactly what this all about, but I do know what the warrant states and what McDonald is saying. My orders were to fly McDonald wherever he wanted to go and follow his instructions. My job was to find you and get you back to Alleghenia Security. The first part is done and now we have to wait out this storm before the mission is completed. Sloan, I suggest you cooperate because if you cause any trouble for us, I have my orders and I will carry them out. My mind works simply. We found nothing in our first check so I want you both to get your backpacks and bring them back here. Kurt and Elizabeth brought them back to where Warlock was standing.

“Empty your backpacks on the floor. We need to see every pocket open.”

Sloan and Elizabeth emptied their contents in front of a large boulder on the floor.

He scattered his items on the floor, “Some rations, coffee, my notebook, underwear, two changes of clothes, shaving kit, and some other stuff. Maybe a few things we can use tonight,” said Kurt.

Elizabeth added, “Here’s all I got. Some women stuff too, which won’t help. There’s some peanut butter, muffins, and fruit, which will help.”

Warlock poked at their belongings with his hand. He came to a bag that was wrapped tightly.” He poked at it and said suspiciously, “Okay, what’s this?”

Elizabeth laughed and said, “Oh, that’s just some old Scotch whiskey. We’ll not suffer from lack of libation, if anyone cares to indulge.”

Warlock looked up and at her saying, “Scotch, Jesus, I haven’t seen that lovely liquor in a couple of years. Let me see that.” He leaned over and grabbed the bag carefully. He unwrapped two bottles and looked closely at the labels on their cardboard containers. A smile slowly spread over his face, one of the rare smiles for this professional military man. “I’ll be in charge of this. When McDonald gets back, we’ll put all our goods together. See what we have, then we’ll wait out this storm, but I’ll take special care of this. Where the hell did this all come from?” Warlock asked as he flopped one of the containers over in his large hands. He put it on the floor and began to rip it apart. He pulled loose the bottle with a white label and looked closely at it. “Jesus Christ, this won’t be so bad after all. You drink this stuff Miss Morgan? If you do, I gotta think twice before helping turn in a woman carrying this stuff around,” he said half laughing. “It must be over thirty years old by now. Think it’s still good?”

“It is”, she said emphatically. “I’ve had a taste or two over the last year. It’s a rare single malt from the Hebrides. My father’s favorite. Go ahead, have some. I’ll join you whenever you crack it open.”

“Can’t now, we need to get things orderly here first. Don’t want to get off track. Duty first, which reminds me.

Sloan, I was just thinking, since we’re looking through all your gear, why don’t you just cough up that disc. If you have it, give it to me now. It will make your hearing much easier in Pittsburgh. I’ll tell them you turned it in voluntarily. Okay, one more time, drop your drawers and we’ll get on with the search,” Warlock said.

“I don’t have any disc on me, I’m telling you”, Kurt replied.

“Okay, the rest see if you can find any other supplies to help us get through the night. Sloan, drop them now,”

Warlock growled dropping his mild demeanor quickly.

Kurt slowly took off his clothes again, stepping slowly on to the hearthstone. He was standing in a set of tan underwear. “Now what, Mr. Warlock? You want me take these off too?” he said.

“Stay that way, smart guy. Keep that up, and you’ll have me all over you. I want you to do an arm stretch, straight up.” Warlock held the laser gun while he patted Kurt’s body. I havee have all your telecommunication devices, now put that watch and jewelry in this pouch.”

Kurt tried to keep calm as he removed his wrist unit and two rings. He dropped them into a clear pouch that Warlock held in front of him. “OK, that’s all for now. I’ll check them later and Security will do a further search plus a skin and internal scan. If you have it, we’ll find it, but it would be better if you just gave it to me.

“I don’t have it, Major, can I get dressed now?”

“Go ahead, that’s your story. Grab a seat over there on the floor. We need to settle in for a while.” Elizabeth came back with her arms full of blankets and put them down where Kurt was sitting. At the same time, Isabelle and Elena came back carrying an old mattress and more blankets.

“Anything left up there?” Warlock asked.

“No, just a couple more blankets and a few cushions that we can use as pillows,” Elizabeth answered.

Warlock ordered everyone to sit down. We’ll wait for McDonald to return from the Skimmer. They were all sitting back from the fire. Through the dark framed windows the snow could be seen by light from the fire as it flew against glass. The stream could be heard roaring a bit higher from the step area below. Another winter at Fallingwater, which had weathered everything a winter could muster over its long history. Once again, early this year, winter had arrived, and it still echoed with the integrated sound and sway of nature ricocheting off its still stylistic stone, cement, and glass.