Fiction Books
Legends for Lionel: In Pen and Pencil
Legends for Lionel: in Pen and Pencil by Walter Crane
A Country Gentleman and His Family
Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant (née Margaret Oliphant Wilson) (4 April 1828 – 25 June 1897), was a Scottish novelist and historical writer, who usually wrote as Mrs. Oliphant. Her fictional works encompass "domestic realism, the historical novel and tales of the supernatural".The story...
West African Folk-Tales
Rating: Rated: 1 times
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In presenting to the public these stories based on the folk-lore of the Gold Coast peoples, it seems necessary to say something in general terms of the economic and social development of the colony in so far as that development is affecting the ‘lore’ of the folk. Not until the civilization...
The Ranger Boys and Their Reward
“Well, now that everything is going all right at the camp here, I suppose we might as well say goodbye to our friends and get ready for the return to the West Branch and resume our duties on the forest fire patrol,” remarked Garfield Boone to his chums as they sat in the crude office of the...
The Woman of Knockaloe: A Parable
Knockaloe is a large farm on the west of the Isle of Man, a little to the south of the fishing town of Peel. From the farmstead I can see the harbour and the breakwater, with the fishing boats moored within and the broad curve of the sea outside. There is a ridge of hills that separates the farm...
Samantha in Europe
Twilight on the broad ocean! Smooth, wild waste of blue-gray waters stretchin’ out as fur as the eye could reach on every side. In the east a silvery moon hangin’ low and a shinin’ path leadin’ up to it. In the west Mars a-dazzlin’ bright over a pale pink sky, with streaks of yeller and...
In Texas with Davy Crockett
The towering stacks of the steamboat “Mediterranean” sent their clouds of smoke, black and wind rent, across the sky; her sharp bow cut the yellow waters of the Mississippi and dashed the spray as high as her rails. The cabins were thronged with passengers; the forward deck was tiered high...
The Cruise of the 'Scandal' and other stories
One must never forget, said George solemnly, "that rank has its duties as well as its privileges." I helped myself to another glass of champagne. "What is it you want me to do?" I asked. "I have no wish to dictate to you in any way," he answered. "I am merely offering you my advice. As your elder...
Greensea Island: A Mystery of the Essex Coast
I was leaning over the starboard railing, waiting for a boat, when Ross, the ship's doctor, came sauntering along the deck, puffing contentedly at a large Manilla cigar. "Hullo, Dryden!" he observed, in that pleasant drawling voice of his. "Busy as usual?" Having just completed five hours'...
Bees, Shown to the Children
No matter how small an insect may be, it is sure to teach us something interesting if we study its habits, and try to find out how the various parts of its body are used. Perhaps of all the thousands of different insects upon the earth, the most wonderful of all are Bees. When we speak of bees we...