2050 by Dave Borland - HTML preview

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chapter forty

Martin returned covered in snow, dragging a collection of survival materials, including food packs. “We can use some of this,” Martin said as placed the items on the floor. “Looks like its dinner time.”

Isabelle and Elena began eating the food Elizabeth and Kurt had carried in their backbacks

Between the flickering flames and several emergency lights from the Skimmer, the living area was an eerie combination of light and shadows.

Warlock pulled McDonald aside, “Got the toilet working. It should work for awhile. We have to keep putting snow into the cabinet. We have the fire going, mucho water, and with what you just brought in, enough rations for at least two nights. Hopefully we won’t be here after tonight.”

“Let them know. You’re the authority figure. I think it’s better if you act like you’re in charge,” Martin said to Warlock.

Warlock laughed and quietly replied, “You know, you sure have a way with pissing people off, even me. I’ll play your game,” he said sourly.

“Listen up, everyone. We’re set, at least for tonight. Ladies, the toilet works, for now. Men, we’ll go outside, if need be. We have plenty of water and food. We just have to keep that fire going all night. We’ll take shifts,”

Warlock said firmly.

“Home sweet home,” said Isabelle.

Over the next few minutes, this odd group sat in a circle around the fire like a scene from an old western movie when cowboys sat watching the flames lick into a dark and foreboding coyote sounding night. No one was talking, it was warm near this fire tonight at Fallingwater in the year, 2050. Each had warmth and sufficient food. The fire crackled, Warlock put on more logs, and they sizzled because they were a bit damp. No one moved or talked, they seemed mesmerized by the roaring flames. It was if they were all were mulling over their reasons for being here, at this particular moment and trying to figure the outcome after this night was over.

Martin made the first overture.

“Listen. I want to say something and only want to say this once. This is for you three ladies. Major Warlock and I are holding Kurt Sloan over there on suspicion of taking important data that belongs to the country of Atlantica. That’s called treason. This is not my work. My life is as a student. Study is all that I know. Soon I will be sent to Paris to continue these studies, so I can come back and help my people and this country succeed.

Over the last few weeks I believe that man over there downloaded the development plans of the Aquifer System. That’s treason in my way of thinking. That is why Warlock and I are here and why he is going back to Pittsburgh, his old homeland, for interrogation. You others may be different, I don’t know how involved you may be in this plot. I don’t know if you,” he looked at Elizabeth, “are an old friend or just an accomplice. As far as you two are concerned,” he said looking at Isabelle and Elena, “I certainly don’t know why two attractive, intelligent women in uniform with weapons are snooping around our craft in the middle of the night. Your story is pretty good, but your accent is not quite South Carolinian. You all are suspects. Don’t think about not cooperating with me or Major Warlock. This is the way it is,” he said sternly. “Is that understood?” he ended looking directly at Kurt and then slowly to all gathered about the fire.

No one replied. After a minute, Kurt got up and went to the window panels in the living area next to the fireplace. He stood in shadows, but light flickered from the changing, soaring flames coming from the fireplace.

He looked out through the windows. He said wistfully as if he was by himself, “That’s some storm out there, some storm. It reminds me of so many that I have seen, felt, and even played in over the years. When we were young, we loved to play in the snow.” His tone was dreamlike as he continued quietly, “Everything has changed since those days, everything,” Kurt finished still looking out through the windows. Then he looked back to the group realizing that he had been reminiscing out loud and said, “It’s like what we’re getting tonight, weather off of Lake Erie,” he finished quietly without acknowledging Martin who stared at him with contempt.

“You almost had me in tears, Sloan. Here you are accused of treason and you talk about your perfect, yet, sordid past. That doesn’t get you off the hook in this day and age. Back to my point, Sloan. Did you take the data? Did you create a chip of that data?” Martin said, his voice rising. Kurt did not respond.

“I’m tired of waiting for him to turn over that data, Warlock. The data is somewhere, either here or at the farm.

If we can’t find it, we may have to go back in a couple of days and tear the farm apart.”

Kurt could tell this comment brought fear into Elizabeth’s face. “McDonald you mentioned the Aquifer System a while ago. Do you have a clue why I would be interested in this system? Do you know who built the water system?” he quietly asked Martin.

“All I know and all I care to know is that it belongs to Alleghenia and it will be fully operational in a few months.” Martin said, glaring at Kurt.

Kurt calmly looked at Martin and said, “McDonald, my father spent twenty years of his life designing that system to be the world’s largest, and most importantly, the greatest distributor of water to the entire population.

He built it for all people, rich or poor. Did you hear what I said, McDonald? All people! Now your great country doesn’t want to share this system with all people. Atlantica is going to blackmail millions of people in this hemisphere for its own gain which is not what my father or the U.S. intended for this great water system.

Maybe that’s why I was looking at my father’s legacy, McDonald,” Kurt said angrily.

“You never give up, do you? You come up with one fantasy after another. Our country would never do that, never. Am I supposed to be impressed by your father having something to do with the System? I’m not, believe me. Sloan you’re incredible. Hooray for your father.”

“That’s right, McDonald. Three cheers for my old line Anglo dad, who made sure the system was made

accessible to all It looks like your great democracy is not going to abide by it’s original intent or the UN


Martin looked back at Kurt without any expression. The living room was silent, none of the six moved. Finally, Martin pounded his fist and turned abruptly towards Kurt.

“You are amazing. You’re quite a story teller, Sloan, but I don’t believe you. But I do know our country will do whatever is necessary to protect our future. But the bit about your father was touching. It’s commendable that your father is a hero in your eyes. So be it. That has nothing to do with you stealing valuable information from my government.

“Warlock, it’s getting late. Tie up Sloan and his friend for the night. As soon as this storm breaks, we’ll be out of here. You two,” he said to Isabelle and Elena, “sit over there by the others.” Martin walked over to them took out the plastic wrist bands and strapped them on the women.

Warlock finished tying Kurt and Elizabeth’s hands. He knelt down by the fireplace. “I’ll work on this fire during the night. We’re going to have to take turns McDonald with these people if you want to keep an eye on them,” he said as he began stirring the burning coals.

“It’s near ten. You watch them until midnight and then I’ll take over until three. If I’m tired, I’ll wake you, if not, I’ll stay until dawn. I don’t ever sleep much. No one is going anywhere in this weather. I want to make sure everything is tied down here, so that when we leave in the morning, we can go right to the Skimmer and get to Pittsburgh. That’s my mission. Security will be pleased with the work we’ve done Warlock, believe me. This will do us both a lot of good,” Martin said.

“I don’t know about that, nor do I care. I know the folks in Security. If that guy has any information, they’ll get it, one way or the other. I was listening carefully when you two were talking about the Aquifer, because that’s where I’m going for permanent assignment next month. I’ll be in charge of airborne security based in

Johnstown. If that guy is jeopardizing that facility, I’m glad I was asked to help you. In fact I’m going to contact them right now. Give them an update so they can be ready for us when we arrive. Since you’re the leader of this search, I’ll let you talk to the Supervisor, then I’ll get on and talk to the Investigators,” Warlock said. He went near the outside patio windows in the dark and could be heard talking to his superiors. Martin noticed the fire going down and added some of the large, dry limbs to the receding fire. It blazed again. He noticed all four of them had their eyes closed.

Out of the darkness came Warlock holding a tiny, compact phone in the palm of his hand. He gave it to Martin.

“It’s Sludge, for you, McDonald,” Warlock said impressed.